I have little to no use for polls, as you folks surely know by now. They’re easily rigged to support whatever agenda the pollster wishes to pimp; they’re commonly monkeywrenched by participants who have the same contempt for them I do and respond in prankster-ish fashion; they’re mainly used not to provide honest, reliable snapshots of the public’s general mood, but as tools to leverage political clout and influence. Basically, polls are bunk, and ought to be taken with a bucket of salt, if not ignored entirely.
But I gotta admit, I just love this one.
Wyoming Congresswoman Liz Cheney is the most unpopular Republican in the country among GOP voters, according to a new poll out this month reported by Axios.
While Donald Trump Jr. and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis led in a survey of prominent Republicans, with a 55 and 54 percent net approval rating respectively, Cheney’s ratings tanked at negative 43 percent.
Um. Well. Okay, then.
Perhaps even better, the accompanying chart shows Senate GOPe “leader” Yertle McTurtle wheezing in at an embarrassing +2. Which makes me think that this is almost certainly the most accurate poll ever taken.
While it is important to watch out for confirmation bias, that one is at least amusing. Not that any of the GOPe quislings are going anywhere; all of them will be re-elected for as long as they care to be.
Despite people thinking that inflation and rampant crime is going to lead to the GOP retaking Congress, I rather anticipate a bloodbath and a lot of establishment Repubs losing their seats, either to interparty challengers or to Democrats.
I agree. With general disgust towards the GOPe from a lot of right-leaning voters, combined with ballot harvesting and Dominion vote rigging, I expect the Dems to win and win big at the mid terms. Look for super-majorities in both chambers.
They didn’t Steal 2020 just to allow it to slip through their fingers in 2022. They’ll crank up the Fraud to 11 on the way to 20…
If the poll is rigged it would be in favor of Cheney and Yertle.
The real numbers are:
Trump +90
DeSantis +80
Turtle -43
Cheney -100.
That’s the result of my polling except Trump is at 95.