SO, the recent insane influx of comment spam has driven me to the extreme expedient of sending ALL comments into moderation for the time being, which pisses me off no end. I know it’s a pain in the cods for y’all too, and I hate having to do it, but I can see no other to stay on top of it. Apologies to one and all for this hassle; with any luck, the spambots will lose interest quickly in gumming up the CF works and will seek other, more hospital rugs to take their special brand of dump on instead.
BUT…it does make me wonder if the selfsame asswipes might have something to do with this other bizarre problem that’s cropped up here all of a sudden, which I was apprised of just today and which I’m going to devote time I’d much prefer to spend on writing and posting to sorting out: the mysterious refusal of the main page to scroll down past the “Essayists” blogroll category. I diddled around with that briefly earlier today before I had to take off for a diabetes-doc appointment, all to no avail.
IF the goddamned Rooskies are disporting themselves in the CF back-end again, I am gonna be KILLING mad. Last time that shit happened, it ended up costing me twenty-plus years’ worth of archives.
In fact, given the current situation, all of y’all who are registered here should probably consider changing your passwords with a quickness, particularly guys like SteveF, Francis, Bill, and BCE, all of whom have posting and/or admin privileges here. Again: major pain in the ass, I know, and I’m deeply sorry for it. But hey, better safe than sorry, right?
Update! Eurethra, I have found it! Somehow, the link widget options had been altered, from “Show all” to showing only “Essayists.” At this point, I’m going to just assume I got Rooskie rats crawling around in the CF admin section. Gonna have to find some way to nuke the cocksuckers for good.
More likely the hackers are Deepskies, not Rooskies.
Not trying to tell you how to run your blog, but unless I’m missing some other issue, it seems if you only allow new registrations by approval you could nuke the comment spamming with much less effort on your part and little effect on your core of regulars.
Likely so, but that isn’t an option available to me. No approval is required for someone to register as a user, the only choices are whether to turn registration on or off. With registration enabled, you can then either delete a registered user or…well, nothing, actually. If I remember right, an admin can change the user’s password, or edit any comment he leaves, but that’s about the extent of it.
You can get a plugin to require approval before new accounts are activated.
OK, I do know that wordpress offers this and Steve has beat me too it.
I’m suggesting it only to make life easier for you, no other reason.