Ok Gang, Me Droogs N Droogettes!
Mike a.k.a. “Stumpy” or “Peg-Leg” as he shall be known as is doing very well currently. He’s still got -some- infection but the croakers (doctors) are no longer worried. Only thing they had to do was on his right foot it seems that his Big Toe didn’t get the message and got eighty-sixed with the rest of the bad bunch.
His mood has not improved but they have brought his clothes, and his cell phone so he can get calls, for those of you close enough to be in the ‘inner cool-kid circle’
I’m broke but if’n someone, in lieu of a donation can send a titty-strip-o-gram it’d probably make things better.
Get the chickie to make Mike to literally eat his veggies and be a Good Boy
He’s been protesting the grub in the hospital ‘cos it ain’t Greaseburgers and Fries, with an extra side of cholesterol. I told him that right there is why we’re where we be at Aye? She’s also have to tell him to be nicer towards the staff, as they’re doing their level best to wrangle an angry redneck shy a leg and a toe. Then and only then should he get the titties.
I told him he should be grateful as fuck instead of ornery as Wifey’s friend? He had a similar experience, but unfortunately for him (God rest him, he was a nce guy) the Gangrene went allllll the way up and done ate his junk… like complete package elimination
So yeah, he needs to stop giving shit to everyone. Especially the nurses and Physical Tortur… errr Therapists.
Now, other things Big Country done fucked up:
Namely Mike’s PayPal, which I swear to God as my witness, I had no idea existed on this here place. The link is listed as “Shameless Begging” and is on the right hand side. It’s mike@coldfury.com for y’all too fucking lazy… Y’all who want to donate that way, go for it. As far as I know, the shit is good… if not, please let me know, ‘cos a lot of this ‘stuff’ I’m finding out via bits and pieces here n’there… Swear to Gawd if Mike survives, I’m ’bout to purely kill his ass done dead Aye.
So, good news all around, and if’n you get the urge to come over to MY place and throw $$$ for the raffle, I’ma ’bout to -sweeten the deal- with an additional 27 rounds of M855A1 62grain with an additional 3 rounds of XM856 64 grain tracer… and two brand new PMAGs in the wrapper to load ’em into. $10 a chance, with the Two Damascus handmade boot Knives and two autographed Charlie Mike Comix. Total now is 6 rounds of Tracer, and 54 rounds of Green tip ball, plus two mags and the ka-niffs and comix…
Oy Vey! Whadda deal I’m offering!
I’m announcing that at MY house tomorrow, so y’all Furians get a jump on the rest of MY criminal scum.
MY PayPal is theintrepidreporter2019@gmail.com LOL.
$10 an entry, to be drawn on New Year Eve by Wifey or some other suitable piece of fluff from her friends in bikinis.
So, More Later I Remain The Intrepid Reporter
Big Country
Thanks for relaying the (relatively) positive news, Big Expat! Glad to hear there is some. Best of luck to Mike with the physical torture, errrrrr, therapy. It sucks to go through, but it can really help. After my stroke some years back, I needed assistance just to stand up. After several months working with a very good physical therapist, I was walking again. Eventually I even managed to get rid of the cane. Stick with it, the therapy really does help.
So now is the time to send AOC and Ms. McCain, eh???
Should scare him right out of the bed.