Worried about being overweight? Need to lose a few pounds? Fret not; with an assist from a capricious and pissed-off Mother Nature, our benevolent One World Goobermint has got ya covered.
The Horseman Are Riding
We finally got a little much needed rain on Sunday, it wasn’t a ton, maybe half an inch, but it was desperately needed. Most of the crops around here are at the early growing stages when a lack of rain can mean poor yields come harvest time and all of the hay fields that were cut a few weeks ago have been baking in the near drought conditions, so the second cutting of hay might be crap. More rain is expected today and maybe Thursday.All in all, it wasn’t a huge deal but another week like that would have been bad.
It reminded me of how fragile the food supply, seemingly limitless and reliable on the surface, truly is and especially how dangerous tinkering with that food supply can be.
The world is a big place with lots of room for people but the number of people in the world has been growing rapidly and in some regions is accelerating while other regions have seen fertility in a free-fall.
In 1987 when I was an underclassman in high school the world had around 5 billion people but just a few years ago in 2019 it had grown by more than 50%. Last November the UN “celebrated” the global population hitting a new milestone of 8 billion people. 8,000,000,000 people is a lot and the picture they chose was appropriate.
The pic of which Arthur speaks, which he helpfully includes in his post, is extremely heavy on the black and brown skin-tones, as one would expect.
In just 12 years the global population increased by a billion people, or an additional 83 million mouths to feed every year. That is a net increase the equivalent of the entire population of Germany every year, and the new people are not Germans. Only 19 nations in the world have that many people, so we are adding not just the equivalent of a new nation of people every year but really it is more like several nations worth of people annually. As I am sure most of us realize, these new nations are not full of successful, high IQ people….
In a nutshell?
We have to celebrate diversity by looting first world White and East Asian nations who have their population under control to subsidize the out of control fecundity of Africans, Middle Easterners and South Asians.
It would seem obvious that adding a couple of new nations worth of people every year, and mostly from the dumbest people in the world, would mean that food security is a big deal and we should be concerned about finding ways to feed these people. That is what you would think…
Nah, not for shitlibs, whose motto, in all times and circumstances, might as well be have no fear, Big Daddy Gubmint will provide! Closer to the truth of the matter is something our old friend Kim DuToit always says: Africa wins again!
Slaughtering 200,000 cows in Ireland to fight “climate change” at the same time that the world is adding a net nearly 100 million people every year makes sense to no one but it is just the latest assault on food production in Europe. It may not be necessary though. The general news in the food world isn’t great and is actually pretty concerning…..
Kansas Wheat Harvest Will Be The Smallest Since 1957 And U.S. Corn Is Being Absolutely Devastated By Drought
That isn’t a typo, back in 1957 the country had far fewer people and farming was still mostly done by smaller family farms.
We usually get a dry stretch in the Corn Belt but it comes later after the corn is pretty tall and already working on ears. When it hits this early it will stunt corn growth when it is most vulnerable. Corn goes into lots of food but where it really makes a difference is in livestock feed. Cattle, hogs, chickens all mostly eat a corn based diet. You can feed them other stuff, like grass and hay for cattle, but it takes much longer to get the animals to market weight.
In sum, then, we’re doing basically all of the things we shouldn’t be doing, and none of the things we should be. Arthur’s bottom-line closer is well worth clicking over to read, chilling though it all is.
We added a billion people on earth in 12 years? Sounds suspect.
In 1987 there were 5 Billion and now there are 8 billion. I remember there were around 2.4 billion people in China and India alone back then. I think 5 Billion in 1987 is also wrong.
Also, I seem to remember people only mentioning there were 6.5 Billion today.
I may be misremembering, but are we sure this person’s numbers are real?
Estimates now are 8 billion. What is their source? I’d bet all of these groups have the same ultimate source, which may not be all that accurate.
However, over half live in China, India, or Africa. Meaning the rest of earth is not so stressed out.
I see the number 8 Billion from Worldometer. You know, the website that tallied breathlessly the trillion deaths from WuFlu. Skeptical. So I searched further.
Wikipedia has the Census Bureau at 7.3 Billion in 2016.
They show 6 billion in 2000.
Estimates of historical world population – Wikipedia
Sorry, but I’m still skeptical.
These are the Malthusians who say there are far too many humans. Then there’s the loons that want only 500 Million around. (Then there are the psychos that want none.)
I think skepticism is warranted.