Nothing mysterious or puzzling about this at all.
Over the last several years, my liberal friends have become less and less comfortable with utilizing classical debating styles — you know, where one person proposes a theory, explains it thoroughly with facts and figures and then responds to any questions about the theory in a logical, rational way. This article develops a theory on why the vast majority of all liberals are currently atrocious debaters.
It’s not so much that they’re atrocious debaters, really; they’re supremely uninterested in debate, that’s all. Honest, open debate is something they care not a whit about either way, and why should they? Having figured out by now that they can advance their agenda much farther, much faster by simply bulldozing their opponents instead of bothering with trying to persuade anyone, they have no further use for the antiquated, irrelevant give and take of debate. They intend to by-God win, come what may, and the steamroll-em-flat-and-move-on strategy seems to be working out quite well for them to date.
My wife and I have been lucky. We have developed many close friendships with lots of people over our lives. Some of these relationships are more recent, but many have lasted 20, 30, or even 40 years. We have over a dozen friends whom we try to stay in close contact with on a regular basis. About half of them are liberal; about half of them are conservative. Virtually no one seems to be dead in the middle anymore.
Recently, a new trend started to become obvious. For my conservative friends, roughly half of all their friends share conservative values, and half are liberal. But our liberal friends tend to have just one or two conservative friends, and they are no longer able to discuss political issues with their conservative friends, since the liberals tend to get too emotional when talking politics.
It is my belief that this inability to discuss political issues is because my liberal friends look only at online sites that share their worldview; they watch only TV news that reinforces their worldview; they discuss politics only with people who share their worldview; and they often look at social media that make them think the liberal view on a topic is the only rational one to have.
I freely confess to being guilty of exclusively perusing sites that cater to my own views as well and have done so for a good many years now, although back in the earliest days of CF that wasn’t the case. Then again, though, the fact is that as the so-called Mainstream Media has become ever more brazen and unembarrassed about putting their near-unanimous Leftward tilt on public display, sticking with Right-leaning outlets doesn’t at all mean being blissfully unaware of the shitlib opinion on any given issue. We’re constantly bombarded with their point of view; it’s shoved down our throats continually, 24-7-365, without letup.
I imagine that, having been under the oppressive weight of such an intense, incessant barrage all this time, there’d have to be very, very few of us who couldn’t easily and accurately recite every least particular of the shitlib argument by reflex, without even pausing for a moment’s thought. Another I must freely confess: on the continued usefulness of debating them, I am firmly in agreement with them: there is none whatsoever. The arguments have all been made; the time for debating them is well and truly past. The time has now come when we must FIGHT THEM, and you can take that statement just as literally as you want to.
100% correct I read Politico, and watch TYT regularly. In fact what they has some entertainment value. It is really good that we all see how badly our nation has fallen in critical thinking ability.
The fight is going on now. For the moment it is relatively peaceful. I doubt it is going to stay that way.