For reasons which are abundantly obvious, I’ve been looking into a PayPal replacement of late. I’m going to try AlignPay for a while, I think. Launched by Dan Bongino and a couple other folks, it’s touted as the “free speech,” “Cancel Culture Free” PayPal alternative, one that will never suspend, deplatform, or otherwise hassle anybody on Our Side based solely on their political leanings. So far, Wise also looks pretty good also, being a hell of a lot cheaper on their transfer fees than PayPal is. Overall, Amazon Pay may well come out on top in the PayPal substitute sweepstakes, if for no reasons other than the ubiquitousness of the parent company, and everyone’s familiarity with its interface.
I dunno, we’ll see. Definitely going to get to work implementing AlignPay here for the nonce, on the principle of lending support for the side of Truth, Justice, and the American Way alone. If anybody out there has any suggestions on all this, please do drop ’em in the comments section, aiiight? Thanks in advance, y’all.
Update! Okay, several of you have suggested Gab Pay, which I’m trying to figure out now. And yes, BCE’s site got nuked, but I haven’t spoken with him in a cpl-three days and so have no new news to impart as to what’s going on, other than that he does have a backup site which he’s working on getting up and running. Soon as I gots more to tell ya, and I’ve verified that he’s okay with me telling it, I will do so. Thanks for asking…
Gab is introducing a PayPal alternative as well.
I’m glad as I am not sure what the fuck PayPal is doing here. They’re a transaction facilitator. How can they “fine” people? What business is it of theirs what they’re customers are saying, it’s outside of paying for a good or service.
They have it in their terms of use. Now, in a real world of rule of law they couldn’t get away with theft just because they get you to agree to the theft, but in this country we no longer have that.
I cancelled my paypal account which I only used to make donations to CF and a few others. Let us know when you decide and I’ll sign up and give it a test run – time for a donation anyway.
As far as what’s good I’m in the dark.
I suspect that Musk and his twitter “everything App” is planning to have everything, including a payment facilitation service.
OK, I took a look at alignpay. Looks expensive if you don’t do a lot of business. It has a minimum $25 a month fee. That means you have to be processing $862 bucks a month or the minimum raises that cost. If you are doing 500 a month then the % you pay is 5%. And less is even worse.
OK, since the Daily needs refreshing, while we’re waiting, patiently, I tried the BCE’s website again. Still dead and the wayback machine shows a last post of Sept 21.
Could be BCE tool it down for reasons, or, it’s blogspot. Isn’t blogspot one of the hosters that is cutting service to conservative blogs? As I recall it is, which is probably the answer.