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The demon spawn of Crossfire Hurricane

It’s the gift that keeps on giving—to grifters, liars, frauds, and despots.

Five years ago this week, Glenn Simpson, co-founder of Fusion GPS, boarded a train in Washington, D.C. bound for Philadelphia. The Democratic National Convention was in chaos after WikiLeaks released emails that showed party officials rigged the primary process in favor of Hillary Clinton.

Bernie Sanders supporters were mutinous; Debbie Wasserman Schultz, then-head of the Democratic National Committee, resigned on July 25, 2016.

Simpson and his business partner hightailed it to the City of Brotherly Love to woo the media away from the escalating scandal. The well-connected pair met with top journalists and editors, including New York Times executive editor Dean Baquet, to spin a dark tale about the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia including rumors of prostitutes in a Moscow hotel.

It worked like a charm.

For the past five years, Donald Trump and the country have been subjected to various iterations of Crossfire Hurricane: Robert Mueller’s special counsel investigation, numerous U.S. Senate and House inquiries, the first and second impeachment trials, and countless media microaggressions sought to achieve what Comey’s FBI ultimately did not—the personal and political destruction of Donald Trump.

The Capitol breach probe, the title of the Justice Department’s “unprecedented” investigation into the events of January 6, is the latest version of Crossfire Hurricane. Tuesday’s maiden meeting of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s select committee on January 6 provides the stage where partisan actors will overdramatize what happened that day. Attention-seeking police officers will emote about the psychological trauma they suffer from the roughly four-hour disturbance, which, by the way, largely was stoked by police officers themselves.

Trump, the public would be told over and over, incited it all.

But this time, Donald Trump isn’t the only one in the crosshairs. Democrats, the media, and plenty of Republicans have leveraged every moment of January 6 not only to finish off the former president but also his supporters in Congress and across the nation. More than 500 Americans have been arrested and charged in connection to the Capitol protest, and Joe Biden’s Justice Department isn’t done yet.

The five-year arc from July 2016 to July 2021 is stunning.

It took less than five years from the time the Justice Department told a secret court that Carter Page was a foreign agent to the Justice Department telling a federal judge that a working-class Trump supporter from Florida is a domestic terrorist.

It took less than five years from the time the FBI ambushed National Security Advisor Michael Flynn in the White House to the FBI ambushing Iraq war veterans and Alaskan spa owners in their own homes. And it took less than five years from the time Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort was placed in solitary confinement under a pre-trial detention order to dozens of Trump supporters languishing in solitary confinement conditions in jail under pre-trial detention orders for mostly nonviolent crimes.

Meanwhile, those protected by the legal system and the news media roam free—and continue to rake in the dough.

As cases pile up against Trump pals and supporters, no charges are forthcoming for Hunter Biden. Ditto for the corrupt architects of Crossfire Hurricane. John Durham, the U.S. attorney appointed in 2019 to investigate the origins of Crossfire Hurricane, seemingly has disappeared. Trump-Russia collusion perpetrators such as Lisa Monaco and Avril Haines, not to mention Joe Biden himself, now hold powerful posts in the federal government so they can continue what they started five years ago.

And, like five years ago, when Glenn Simpson and the Democrats used Trump-Russia collusion to obscure a legitimate scandal and then destroy Donald Trump, the Capitol breach probe and January 6 select committee are the diversion from a real American scandal: a rigged presidential election that gave Joe Biden the White House. The media, as usual, is playing along, insisting January 6 was a terror attack comparable to 9/11 while claims of election fraud are a “Big Lie.”

The only question now is—will it work?

Well, given that it’s worked quite well so far, I’d say the chances are good-to-excellent that it will go right on working—for Them, a fine thing indeed. For Us…not so much. Commenter vwjack hits the nail on the head:

Crossfire Hurricane was an attempted coup, an act of treason. In a civilized country those responsible would be rounded up, blindfolded, placed up against a wall and shot.

True. Maybe we could do with a lot less civilization, and a lot more cold, hard justice.


14 thoughts on “The demon spawn of Crossfire Hurricane

  1. Maybe we could just force them to take “the jab”.

    Oh, they did already?

    Now we wait.

  2. Does anyone really know who is who in the locked up solitary jail cells of DC?

    I wonder how many are supposedly in there and are not because they were plants all along. I wonder how many not in solitary are plants spying on those true MAGA people?

    Not to say I doubt they are holding MAGA supporters as political prisoners. It just seems that 500 is a lot more than I could tell watching it that day.

    I mean, we mostly saw Granny with flags and average Americans strolling through, between the ropes, taking selfies. That’s the incongruence that I can’t reconcile. How could 500 people riot at the same time as they were allowing them in through the front doors? How could the supposedly small force of Capitol Police able to hold off at least 500 people if they were forcing their way in? You would expect tear gas and billy clubs to be utilized, yet reports of injury were those of Babbitt and some illnesses like a heart attack or two. Wouldn’t they have found it necessary, with over 500 people attacking, to deploy tear gas inside the Capitol? So how is it that no grannies or selfie takers were fleeing for their life?

    How come they didn’t draw weapons and shoot more people eventually?

    Finally, how come with over 500 people attacking not one of them thought to take a gun with them and use it? Sounds crazy to rush armed Police with just your fists and hope they don’t start shooting. Or that you wouldn’t expect trucks full of troops to come in from behind and take you out.

    Yet, there’s Granny and Middle Aged Couple strolling around la dee da without a care while all this is happening.

    Nope. It just doesn’t add up.

    1. Kenny, Kenny, Kenny, there you go, thinking again. Pelosi and the devil are doing their best to save “democracy” and there you are asking questions. Off with your head I say.

      1. The RINOs are joining the Dems in a bipartisan Infrastructure Deal in the Senate.

        That will then be reconciled to the House Bill that passed. The House Bill has Amnesty in it.

        There goes Democracy, the same toilet flushing that sent our Republic down the drain.

        1. And surely none of us are surprised by this at this point in time.

          1. Yep. No surprise at all. Also not a surprise that less than 5% of this “infrastructure” deal will be spent on what the average person thinks of as infrastructure.

            1. I heard on the local news while waiting for the weather that they’ll be getting Electric School Buses.

              Like it’s really necessary to scrap all those functional buses that could last another decade because GREEN!!

              Green Graft is going to eat into most of that 5% most likely.

              1. If we had actual investigative journalists and not just stenographers for the uniparty, someone would be digging into who owns the company that will be providing those new electric grift packages. Err, buses. But of course we do not.

                1. If we had actual investigative journalists Hilliary Clinton would be in a Jail Cell next to the one 0 is in.

                  The last journalist died off around the time they tried to hide BJ’s Perjury and lie about it being just about Sex.

            1. 17 Republicans voted to end the filibuster and send it to the floor to debate.
              Yertle the Turtle joined the usual suspects.

              It’s an Eminence Front, it’s a Put On.

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Daniel Webster

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Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

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John Adams

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Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
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David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

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John Adams

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Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

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Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

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Bill Whittle

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