We have a number of countries (40+ being claimed) which want to join the BRICS block of economies.
End of the Dollar: South Africa Says Over 40 Countries Want to Join BRICS
Spearheaded by the communists in China of course, as an attempt to harm the USA. These guys, the ones with the faltering economy, said faltering being covered up like flies on something smelly.
Xi Demands Patience as Chinese Economy Crumbles
The solution, for us, is quite simple. We announce 100% tarrifs on all imported goods from any BRICS country or any country trading with them in the brics currency of choice (yuan).
Trump would do it in a heartbeat.
Argentina is on that list, and yet the leading candidate for the presidency there, Javier Milei, plans to ABOLISH the Argentine peso and replace it with, get this –
That would be Trump supported Javier Milei in case you were wondering.
Argentina to Embrace the Dollar as their Currency
I’ll just go ahead and announce it now – BRICS is a dead end for every country that signs on.
Other opinions welcome! Spit them out!
“You can’t negotiate with leftards. You don’t negotiate with trash because they will end you! And since we are so much better than them, since we are defeating them in the cultural battle, we’re not only superior economically, we’re MORALLY superior, we’re aesthetically superior, we’re better than them at everything. And it hurts them. It hurts them. And since they can’t beat our arguments and ideas peacefully, they use the repressive apparatus of the state to try to destroy us, with taxpayer money to influence public opinion and destroy us, and yet they’re still losing! You understand? They’re losing. They’re desperate. Shit leftists are losing the cultural war. For the first time ever, leftards are cornered!”
Japanese exports to China decline 14.4%
China is imploding, and it is happening faster than you can imagine.
40 countries, comprising 85% of the world’s population, and a combined GDP for every nation but China somewhere between that of either Connecticut or Wyoming.
In a good year.
Why does anyone pay any attention to those shithole countries for anything?
Oh, and in addition to the tarriffs you suggested, a ban on any further US immigration from those countries, until further notice. No friends, no relatives, nobody. Anybody here from them on a green card has to go back as well.
All US aid thenceward suspended indefinitely, and recall all development loans as well.
If you like your Turd World shithole, you can keep your Turd World shithole.
Actions have consequences. Enjoy the dung heap.
Agreed, tariffs are not the only solution.
I’ve commented before about the economies and the social stability of the BRICS nations. In sum: hahahahaha