When liberty is the disease.
If it is accepted that GM – if any company – can make employment conditional upon submitting to a “vaccination” it will have set the precedent for requiring employees to submit to medical procedures, generally.
If the justification is accepted for mandatory submission to “vaccinations” then the justification has already been accepted for mandatory submission to health checkups, psychiatric evaluations, the mandatory answering of probing questions into one’s personal affairs – as any such thing can be asserted by control freaks to present a potential risk to the “health” of employees and thus, GM – any employer – is entitled to know and to impose whatever it decides to be necessary as regards such things.
As the condition of being allowed to work.

It will no longer be – ask your doctor. It will be – go see the doctor. And – do as the doctor says. Period.Take whatever meds he says you must take. Submit to any procedure he says is “necessary.” Answer all of his questions. These to inevitably include questions regarding whether you own any firearms – which the same Leftists pushing the Jab also have already defined as a matter of…“public health.”
Else find another job.
People are fools if they do not grasp this.
They were fools for not grasping – decades ago – that submitting to pee tests as a condition of employment would inevitably lead to this.
Many years ago, when I was running an air-freight pickup and delivery route for Airborne Express, a state-mandated drug test was implemented for all drivers, regardless of whether they had a CDL or not. I strenuously objected, and flatly told my boss Eric—somewhat of a conservatarian, he was, with whom I enjoyed many a political discussion over the years I worked for him—that I would NOT be taking one, that I would quit first. He knew me well enough by then to know I meant it, and would do it; thankfully, he also valued me highly enough as an employee to just quietly let the matter slide so I could continue working for him.
That unofficial, almost certainly unlawful arrangement between me and the bossman stood until I got my CDL so as to graduate to the big trucks, with nary a word spoken about it by anybody. I never gave any thought to the whole affair as an omen of darker days to come. Looking around me today, I suppose I should have. In a very personal sense, you could say a pattern had been established, a precedent set.
If GM and the other companies making the Jab a job requirement are not backed down. Because if not, expect the Jab to become universally required – by all employers. Even the self-employed won’t be safe – because these Freaks will proceed to make any financial transaction conditional on Proof of Jab. Banks won’t deal with you – which means you won’t be able to receive payments or make them, except via cash – which you can also expect the Freaks to try to outlaw, too.
Their intent is not to treat you. It is to cure you of any semblance of personal liberty – to make choices for yourself – that may still enjoy. For you to have one choice: Compliance – with everything.
Or have (and own) nothing.
Oh, there’s always another choice, a workaround waiting to be discovered. Might be difficult, might be dangerous. It might be purchasable only at a terrible price. It might even be life-altering, radically and permanently so. But I assure you, it’s always there.
Do not expect the government – this government, at any rate – to do the backing down. It will double down, using the risible argument that “private companies” have the right to impose such indecencies. It is risible, in part, because corporations like GM are “private” to the same degree that you are a “customer” of the DMV’s. Corporations are by definition government-created entities, favored by government with special status that limits their liability, including liability for damages caused by the corporation.
As for example the corporations using the government to force people to roll up their sleeves, who used the government to shield them from liability for the crippling injuries and deaths their products cause – while making billions in extorted profits in the process.
The Superstate will indeed double down, and keep right on doing so, until it too is “backed down,” to borrow Eric’s turn of phrase for GM up there. Unfortunately for us, backing down FederalGovCo will entail more effort, more difficulty, more uncertainty, and more risk—like, orders of magnitude more. Plus, the penalty for failure is pretty severe. On the other hand, though, submitting without even making an attempt is the worst of all.
Once upon a time, there was baseball, hot dogs, apple pie and Chevrolet.
Wouldn’t it be great if those times make a comeback?
They can. All it will take is enough of us to say No.
GM isn’t the only car company. There are other car companies that haven’t become the adjuncts of the coercive state, which together seek to reduce us to a status worse than that of the cows in the field.
We are not their livestock.
Let’s make that clear to them.
Better make it clear to FederalGovCo first. If we can pull off a win there, we can always settle up with GM later on. And if we can’t, we’re gonna have much more pressing concerns than GM anyhow.
The reason they couldn’t as a private company do this before is that we used to realize that your Unalienable Rights cannot be violated by anyone. The Constitution restricts the Federal And State Government specifically because it is a document strictly addressing the issue if How Our Government Will Work.
It never was an exception. It was the Rule. A Government instituted by We, The People to secure the Rights of every citizen doesn’t give those same We, The People to end run Government and violate those same Rights.
We have tons of case law where Government, instituted by We, The People, have been found to have an Obligation to secure Our Rights when Private Parties violate them. It is the basis behind the Government trying and punishing Assault, Theft, Murder, etc. To Secure the Rights of every citizen to Life, Liberty and Property and the Pursuit of Happiness.
For instance.
Can a private citizen search your private property for evidence and then give it to the police? Not only is giving it to police an unlawful warrantless search but the private citizen has committed two crimes. First, breaking and entering. Also, they have violated your personal privacy by accessing your “data” and giving it to a third party. It would be wrong even if they used it for their own profit only.
It’s like an employer asking your doctor to divulge personal health matters. It was always considered wrong even though three “private” individuals are involved. The patient, the doctor and the employer.
Another concept here is that a Corporation, although created by virtue of the Government granting limited liability, is still is just a voluntary aggregation of individuals seeking a common aim. A Corporation shouldn’t be able to do anything any individual in the aggregation couldn’t do on their own.
They will continue to do these things because they are rewarded by the government to do them.
They will continue to do these things until they are broken. I fear the frog has been boiled and will not make the leap.
“Mandatory jabs?
By Company Orders?
Say, Bossman, that’s a nice company you’ve got there. Be a real shame if it spontaneously caught on fire and burnt to the ground. Again and again, if necessary. And then your house, while you and the family was asleep inside it.
With the doors nailed shut.
Have a Nice Day, Boss. Sleep tight.”
Taking the “jab” might well turn out to be a death penalty in and of itself. It does not stop infection, and it does not prevent transmission of disease. Ergo, it is not a vaccine. What it is, is a kill shot. The mRNA hijacks the cellular machinery to produce highly cytotoxic spike proteins, which get out into the bloodstream and cause extensive damage throughout the body, see https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.121.318902. Repeated injections of the mRNA “vaccines” and “boosters” expose the body on a chronic basis to these spike proteins, with the effects seen – bleeding from ovaries, testicular swelling, myocarditis, and a host of other ill effects – only too often resulting in disabling injury or death. Not surprisingly, the makers and providers of these “vaccines” and “boosters” are 100% immune from lawsuits, by Federal law passed in October 2020, and signed by President Trump, so any medical expenses are the sole responsibility of the person taking the kill shots.
The choice being offered is commit suicide, quickly or slowly, and keep your job, or refuse, and lose the job.There are quicker and less painful ways of committing suicide than this. All things considered, you’d be better off losing the job, and taking appropriate action against the people behind this.