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A nation of pussies redux

What really gets me is how none of these tremulous wretches seem to feel at all embarrassed about it.

Why we’re scared for the pandemic to end
Public transit makes us sweat. The prospect of crowded restaurants and bars is thrilling but unfamiliar. People thirsting for daily interaction now worry they’ve lost the ease with which they once socialized. For so long we’ve been looking toward a world that gathers and touches, a world where smiles are unobscured and conversations unmuffled, but the longer we’ve been denied it, the more stressful its return has become.

“COVID definitely has shifted our experience, our perception of what’s considered normal,” said Lynn Bufka, senior director of practice transformation and quality at the American Psychological Association.

Which of course was the intent all along, fool.

“We should expect that there’s going to be some period of time when how we respond to the world around us is going to be different, where we’re going to potentially feel like this is…awkward. But what can be helpful is to recognize that everyone likely feels that way to some extent.”

Speak for yourself, Poindexter.

The pandemic has forced us into a massive social experiment. We’ve never been apart quite like this before. Has COVID fundamentally changed our social lives, or simply paused them? Nearly half of Americans say they feel uneasy thinking about in-person interaction once the pandemic ends, according to the American Psychological Association’s 2021 Stress in America report. Adults who received a COVID-19 vaccine were just as likely as those who haven’t been vaccinated to express unease.

I suppose it’s a good thing that we now have a hard number on the percentage of “Americans” who are gutless, mewling pusscakes.

Experts say it’s important to acknowledge your stress during this transition.

Then promptly disregard it as the unwarranted, cowardly neurosis it is.

It’s normal to feel nervous.

No it isn’t. It really, really isn’t.

People shouldn’t judge themselves too harshly for their anxieties.

On the contrary; it isn’t possible for such sissymarys to be judged harshly enough.

Once people accept this, they can begin to take small steps toward re-integration.

I have no desire to be “re-integrated” with any such miserable worms. In fact, I’d prefer not to be associated with them in any way, shape, or form. All I really want is for them to stay as far the hell away from me as can possibly be arranged.

“The worst thing we could do is completely avoid things causing us anxiety, because avoidance can work in the short term but it impairs us in the long run. What it does, in essence, is it reinforces this notion that everything is a threat,” Wright said.

Again: the whole idea. If you aren’t familiar with the FUD principle and its usefulness as a tool of tyrannical government, you might want to rectify that.

When an activity is causing someone anxiety, engaging in it over and over can make the person less anxious. If fear is inhibiting you from engaging in activities the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention deem safe, that could be a sign you need to change your approach.

I do not give a damp fart what the CDC deems “safe.” If—after innumerable retractions, contradictions, exaggerations, and just outright fucking lies from those goobermint asswipes—you still trust a word from them even a little bit, then you have way bigger problems than any piffling “anxiety.”

Most people will easily adjust to a post-pandemic world, experts say. But for others – people with existing mental health disorders, for example, or who experienced trauma during the pandemic – re-entering society could prove more stressful.

Ahh, we finally get to the truth of the matter: those who were already bugfuck nuts anyway will be the ones who have problems.

“I don’t think that we’re going to go back to how things were pre-pandemic just because that’s the way things always were,” Wright said. 
It’s possible some people may grow more selective in their socialization. 

Oh, I can tell you for sure I plan to be myself, based on this article among other things. Way, WAY more selective.

18 thoughts on “A nation of pussies redux

  1. My gut feeling is a significant portion of these people were the anti-social losers before the pandemic and have been let loose to express their Inner Weakling and feel great about forcing the rest of us to be as miserably anti-people they are anyway. The Hall Monitors, the Student Government, the Teacher You Forgot To Assign Homework, Dorm Scolds, HOA Leaders we all have come to hate whenever we have met them.

    All I’ve ever wanted was for these miserable people to leave me alone and take their misery elsewhere in the first place. You don’t like a party atmosphere at a local bar or house party, then be my guest and stay at home wearing five masks and washing your hands as if you’re Hamlet to your hearts content. You were just harshing our buzz all the time anyway.

    Good riddance to the Miserable Scold Brigades.

    The neo-Puritans, always afraid that somewhere, somehow, so.eone was having fun. Except without all the marital sex of Puritans and only, perhaps, if it’s not too messy, their own self love.

    Wank it, you Cucks.

  2. Yep, misery loves company. The miserable wish to have everyone locked down and miserable.

  3. I’ve been over the pandemic for months; since last April, in fact, when I figured out that the lockdowns are nothing more than a power grab.

    I only wear a face diaper when  there’s absolutely no way to avoid it. If I have no  choice but to go into a place where I have to wear one I will but otherwise if I walk into a place, like a store or restaurant, where they enforce the  edict I turn around and walk out. Luckily where I live it’s never been strictly enforced except at government buildings and WalMart. (I made a vow never to set foot in a WalMart again, forever)

    Most of the people I know feel the same way and we gather as if none of this idiocy ever happened.

