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Not our circus, not our monkeys

Sage advice from a Redditor, quoted at VD’s place.

Yes, I was here today and blown off the top bunk of my bunk bed in the barracks by the first missile. This is where all the foreign legion troops are, the 35 killed were all Ukrainian mostly due to a direct hit on their barracks next to mine. The base is destroyed, the weapons depot destroyed, possibly the end of the legion. About 60 people with their heads on straight including myself left after the attack. They’re sending untrained guys to the front with little ammo and shit AKs and they’re getting killed. The guys who stayed got bombed again in the afternoon and casualties aren’t clear. If you still want to to join them I’m not sure what the process will be since literally all the infrastructure supporting the training/assignments of volunteers is all destroyed. The guys who are there now will all be going to Kyiv and many will die, the legion is totally outgunned and has a few crazy Ukrainian leaders. After the attack one officer wanted to march everyone to Kyiv and fight. Absolute insanity. Stay home.

I didn’t go to Ukraine for the clout. I asked the right questions, deleted my posts, actually bought a plane ticket and brought my ass over. I said in another comment that yes it was 35 Ukrainians killed because their barracks got directly hit. The 180 bullshit is real Russian propaganda. If you think I’m a Russian agent you’re just in denial that the situation is absolutely fucked. Go ahead and join the legion, by all means, but be very aware of how bad Kyiv is going to get and be aware that Russians have warplanes and you will have next to nothing. Be very acceptant of the possibility of death. Those of us who left, including SF operators from multiple countries, are simply risk mitigating. No one wants to die in an unfair fight, and after getting absolutely fucking pummeled by massive cruise missiles today – yeah I kind of want people to think twice before turning their life upside down to go and volunteer.

Like a lot of dudes there have experience and really wanted to shape the battlefield and impact their advance, but ultimately they’re manning frontline positions that are going to get hammered with artillery and airstrikes, buried under rubble and your family never gets your body. That’s when a lot of guys say yeah this isn’t our fight, not like this.

Ain’t our fight, like this or like any other way. BCE, who has spent most of his life being there and doing that, knows the score.

So much for the romanticism of being a Merc Aye? It’s not like a vidya game…but don’t tell these people that. More and more stories leaking out and around the fringes of the story…despite the “The Russians are getting their asses beaten in!” cheerleading, the word is that now that the Krainians are suiting up youngsters and giving them 3 days of training, and sending them straight out to the ‘front…wherever that may be…

Despite -other- keyboard warriors out there, this is not the sign of an Asskicking Krainian DotMil. This’s a sign, much like what happened at the end of World War Two when the Wehrmacht called up all the Lame, The Sick, the Oldsters and Youngin’s to go out to fight cos there wasn’t anyone left to use.

Calling out the 16 to 18 year olds? “Freshmen” as the Russians used to call the baby-faced ‘Cruits? That’s to me leastways, not a sign your winning, but a sign that your DotMil is running out of experienced fighters.

The Japanese did the same exact thing with their Pilots at the end of the Pacific War…took 16 year old kids, gave ’em just enough training to get a Zero off the ground, and then Kamikaze that fucker into an American Warship for the Glory of the Emperor.

Hence the Ministry of Propaganda  and Lies pushing the “Russians are looooooosing!!!” so hard now…I’m not seeing it.

Me neither. Makes one wonder just what motivation Leftards and their Establishment Media pet poodles might have for rockin’ their “Bless those plucky, unconquerable Ukrainians, kicking Rooskie ass and stymieing them completely like they are” mythology as hard as they have been, don’t it?

Update! The Rooskie incursion, a distraction from Blunderin’ Brandon’s comprehensive, unsurvivable up-fuckery? UNPOSSIBLE.

Would our country be disappointed if Russia actually solved the problem of Ukraine? You have every reason to think so. For one thing, we would be stuck having to face our own problems, especially the ones caused by lying to ourselves, such as the nearly unthinkable obscenity of having possibly poisoned a majority of the US population with mRNA “vaccines” and killed hundreds of thousands of Covid-19 patients by withholding known effective treatments. What would you suppose we might do about that?

