Anyone can see that the food supply in the US has been disrupted. Grocery stores have removed some items which were popular two years ago. Cans and boxes aren’t shelved more than two deep and even so the shelves have gaps. Prices are way up, which both suggests shortages and reduces consumption.
We have warnings of more severe shortages to come: Fertilizer shortages. Labor shortages in the food processing plants resulting in reduced throughput. Labor shortages preventing the harvesting of crops. Increased disruption in international trade. Transportation problems because of lack of truck drivers or cargo containers or disposable plastic boxes.
Stocking up while you can is one way to not go hungry but it’s not a long-term solution. If you eat more than you can obtain, you’ll eventually chew through your entire deep pantry.
Removing the supply, processing, and transportation bottlenecks would fix the problem of shortages. If you can do that, do it. I suspect the problem is bigger than you can solve, and unless you are able to get more food on the shelves, your effort is better put on something that you can fix.
Everyone has to eat.
There’s only so much food to go around, and in fact a decreasing supply. There are so many people eating it, and in fact an increasing number.
Everyone living has to eat.
Anyone can see that some people don’t produce. They don’t now, they never have, they likely never will. They consume: housing, consumer electronics, gasoline. Food. They don’t produce and they often destroy. There’s the never-employed mother with five children by seven fathers. The corner drug dealer. Muggers and burglars.
Even the institutionalized insane and the severely retarded can be categorized with them. It may not be their fault but they consume and do not produce.
Everyone living has to eat.
If 9.1% of the nation’s population is useless eaters, then getting rid of them will let everyone else eat 10% more.
If you’re hungry now or think that one day you will be, go out and kill a useless eater. More than one.
Do it for the satisfaction. Do it for the satiation. Do it for America.
useless eater≡politician
Hmmm, ‘useless eaters?’ Those would be democRAT & RINO politicians @ every level – local, state, federal – so, this Christmas, kill a commie for Christ.
Merry Christmas.
Lenin and Stalin had the solution for hunger in the Soviet Union – the Holodomor!!!
The Holodomor caused the hunger, it wasn’t the solution to hunger.
You need to read for comprehension.
The 4 ft., 6 in. mental midget speaks. The Holodomor killed off the productive Ukranians, not Steve’s 9.1% useless eaters.
THAT was the intent! Just as Bloomberg now claims farmers are stupid!
Steve was referring to parasites.
Look, we know your stupid.
“Lenin and Stalin had the solution for hunger in the Soviet Union – the Holodomor!!!”
I’ve bolded and italicized the relevant part for you. Now I’ll explain it since your too dense to understand it on your own.
Since the sentence makes it clear that the reference was to the Soviet Union, Steve’s 9.1% have nothing to do with it.
Since the Soviets stole the food from the Ukrainians, it was a “solution for hunger in the Soviet Union“.
You know, every time you show up to comment here you prove yourself a complete dumb-ass.
The Uraine was part of the Soviet Union.
I’ve been to Ukraine. Ask the non-Russian Ukranians if they considered their selves part of the Soviet Union. The Russians took their food to feed themselves and starved the Ukrainians to death.
Once again, you’re too stupid to even get the correctness of what was stated.
What Ukranians thought doesn’t alter the fact that the Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union, does it? shit for brains.
You need to read for comprehension SpankPlug.
You’re dumber than a pile of dogshit.
You made a stupid comment. You own it. It’s all you ever do on this blog.
Nobody likes you. Everyone notices the low IQ comments you make.
Being forced doesn’t make one a party. The fact remains, the one you belittled: the Russians went to the Ukraine and took the food from Ukraine mouths in order to feed themselves, making it the solution to hunger.
Nobody likes me. I am extremely, supremely, existentially, sublimely mortified. Also, I really don’t give a shit what loser cretins think SparkPlup.
“Nobody likes me.”
Your first true statement.
It should be, “we know YOU’RE stupid.”
Yea, yea, I could care less. It reads and sounds exactly the same.
But whatever you do, DO NOT CONSUME, because God only knows what kind of poisons are built up in those bodies!
I’m really trying to figure out how everyone seems to be reading cannibalism into my suggestion of killing off parasites so they stop eating. No! Don’t eat the useless! Just kill them so they stop eating and there’ll be more food to go around for the non-parasites. Sheesh!
Well, the bodies can always be composted for Gaia’s sake, if not eaten outright:
Even though (I assume) this is satire, it really is in poor taste when talking about the infirmed including “institutionalized insane and the severely retarded” – sounds like early Nazi Germany, and coopted by Fabian Society and Margaret Sanger. I would not have posted this myself, as my wifes family suffered in the concentration camps, and mine suffered in Stalin Gulags.
Are you gonna start crying and pissing all over yourself?
“poor taste”
Only if you eat them. As SteveF has already explained, eating them was not what he had in mind.
Let the worms and bugs eat them. Of course, the global reset types want to force people to eat worms and bugs….