Everybody who thinks there’s the proverbial snowball’s chance that this will ever happen, please raise your hands.
Great Idea! Trump Calls for Defunding the FBI and DOJ
Donald Trump said it in an all-caps message on Truth Social Wednesday morning: “REPUBLICANS IN CONGRESS SHOULD DEFUND THE DOJ AND FBI UNTIL THEY COME TO THEIR SENSES. THE DEMOCRATS HAVE TOTALLY WEAPONIZED LAW ENFORCEMENT IN OUR COUNTRY AND ARE VICIOUSLY USING THIS ABUSE OF POWER TO INTERFERE WITH OUR ALREADY UNDER SIEGE ELECTIONS!” The usual suspects are enraged, but really, where was Trump wrong? Do American taxpayers really need to subsidize agencies that have become the enforcement arm of the authoritarian Left?
Uh HUH. “Until they come to their senses,” is it? And just when, pray tell, do you expect THAT to happen, exactly?
As y’all know, I’ve been advocating loud and long for dismantling the FBI root, branch, and bough for years now. Defunding that particular Swamp pit would be a fine start along that road, so good on Trump for suggesting it. But the sad fact is, it ain’t at all likely to happen, even if he does somehow find a way to get “elected” in 2024…which, if anything, is less likely still. There’s only one way defunding the FBI ever will, and that of necessity will have to involve a fair bit of gunplay, I’m afraid. Tyrants hardly ever just docilely agree to cede their power to those they stole it from without it.
Update! I meant to include more of what Spencer had to say in the above-cited piece, then hit “Send to blog” prematurely. Pardonnez-moi for that blunder; here’s the rest.
Why should patriotic Americans continue to be forced to fund agencies that are weaponized to harass and persecute them? The FBI and DOJ have been energetic purveyors of the Jan. 6 “insurrection” hoax, making the lives of numerous Americans miserable for the crime of being in Washington on Jan. 6, 2021. They have opened terrorism investigations against parents for the crime of being angry over their children being subjected to critical race theory in primary school. They have harassed and terrorized pro-life activists. They have manufactured “white supremacist terrorists” so as to justify the Biden regime’s ridiculous and oft-repeated claims about what constitutes the largest terror threat the nation faces today.
If we had a savvy, aggressive opposition in America today, its leaders would be challenging the Leftist establishment to defend the idea that the Justice Department and the FBI were still worthy of Americans’ trust. They would be demanding that Merrick Garland and Christopher Wray demonstrate that they had any interest at all in administering fair and impartial justice rather than simply serving as the muscle for the Democrat Party and its allies. They would be doing everything they could to cut funding for these agencies to the bone and publishing plans for top-to-bottom reform that would eliminate the corrupt and politicized regime apparatchiks that currently infest these agencies.
Instead, however, we’re getting chuckling at Donald Trump’s supposed idiocy and flagrant misrepresentations of what he actually said. This could pose an even more serious threat to freedom in the long run than the politicized legal persecution of Trump. If the reform of these corrupt agencies, which is obviously most urgently needed, can be so airily waved away, what chance do patriots stand? Trump is right: the FBI and DOJ as they are currently constituted should indeed be defunded.
They should, yes, but they won’t. Like I said above, only one way that happens, and it’s neither pretty nor pleasant.
Updated update! Via WRSA, unreconstructed Southron Padraig Martin says we should stop searching for heroes. He ain’t wrong about that.
One of the reasons so many people love Trump is that he became an accidental hero to an angry electorate. Trump, unlike every other tired politician in 2015/6, did not balance his words, consult with polling data, or regurgitate tired old conservative talking points. He came across as a genuine, albeit flawed man. When his Administration failed on so many levels – especially in 2020 – much of it was understandably the result of bad administration selections. Trump was placed in a position to hire all of the Bush rejects to field his White House. But much of that goes back on Trump, himself. After all, the buck stops with the boss, which is why so many others are disappointed in him – especially as it pertains to his inaction in 2020 regarding both the extraordinarily violent leftwing rioting around these United States and the Fauci-driven Covidian totalitarianism. It is my opinion that Trump was a well-intentioned man who did not know (and likely still does not know) the mechanisms of Washington power. Obama, a purely evil character, was a master at manipulating the levers of power to get his way for eight years, but even Obama had the benefit of two Bush Administrations and eight years of Clinton to lay the groundwork for his globalist vision. Trump lacked the insider knowledge and the support to get things done.
What Trump proves is that Americans who genuinely care about the future of their country desperately want a hero. They hoped Trump was that hero. To many, he always will be a hero. But neither Trump nor anyone else in elected office will ever be a hero. They are just ordinary men within a system that is too great to destroy from within. It cannot be turned around because it feeds on itself. The only way the current system fails is through consuming itself to the point of collapse. A single hero will not make that happen – although Putin seems to be the closest to succeeding.
It is at about this time that Christians will say, “Jesus is my hero!” Whereas I agree with them – Jesus is my hero, too – God selects men to be heroes for His people. Jesus can be the guide, protection, and salvation for that individual, but we know things are so bad right now that we need support on earth ASAP. The fact is, no singular individual will fill that role.
It is time to stop looking for heroes and become one yourself. Heroism requires taking a stand. It requires courage and bravery. It requires moral clarity. Most people on earth lack those qualities. But enough people taking a defiant stand can force change.
You’re gonna want to read the rest of it for sure.
“come to their senses” doesn’t mean trump expects they will.
The DOJ and it’s subsidiary, the FBI, are part of the executive branch and the head of the executive branch is the president.
I have advocated for the complete closing of the FBI and DOJ for many years. Do I think Trump will do that? No. But I do think having been burnt by them he will make their lives much smaller.
I do get tired of the know nothings that make so may bullshit statements about Trump.
Link here will tell you how much Trump knew he faced at the outset. Give it 5 minutes to learn something.
The Inaugural Address:
Just to be clear for the morons that sometimes pop up – Trump is not the only man capable of leading the country in a better direction, but he is the only one running for the office with proven results, the only one running for the office not bought by the likes of Rupert Murdoch and the Bush family*, the only one running for office that speaks clearly and tells you what he will do, then tries to do it.
*that’s a general statement. The Wall St class is anti-American to their core and buy politicians like candy.
It would seem so.
OTOH, a president could make life more difficult once he has learned there is no hope to save America without first burning a good portion of it to the ground.
That link was there when I posted the comment.
OK, it’s there again. I just clicked it and up it comes.
I do believe my comment links are being removed…