As a not-at-all-great child-man once said: you would think they’d be saying thank you.
Yes. Really. Europe is the birthplace of Western Civilization. Even before the Greeks the Yamnaya of the European Steppes, inventors of the wheel and tamers of the horse we began. Their migrations brought their language and technology and culture to India, Persia, Scandinavia, Hispania, Rus and more. Their primary God was the father of Odin and Zeus/Jupiter.
Then, the Greeks and Romans developed Western Civilization. Byzantium carried on Rome until the Ottomans overran it. In Northern Europe the German warrior kings in Germania, Francia, and Brittania rekindled Roman technology, law, religion. They rediscovered the incredible and advanced scientific, mathematic, legal and philosophic though of Greece and more of Rome. They sailed forth into the unknown and charted the seven seas, mapped the world, developed all of the technologies the world so desperately wants and the legal and philosophical systems they want to burn only to enjoy the material scraps of once great people and nations.
They built cathedrals, advanced art, wrote cantatas and fugues and symphonies. They built universities, hospitals, sub-oceanic and satellite communications networks. They built railroads and invented aviation and the machines that made it possible. They split the atom and unleashed the safest cleanest form of energy man has ever discovered. They built spacecraft and ten of their great men walked on the moon. The West towered over the world in every dimension of civilization.
Then came the 60s. The subversives of the Frankfurt School and other aliens who would capitalize on the hubris and demoralization of a corrupt, ignoble, weak and short sighted managerial class in The West took root. In exchange for forestalling a manageable financial bankruptcy they sabotaged their people and their children to be nice to be everyone else as a facade for cowardice and feathering their own nests.
Or, rather, fouling them. As their ilk does, and always will do.
These comments that question the greatness of The West illustrate the fall – the demoralization and apologetic deference of a self defeated people. They suffer extreme demoralization and contempt for themselves and their ancestors. So now within The West we have arrived at the great bifurcation. Those who will recommit to themselves – the people who built The West. They will preserve themselves and its spirit manifest in its culture. They will survive and one day re-emerge to shine their great light upon the world.
The other fork will consist of those who will abandon themselves and stay lost in self loathing, moral confusion and self righteous self immolation that utilizes quackery produced anti-Western books as a crutch of righteous indignation – a cope to escape the demoralization of their fallen civilizations and nations. They will be overwhelmed by the rabble of globalist immigration who will repay their false belief that the foreign hordes will hold hands and join them in an endless chorus of Kumbaya for universal brotherhood. They will check out in medicine ceremonies, indulge in quack self help groups and honor the spirit ancestors of stone age hunter gatherers. They will thus spit on their ancestor’s graves. They will be overwhelmed by the foreign and angry rabble, and their lights will go out – for eternity.
That leads me to a major component of chaos that is missed entirely in JKH’s predictions. That is the massive wave of un-assimilated, alien, illegal and legal immigrants throughout Europe and America. They are currently supported and elevated above the indigenous and heritage populations of The West. They are taught and told to hate The West and the very populations who they were welcomed in to replace. Some groups carry a blood libel against the people and nations of The West. It is a libel that has been coddled and encouraged and facilitated by the degenerate and unfit ruling elites (who) can’t see what will happen when their children are a tiny minority who taught the new majority to hate them and to feel right in dispossessing them.
Add that hot spice to the cauldron and list of utter failings of the corrupt and suicidal ruling regime that turned against itself and its people who are The West.
History doesn’t repeat itself? Like bleedin’ hell it doesn’t.
Update! An alternative view from commenter Walter B: “The Tigris and Euphrates was the birthplace of civilization. Europe was the birthplace of the downfall of civilization.” Heh.
I’ve been in 60+ countries, many of them 3rd world grade. I’ve never been to a single 3rd world country that the people didn’t express a desire to come to America for freedom and opportunity. Every country in the West I’ve been to always showed their jealousy of our achievement.
We cannot assimilate the hordes of 3rd world uneducated people that are now crossing the border. We cannot pay for them, not for long anyway.
Our American welfare class had best figure this out, as soon enough the illegal invasion will break the working Americans and they will no longer pay for the welfare class. We have been wealthy enough to afford the deadbeats and the genuinely needy, but that is coming to an end.
When it’s finished, and I have no idea if that will happen in my remaining years, the illegal class will have to go back. Just as Ike rounded up the “wetbacks”* and sent them back, that day will come again.
*”The short-lived operation used military-style tactics to remove Mexican immigrants—some of them American citizens—from the United States.”
Western Civilization has a thread thousands of years deep.
This won’t be the century it is extinguished.