First the backstory, from my brother-from-another-mother BCE.
Wifey pulled a fast one on me yesterday in a positive way. Mid way through ye olde day, she told me to have a few drinks and relax. It’s been a barn-burner around here as of late, so I was MOR than willing to chill. She started hustling around while I’m drinking my lunch, and next thing I know, she tells me to get in the car.
Two hours south and I find myself at a two-night decompression stay in a nice little hotel on the beach.
The intahnetz connection is a bit shitty, even when tied thru my cell as a hotspot, so this’ll be brief.
She’s a good broad. Swear things like this are why I married her despite all my misgivings of a second wife. Swore to meselves the whole relationshit thing was if my marriage even ended, it was ‘one and done.’ Thing like this are when you -do- find a good wahmennez, you stick with her.
Life does sure take strange angles.
I had a phone convo with Big Country last night wherein I learned there was a good bit more to the story, all of which spoke extremely well of his ol’ lady, bless her heart. Without going into some things I really shouldn’t, suffice it to say that after weeks of intolerable and unsustainable stress and aggro at Casa Expat, Wifey established her bona fides as a Damned Good Woman with style, flair, and grace.
Now, folks who know me well IRL remain floored by my harsh antipathy to the whole sex, love, and marriage thing nowadays, particularly in light of how gung-ho I had been for that sort of thing my entire life up until about ten-twelve years ago. A sudden cascade of certain unpleasantnesses, shall we say, sufficed to slam my brakes on and throw my attitude in reverse when it comes to further romantic dealings with the fairer sex.
That said, though, I know a good woman when I see one even yet. And after what BC told me last night…well, he’s definitely got himself one.
So Gretch, please accept my most humble and sincere thanks for the way you took care of my friend this past week. Plenty of us were mighty worried about him; he’s had a tough, stressful row to hoe of late, as you obviously know. The way you stepped up to take care of business and help out with some much-needed decompression proves that you’re the kind of wife who pays close attention to her man, cares deeply for him, and is possessed of guts and initiative enough to take direct action when the situation has gone seriously pear-shaped. You have earned my undying gratitude and affection for that. From what I can tell, there just aren’t very many like you left in this beaten and battered old world, to the great detriment of every single one of us. God bless and keep you, girl, from the bottom of my coal-black heart.