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Diversity is our (only) strength, Part Deux

If anyone reading this happens to be active-duty military, the only advice I can think to give you is: GET OUT. Get out NOW, even if it means just walking away and going AWOL. You have my deepest sympathy, and I can’t begin to express how sorry I am that it’s come to this for you.

But it has. Save yourselves—GET OUT, as far as you can, as fast as you can, before it’s too late.

United States Special Operations Command (SOCOM) has hired as its first “chief of diversity and inclusion” a person who posted anti-Trump memes on his Facebook page, including one that compared the former president to Adolf Hitler.

That SOCOM, once home to some of the most feared, respected, and accomplished warriors on the planet, now conceives a need for a doughy, girlishly-smug career bureaucrat to oversee the feminization of the men on the pointy end in the name of “diversity” is appalling enough. But the cluelessness revealed in their announcement of this bespectacled pansy’s hiring is what’s really troubling.

“Enhancing the capabilities and effectiveness of #SOF through diversity of talent, helping us recruit the best of the best,” is it? Gee, hate to be the one to tell ya and all, but the first clause of that empty adminspeak is an oxymoron; nobody’s “capabilities and effectiveness” has ever been “enhanced” by “diversity,” EVER, not even once, since the Earth cooled—”diversity” inhibits those things, every time it’s tried. Diversity isn’t the means to the end of enhancing your effectiveness; diversity is an end unto itself, in this instance being implemented by people whose least concern is SpecOps effectiveness.

Moreover, if this guy is what you people think of as “the best of the best”—in any category excepting maybe Most Ear-Piercing Squeal Issued By An Alleged Male In The Presence Of Cake—I tremble for my country’s future, I truly do.

Jesus H Christ, just LOOK at this spud-bodied, watery-eyed Weeble, wouldja! This is exactly the kind of lily-livered queef who spent his high school years A) loathing and envying the varsity jockheads who tormented, humiliated, and made cruel sport of him without surcease; B) superciliously disdaining “the popular kids” who shunned him as shallow, treacherous cretins; C) desperately longing for the cheerleader girlfriends of the aforementioned jockheads to take notice of him, suddenly become aware of his true worth, and then fall hopelessly in love with him; D) enjoying elaborate fantasy scenarios depicting the day when his innate superiority would at last be recognized by one and all, his years of silent suffering would be redeemed, and vengeance would at last be his.

And now, his day has come at last. If you don’t think this worm’s bulbous head hits the pillow every night since this appointment with sugar-plum visions running through it of how much he’s going to enjoy dinging all those cruel brutes for every petty infraction he can gin up, a raging blizzard of demerits sleeting from his office as if the paper supply was inexhaustible, then all I can say is you don’t know people very well.

Meanwhile, REAL men at SOCOM—men who have actually achieved things, men who are not pathetic, grubby little rumpswabs like Dickie-Boy is, would like to have a word on this revolting development.

Joe Kent, retired U.S. Army Special Forces chief warrant officer 3, who spent more than 20 years in special operations and completed 11 combat deployments, criticized Torres-Estrada’s posts.

“Looks like the new diversity officer loves celebrating diversity with those who agree with him. Here is what he thinks of the rest of us- Mr. Torres-Estrada was not placed in US Special Operations command by mistake,” Kent tweeted.

Kent added: “The left is not hiding the fact that they are in control & have the power to cleanse the ranks of those who do not submit…He is one of the reason you see so much woke tweeting from Sr Mil leaders They are pledging their loyalty to the new order & cleansing themselves of the old.”

He added: “Special ops leans heavily right, that’s why Biden’s team put such an outspoken monitor in SOCCOM & is not having him tidy up his social media, it’s a not so subtle warning. Special ops leans right but honorably serves our nation, regardless of what party POTUS is from.”

Mike Egan, a fellow Green Beret veteran and former Trump administration official, also weighed in on Torres-Estrada’s partisan posts.

“#SOF is a meritocracy. Anything short undermines their effectiveness,” he tweeted.

“To add insult to injury the Woke DOD is filling this needless role with this [clown] who’s most relevant experience is with a perpetually unreliable public transit system,” he added, referring to Torres-Estrada’s former employment with the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA).

And if that impressive resume doesn’t confirm Mrx. Tonnage-Estrogen as the pluperfect fleshly incarnation of American Bureaucratic Man, Mark-1 Mod-0, Basic Seatwarmer Edition, I hope I never see whatever would. Now that I think of it, he probably IS the perfect guy for this job.

Update! If you do THIS, you get THAT.