    One person I know died when this virus was first unleashed. He had extremely serious health issues and likely wouldn’t have lived much longer anyway.

    Seven others tested positive, one of whom is 82. Two got sick (not the 82 yo), which they described as a bad case of flu. Neither was hospitalized. The others had no symptoms at all. All seven were fanatics about wearing face diapers and distancing.


    1. In the Peoples Republic of Charlotte area, stores started out not enforcing the mask mandate. My favorite grocery chain actually stated they would not enforce it. They were all then visited by state thugs and threatened. Since then they all have an employee or two checking as customers enter. If you look closely you will note that often there is a cop nearby.

      We have an actual commie governor here in NC that gets marching orders from the CCP.

      1. Cooper and Dems in NC are like HOA Presidents in their thuggish slavish devotion to enforcing The WuFlu Edicts. Plus half our deaths are from Nursing Homes as well. Although overall our numbers don’t come even close to places run by Cuomo and the like.

        Still, if you look at my County, the death count, inflated and filled with NH deaths, are only 0.08%.

        Imagine if we had protected Nursing Homes?

        If they had ignored WuFlu here I don’t think anyone would have noticed it at all.

        Anyone know if we can get yearly Deaths, All Causes data for North Carolina itself? My gut feeling is this past year was nothing unusual in that respect.

        1. I suspect the nursing home deaths (all congregate living) were fudged down just like Cuomo did. They were around 62% for quite a while and then, magically, they went down to the 50% range.

          1. The trick there, I’m guessing, was to take them to the hospital and when they died there magically not “congregate living”.

              1. Like everything else with COVID, the data has been so politicised that it bears only the the faintest resemblance to reality. No useful lessons can be drawn because the data is utterly corrupted. The next big communicable disease scare, whatever and whenever it happens, will be far worse than it otherwise should be because of the political manipulation and loss of trust from COVID.

                1. Even if taken at Face Value, which I agree can’t be, the data paint a far different Narrative than what was written.

                  1. NY and other Blue Cities mishandled the response.
                  2. The vulnerable, especially in Blue Cities were exposed unnecessarily to it.
                  3. Masks and Lockdowns had no effect on spread or death and may have made it worse.

                  The problem and a point I quibble with you is this. The CDC gives us an aura of “authority” with their “Experts”. They’re not and it isn’t. What to do when faced with a viral outbreak is known full well for 50 years.

                  1. Quarantine the sick
                  2. Protect the vulnerable.
                  3. Add to healthcare system robustness and look for effective treatments.

                  The only thing government really needs to get involved with at all is the third. That is what Trump did. That is all that can be done.

                  Our mistake is that in good times our healthcare systems are raided and degraded due to socialized medicine. Trump’s economy at least allowed us to mobilize resources quickly as Trump saw the need to act swiftly.

                  Our New Normal Economy is going to screw us all in the end. Say a prayer that we get rid of these Commies because they always leave a trail of death and misery.

                  1. 1,2, & 3 – perfect, both lists.

                    The worst places in this country? Run by quasi communists, every one.

                    1. On a personal and societal level I’d add “use proper hygiene”.

                      I went through SARs in Hong Kong in 2003. I learned all I needed to know then.

                      My wife uses bleach a LOT at home. She also warns us to never touch things in elevators like walls or handles and also in stores try to touch as little as possible.
                      To be considerate use the plastic bags in the store to pick out fresh produce.
                      Wash your hands. Do not touch your face except if you are certain they are clean. I carry a handkerchief and cover my mouth when coughing or sneezing. Allergy seasons I take an allergy pill to lessen the sneezing etc.

                      All simple things.

  4. I’ve been over the pandemic for months; since last April, in fact, when I figured out that the lockdowns are nothing more than a power grab.

    I only wear a face diaper when  there’s absolutely no way to avoid it. If I have no  choice but to go into a place where I have to wear one I will but otherwise if I walk into a place, like a store or restaurant, where they enforce the  edict I turn around and walk out. Luckily where I live it’s never been strictly enforced except at government buildings and WalMart. (I made a vow never to set foot in a WalMart again, forever)

    Most of the people I know feel the same way and we gather as if none of this idiocy ever happened.

    One person I know died when this virus was first unleashed. He had extremely serious health issues and likely wouldn’t have lived much longer anyway.

    Seven others tested positive, one of whom is 82. Two got sick (not the 82 yo), which they described as a bad case of flu. Neither was hospitalized. The others had no symptoms at all. All seven were fanatics about wearing face diapers and distancing.


  5. “senior director of practice transformation and quality”

    I had to look that up…

  6. It’s possible some people may grow more selective in their socialization.

    *snicker* I was an antisocial hermit before the Chinkpox. I’m not sure how much more selective I can get in my socialization.

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Daniel Webster

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Charles Bukowski

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Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
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GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
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David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

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John Adams

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Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

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Ronald Reagan

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NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

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Bill Whittle

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