Vengeance is ours, sayeth the Deep State.
Treasury Department inspector general to audit DeSantis migrant flight spending
Treasury Department inspector general to review whether any federal money was spent inappropriatelyThe Treasury Department inspector general confirmed in a letter to Democratic lawmakers that the agency is planning to audit whether spending by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on migrant flights was improper.
The lawmakers asked the Treasury Department to look into whether Florida improperly used American Rescue Plan funds for the migrant flights to Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts, which drew widespread media attention.
Florida lawmakers authorized a $12 million migrant program funded with interest earnings from the federal Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund, according to documents.
“As part of its
oversight responsibilities for the State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fundcampaign to deal out a good, hard smackdown to this uppity bastard and make sure he damned well knows he better stay in his proper place, OR ELSE, The Treasury Office of the Inspector General has audit work planned on recipients’ compliance with eligible use guidance,” the Office of the Inspector General wrote in a letter dated Oct. 7 and made public Wednesday.
Fixed it for ya, asshole-eyes.
Democrats’ appeal to the Treasury and the newly announced audit are only the latest in a series of attempts to push back on the Florida governor after DeSantis transported migrants from Texas to the progressive bastion of Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts — a move Democrats have blasted as a “terrible idea” and a “publicity stunt.”
Sen. Ed Markey, D-Mass., celebrated the announcement Wednesday, taking credit for spurring the Treasury Department into action.
Yeah, because we all know how very conscientious DemonRats like this Markey turdball are about making sure FederalGovCo funds aren’t misallocated or *shudder* frittered away for no good purpose and all.
See, this is exactly why I wrote to Christina Pushaw urging her to prevail upon DeSantis The Barbarian to stay in Florida and not waste his time and effort running for President. As they did unto Trump, so they will surely do unto DeSantis. And a DeSantis under siege in the White House, like Trump was, isn’t much use to anybody; like Trump, whatever good he might accomplish can only come about by executive order. And like Trump, every bit of it will be undone before noon on January 20th after the next DemonRat usurper defrauds his way into the seat of power, as if none of it had ever even happened.
And even that assumes that they don’t steal the election in 2024, for some incomprehensible reason. Stay in FLA, Guv; we need you there, not Mordor On The Potomac surrounded by Sauron’s orcs, trolls, and Winged Nazgul hordes.
Can a full-proctological IRS audit, a wee-hours FBI raid on the Governor’s Mansion, and a lengthy cortège of crackwhores claiming DeSantis coerced them all into having abortions after date-rape drugging them at one of his frequent crystal-meth parties be long in coming?
(Via Divemedic)
The goal of every Red State Governor should be elimination of Fed Funds. It’s simply a handcuff.
Where they truly interested in maintaining the state’s constitutional rights they would have the state police close down all federal offices. Start with the FIB field offices.