If you chance upon a Rubicon, it must be crossed.
In the closing days of 2020 AD, the American media has declared that Donald Trump’s term as president is finished. As the leader of the deplorables faction, Trump has many enemies among the elite irates, and as soon as he leaves office, these enemies plan to bury him in litigation. Bill Pascrell, the Chairman of the House Ways & Means Subcommittee on Oversight, has officially called for the prosecution of President Trump for “government crimes” following his term in office. In his thirst for vengeance, Pascrell has made it clear there will be no Nixonian escape by pardon:
Donald Trump, along with his worst enablers, must be tried for their crimes against our nation and Constitution. Any further abuse of the sacred pardon power to shield criminals would itself be obstruction of justice, and any self-pardons would be illegal.
Like Caesar, Trump now must fight for victory or lose everything. Come January 2021, will Donald Trump decide to cast the die and cross the Rubicon? He might.
The same people who warned us that Trump is worse than Hitler will now scoff: “Donald Trump is no Caesar!” That’s true. Trump is in a much better position than Caesar was.
Unlike Caesar, Trump can cross the Rubicon legally. He need violate no sacred law. He has all of the legal power he needs to act and win. Congress has given it to him. All he needs to do is invoke the Insurrection Act.
Follows, a deep dive into the specifics of what the former Insurrection Act (now renamed “The Enforcement of the Laws to Restore Public Order Act”) says; the night it makes available for the POTUS to wield at his discretion; what “the militia” is and what role it might play in the Coming Unpleasantness; some related history and speculation; and much, much more. It’s all fascinating stuff, closing out thusly:
If I had told you last November that in the next 12 months the US would endure the worst pandemic since Spanish Flu, AND the worst depression since the Great Depression, AND the worst Constitutional crisis since the Civil War, AND the worst civil unrest since the summer of 1968, AND an unprecedented nation-wide lockdowns that led to the end of sports, bars, restaurants, movies, in-class attendance at school, and commuting to work, AND that it would culminate in the World Economic Forum announcing a Great Reset to the global economy to lock in this new normal, would you have believed me? No, you’d have laughed me off as a tinfoil nutjob. Yet here we are.
To repeat a statistic from earlier: 70% of Republicans think that the most recent election is illegitimate. In a functioning democracy, if 70% of the second-largest political party in the country thinks an election has been stolen, the elites come together to cooperate to investigate and restore legitimacy in the eyes of the voters.
In the US, that’s not happening. Instead, an enormous machine, consisting of tech oligopolies, liberal media, watchdog groups, and partisan activists, is doing everything it can to silence and suppress the dissenters. Simultaneously, this same machine is making enemy lists and actively declaring that when it wins, it will be taking vengeance, against Trump, against everyone who helped him, and against everyone who voted for him.
This is not a drill. This is where we are. If Trump is standing on the banks of the Rubicon, it’s because the leftist machine has purposefully widened the Rubicon River until it reaches his feet.
Clear-headed left-wingers — if there are any left — need to step in and deescalate the threats against Trump and his supporters, and listen to 70 million Americans clamoring for fair and fraud-free voting. There is still time.
Otherwise, as another great military leader put it, “when on death ground, you must fight.”
Not so sure there’s still time myself, I must say. With every passing day, the chance that this runaway train can be stopped or diverted to a less-perilous track looks ever smaller. But hey, maybe that’s just me.
“No, you’d have laughed me off as a tinfoil nutjob.”
True this. I’m certain I would have.
“…the chance that this runaway train can be stopped or diverted to a less-perilous track looks ever smaller.”
I think it’s become invisible, that chance.
Oh, and while I’m here, fuck Tucker Carlson. I gave it a chance, I’m not watching anything further of Faux News. It’s done. Killed from within by neverTrumpers and lunatic leftists.
I’d take issue with some of the characteristics he called “tinfoil hat” thinking as such. Not WHAT happened, but the characterization of what happened.
I’ll fix it for him:
If I had told you last November that in the next 12 months the US would be told, falsely, they faced the worst pandemic since the Spanish Flu, when it was only a mildly bad flu, but ginned up to be a Plague, while Dem Governors deliberately sent infected people into Nursing homes to raise the Death Toll AND as a Result of this Scamdemic Governors far and wide, both Republican and Democrat, would purposefully cause the worst depression since the Great Depression, by Dictatorially telling about 1/3 of the Country they had to shut their businesses, another 1/3 had to operate on 1/5 Capacity would you have believed me? But wait, there’s MORE! The Dems would then use that Scamdemic to justify mail-in ballots in the tens of millions that would be used to Fraudulently Steal the Presidential Election for a Dementia Patient named Joe Biden and subsequently cause the worst Constitutional crisis EVER in our Country’s History, then what would you think? But WAIT! There’s MORE!! Amidst these Lockdowns and closed Schools and Businesses the worst civil unrest since the summer of 1968 would be not only tolerated but encouraged as the Police were told to stand down and then, despite the rioters breaking every rule that was used to justify the Lockdown, the solution was proposed to Defund The Police, what would you think?
Of course there’s MORE! Why do you ask? The unprecedented nation-wide lockdowns then led to the end of sports, bars, restaurants, movies, in-class attendance at school, and commuting to work, which of course led to a rash of bankruptcies of small and medium sized businesses and the destruction of people’s livelihoods, and a large spike in suicides and depression, would you have believed me?
Oh wait. One last thing. All of this Insanity and Destruction would be foisted upon US by not only crazed Commie Democrats but their Allies in the GOPe, who then blamed Trump and tried to justify the Election Steal, which is ongoing as we speak.
Actually at that point the question would probably be this: “If all of that would really happen over the next twelve months, why weren’t politicians being hanged left and right or summarily shot or picked off by Patriot Snipers?
I wouldn’t have a good answer for them.