Hold people accountable? The scale of this disaster is so enormous that the country can’t begin to process it. And it’s not just us, it’s all of Western Civ, which is more or less interchangeable with NATO, now the chosen instrument of distraction. Do any of these member nations have the stomach to face their own gross institutional failures? Apparently not yet.

Even in the face of massive emerging data that the “vaccines” are a bust and have additionally injured and killed many people, the CDC still urges Americans to vaxx up and boost up. So, by the way, does allegedly “former president” Barack Obama, who tested positive for the virus over the weekend, despite being vaxxed to the max. Who will tell them to stop digging that hole they’re in before they dig all the way to China?

By their lights they aren’t in any hole, and rather are sitting in the fabled catbird seat. Until they start being chased through the streets by angry mobs, sniped from afar, and/or hung by their necks until dead, it will remain tough to argue against ’em on that.

It’s only a matter of time before the swindled public flips and realizes it has been subject to mass murder by bureaucrats, politicians, doctors, pharmaceutical companies, and purveyors of the news. They’re all in this up to their necks, as are their corresponding officials in France, Germany, the UK, et cetera. They are trying to sweep this enormous lump of depravity under the rug, hoping that the masses of citizens will just leave the room.

Suddenly, I’m reminded of a tried and true Cap’n Mal quote that I just can’t resist re-running.

As Kuenstler notes, they aren’t merely trying to kill us; they already have, and in job lots too. The favor should be returned, with great big bells on, until a becoming fear of us is re-instilled in them. I think we’re well past the point where less extreme measures are going to dissuade them, although, as always, YMMV.


9 thoughts on “Not our circus, not our monkeys

  1. Putin can still be an irredeemable douche, and his Potemkin army bogged down and barely making anything remotely like “progress”, let alone “winning”, without changing the fact that this was a catered war, laboriously laid on by TPTB, precisely because it sucked all the oxygen out of the room from the revelations that Shrillary should be prosecuted for treason and sedition; that the entire pandemic was used as a lever to subvert a national election; that the overwhelming evidence is that that election is illegitimate; that Emperor Poopypants is no more the winner of it than he is the MVP of any Superbowl; and that the not-a-vaccines have probably killed and injured more people than the virus did, and will continue to do so in perpetuity; that while its pimps and purveyors should receive fine public trials, and hangings in batches as thanks for killing tens of thousands, maiming an order of magnitude more than that, and crippling the nation for decades to come.

    Rivers of blood, and mountains of skulls.

    Nothing less will suffice.

    1. With all that and more to answer for, I can’t help but wonder what the hell we’re waiting for.

    2. Ukraine is beat, paying Bidens, their corruption make Putin look like a choir boy. 17% of populace is ethnic Russian who can’t vote without Ukrainization.

      We have no dog in this fight. We created this distraction war.

      1. “…their corruption make Putin look like a choir boy.

        Right. Choir boys destroying and killing everything that moves. Quite the choir boy, your putin.

        The whole damn city of DC with a few exceptions are corrupt and using Ukraine as a money laundering scheme to transfer tax dollars to their bank accounts.

        However, your savior, putin, isn’t there because the Ukraine is corrupt or that the the US government is corrupt.

        He’s there for conquest just like all the other communist dictators.

  2. I’m still for nuking Moscow.
    Should have done it around 1946.
    Better late than never.

      1. The fucking commies have been nothing but troublemakers throughout the world my entire 69 years of life. They were given a chance when the wall came down and they blew it. Russians are serfs, destined to be ruled by fascist dictators. Read the history. They will always cause trouble. They will always murder and destroy. They will keep doing this until somebody stops them.

        They use nukes as blackmail. Have already done so in the current ravaging of a country. They will always destroy and do so with impunity because you fear the nukes more than you do being putin’s slave.

        So, yes, brilliant. It’s brilliant because it is simple. Trump understood it and so did Putin and Xi.

      2. Nuke Moscow in ’46.

        No Korean war, 50,000 less American deaths.

        No Vietnam war, 50,000 less American deaths.

        No middle eastern terrorism, countless lives saved.

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Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
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GK Chesterton

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NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

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