Call it whatever you want, but a spade will still be a spade.
This Is Not Normal and I Refuse to Pretend It Is
Can we stop for a minute and recognize the absurdity of what we witnessed in a Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee confirmation hearing on Thursday? I turned on C-SPAN and could not believe what I was seeing. A transgender individual—decked out in makeup, jewelry, an ugly skirt, and a hairdo straight out of a 1980s Twisted Sister MTV video—came before a committee of the U.S. Senate and everyone acted like this was completely normal.Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul was the only person on the Senate HELP committee to question Rachel Levine’s radical transgender ideology, which includes chemical (and possibly physical) castration of minor children without their parents’ consent. What did poor Rand Paul get for his courage and honesty? Charges that the medical doctor is an “ignorant’ transphobe. Where were his Republican colleagues? Sitting in their comfy chairs acting as if having a man wearing lipstick and a dress in the Senate chamber is the most normal thing in the world. They’re cowards who are afraid that the mob will come for them next—and they’re hedging their bets that the whole issue will go away before they’re forced to go on the record about all this trans tomfoolery.
We’ve regressed so far as a society that no one bats an eye when a delusional man who believes himself to be a woman is being put forth as a nominee for a vaunted position in government by the president of the United States. And we’re all just supposed to play along with this fantasy and act as if it’s completely normal. It’s not.
Shockingly, the position Levine is under consideration for is the assistant secretary of Health and Human Services. A man who denies science, believing he can overcome what every cell in his body screams—that he’s a male, packed full of XY chromosomes—is going to be in charge of directing health policy for the entire nation. What kind of mass delusion are we under that we just sit back and pretend this is good for us—for our nation, for our children, and for our health?
Now is not a time for cowardice. It’s a time to stand up and say “this is not normal” and to refuse to go along with the charade. The transgender ideology is destroying our culture. Denying basic biology in order to pacify a handful of troubled individuals—and elevating those individuals to high positions in government—makes a mockery of truth and morality, and denies what is visible to all.
They aren’t “pacifying” them, or “elevating” them. They’re USING them, exactly as they’ve used so many others who have fallen under the shitlib thrall: women, Negroes, Mexicans, immigrants and refugees, gays/lesbians, the homeless, the urban poor, the mentally ill, the handicapped, and so on. They divide people into groups; inculcate an unshakable belief in the poisonous idea of their own systemic victimization; urge them on to destructive, futile acts as the only means by which the wrongs done to them by powerful Others might be righted; and then abandon them the instant their usefulness has been outlived. Which is usually when the dumpee saps find out firsthand what REAL victimization is all about.
None of which either surprises or particularly interests me at the moment, I confess. No, the part of this story I wonder about is, did Mr Levine actually have his john-willy whacked off? Or is he among the vast majority of the statistically negligible sub-sub-sub-genus all and sundry are required to misnomer “transgenders” nowadays: a confused, off-camber dude whose unwanted courting tackle, although tucked away under cover of plus-sized women’s wear, is nonetheless intact—ie, a transvestite with, shall we say, loftier ambitions?
Whatever the case may be with this sad, addle-pated freak and his now-you-see-it-now-you-don’t clamdigger, allow me to beat the crowd with an early prediction: Mr Levine will almost certainly be our next “President.” Before you dismiss the notion out of hand, think about this: after our Historic First Black Wymrynzxx “President”—Kumala Willielicker, that would be—what the hell else in the way of Historic First etc etc is left to us? Does anybody really believe that a Historic First Hindoo, illegal alien, or Moslem would satisfy, when we have Mr Levine waiting in the wings for his chance to shine?
Better go ahead and get those bets down now, folks. Trust me on this.
I’ll just go out on a limb here and suggest Levine ain’t a man, nor a woman.
It is quite simply a freak, a circus sideshow, fit for the halls of the US Senate and those sitting within.
I’m the Bearded Lady. What are you, one of the Freaks?
Spaceballs, The Movie.
We are under no delusions. 80 Million people turned out to vote for Trump and handed him a 20 Million vote margin Mandate to stop this shit and the Scumfuckers pushing it in an attempt to completely destroy the Fabric of America, burn it to the ground, take it over and remake it as a Commie Hellhole of Death, Despair, and Delusions.
We should be very very Angry that they took the Will of the People, threw it out the Window, Rigged the Election massively and Installed a Demented Loon as a Figurehead for their Junta and the Coup they just pulled off.