Last fall, the U.S. Air Force simulated a conflict set more than a decade in the future that began with a Chinese biological-weapon attack that swept through U.S. bases and warships in the Indo-Pacific region. Then a major Chinese military exercise was used as cover for the deployment of a massive invasion force. The simulation culminated with Chinese missile strikes raining down on U.S. bases and warships in the region, and a lightning air and amphibious assault on the island of Taiwan.

The highly classified war game, which has not been previously made public, took place less than a year after the coronavirus, reportedly originating in a Chinese market, spread to the crew of the USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier, taking one of the U.S. Navy’s most significant assets out of commission.

Meanwhile, a leading Chinese think tank recently described tensions in U.S.-China relations as the worst since the Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989, and it advised Communist Party leaders to prepare for war with the United States.

What many Americans don’t realize is that years of classified Pentagon war games strongly suggest that the U.S. military would lose that war.

“At that point the trend in our war games was not just that we were losing, but we were losing faster,” Hinote said. “After the 2018 war game I distinctly remember one of our gurus of war gaming standing in front of the Air Force secretary and chief of staff, and telling them that we should never play this war game scenario [of a Chinese attack on Taiwan] again, because we know what is going to happen. The definitive answer if the U.S. military doesn’t change course is that we’re going to lose fast. In that case, an American president would likely be presented with almost a fait accompli.”

On a sober note, Hinote pointed out that the Blue Team force posture tested in the recent war game is still not the one reflected in current Defense Department spending plans. “We’re beginning to understand what kind of U.S. military force it’s going to take to achieve the National Defense Strategy’s goals,” he said. “But that’s not the force we’re planning and building today.”

Not to worry. Once we get the dot-MIL entire all staffed and trained up to acceptable diversity standards, enemy soldiers will all die laughing at the ludicrous spectacle of our screeeee-ing, purple-haired shemales and comfortably attired moms-to-be entering the fray, so victory will still be ours in the end.

10 thoughts on “Diversity is our (only) strength, Part Deux

  1. Yep. Building a top notch professional fighting force takes decades of work. Wrecking it takes almost no time at all. With the puppetmasters controlling the husk of Joe Biden agitating for multiple new wars, our ever-so-politicized military is going to get its ass kicked HARD. The only question left is just how total the defeat will be.

    Multiple carrier groups wiped out? Carriers captured by (or outright surrendered to) the enemy? The chair force’s super-duper-expensive wonder plane the F35 shot out of the sky in job lots, raising awkward questions about just where all those trillions went? I could easily see all of the above.

    The real fun begins when China demands territorial concessions from the US for ‘peace.’ They do seem to like Alaska — all that oil and coal our greens refuse to allow us to develop would fuel China’s power plants for a long long time. And Hawaii makes a great naval base for any nation willing to actually use it for that purpose.

    And hey, that would even allow the Dems to add DC and PR as states without altering the flag! Bonus! Buckle up, folks, the next few years are going to be ‘interesting times’.

    1. “Wrecking it takes almost no time at all.”
      True of everything. Hard work to build things, destruction is easy.

  2. Advice to any military men worth their salt. Get out, head for the central Red States and start training young men.

    Red Dawn is not out of the question anymore.

    This whole Usurper Regime is making Jimmy Carter look like a fierce warrior and even 0 looks better in this light.

    And that folks is REALLY saying something and it ain’t good. Not good at all.

  3. I wonder if the average US citizen has any idea what’s being done to them? This is such a left wing in-your-face move that it must be a show itself.

    While I wouldn’t get my panties all wadded up over the results of “war games” (often designed to show the need for more $$$), the end of the military as we know it is at hand. Once the leadership has been completely replaced with incompetent boobs like this there is no military. It just becomes another make work program like the rest of the federal government.

    1. The military is always a Make Work and Loyalty Reward in Commie Banana Republics or other Tyrannies.

      Just another sign that the ChiComs are either running this Country or they are the model for the Deep State that is running this country.

  4. So, lemme get this straight: These are the armed forces that the Fed Gov are gonna use to invade with and put the kibosh on the next State secession movement?

    Man, the next War of Northern Aggression’s gonna have a vastly different outcome than the first one.

  5. More accurately, Soros is running this country. He OWNS the Democrats!

  6. It’s gone.  Just that quickly, it’s gone.

    The only diversity and inclusion SOCOM should be interested in consists of a divisity of weapons that have the effect of creating an inclusion of all enemies no longer breathing.

    Not good.

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Daniel Webster

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Charles Bukowski

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Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

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John Adams

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Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
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Etienne de la Boiete

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David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

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John Adams

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Frederick Douglass

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Joseph Goebbels

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Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

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Bill Whittle

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