A preview of coming attractions for a movie we never want to see. But it looks more and more as if we just might.
As we’d reminded you back on June 14th in this ANP story titled “Imagine America In 2021 If Domestic Terror-Supporters Win In November: A Look Back At Where America Was Headed Under Obama Tells Us Where We’ll Go If Democrats Win The Election”, while Barack Obama was still President, official US government documents labeled just about any Republican or Conservative across the country as a potential terrorist in the government’s eyes.
As we’d reported within that story, back on August 26th of 2013, Michael Snyder had published an extremely important story titled “72 Types Of Americans That Are Considered “Potential Terrorists” In Official Government Documents” within which he warned that America was in deep trouble if we kept going the direction we were headed in.
With official US government documents back then labeling people as being potential terrorists just for being a conservative, a libertarian, a Christian or a gun owner, or anyone who was opposed to abortion, globalism, Communism, illegal immigration, the United Nations or a ‘New World Order’, just imagine if these Marxist devils get back into power in January of 2021!
Going so far under Obama that they were attempting to label ANYONE OPPOSED TO the democrat agenda, including those opposed to the mass murdering of babies, as a potential terrorist, we should think about that very, very deeply as we continue this rush towards November.
With terrorists letting Americans know that terror attacks upon our country are ahead, with even President Trump recently calling out their ‘treason, sedition and insurrection’, the remarks made by BLM’s own leaders hint that this will never end peacefully in the weeks and months ahead.
So we come down to this very real possibility. With democrats quite literally pushing their communist revolution ahead of the 2020 election, and those same democrats demonizing 10’s of millions of law-abiding Americans citizens for having conservative values, even putting us on terrorist watchlists, as has happened in one commie revolution after another, there is inevitably a ‘purge’.
And with the website Deagel giving us a hint of what that purge might look like, with their forecast of an America with less than 100 million people living here by 2025, a drop of over 227 million in less than 4 years, we pray that Civil War will be avoided in America but Communist revolutions throughout history have proven to us that there are things much worse.
Indeed there are, and it isn’t as if there hasn’t already been numerous real-world demonstrations of what those things will surely end up being. As CA suggests in the title of his post linking to this sobering Malcolm Pollack piece, the stakes are the highest imaginable.
It surprises me that anyone on the Right (or for that matter, anyone of middle years or older who grew up in the former United States, and feels that he or she has had a pretty good life) would have any hesitation at all about supporting Donald Trump — not only in the upcoming election, but also in the day-to-day grind of this terrible culture war. (I should make an exception for accelerationists, but I am not an accelerationist.)
Is Mr. Trump deeply flawed? Of course. Is he petulant, unstatesmanlike, vain, unlettered, and at times childish and vulgar? Yes, all of those things. But listen to how he speaks of America, of its goodness, of its greatness, and of its greatness still to be. Look at the way he honors our Founders, our traditions, our veterans, and the ordinary people who build and sustain American life. Say what you want about the man, his eye is on what’s good in America — all the things that over the centuries have made people from all over the world yearn to come here, all the things that I, as a boy, was taught that we must give thanks for to our forefathers, cherish for ourselves and our families, and preserve for generations yet unborn. He understands that we are links in a great chain — with a debt to our ancestors, and a duty to our children. Break that chain, sever that link to past and future, and men will be, as Edmund Burke said, little more than “the flies of a summer”.
For all his flaws, Donald Trump understands all of this: if not intellectually, then in his heart. And he is, in this moment, all we have. He is Gandalf against the Balrog at the Bridge of Khazad-dûm. As Lincoln once said of Grant: “I cannot spare this man. He fights.”
Remember always: we are in an existential conflict with a fearsome global Enemy. This foe has limitless financial resources, and it has already conquered, in a long march spanning half a century or more, all the great strategic strongholds of our civilization — education, popular media, corporate boardrooms, the upper echelons of the military, the political leadership of almost all of our major cities, and the malleable minds of scores of millions of voters, in particular women and coastal city-dwelllers. As we can see all around us every day, they have fought us almost to a standstill even without controlling the White House and the Senate. Can you imagine what would happen if they were to consolidate their power by seizing those last defenses?
Perhaps you imagine that much of their current anger is due to their loss to Mr. Trump in 2016, and that a victory this November would settle them back down; that if they can reclaim the presidency they will be placated and magnanimous. Nothing could be further from the truth. Seething with four years of pent-up resentment, if they retake the commanding heights of political power they will, in their exultation and their fury, burn us all to ashes, and grind the remaining embers of the traditional American nation into powder.
Y’all already well know of my dejected acceptance of the essential truth expressed by the TINVOWOOT formulation, indeed, there is no voting our way out of this. I’ve also been disappointed in Trump’s seeming near-paralysis of late, and have said so here. Even so, those things don’t make supporting him a mug’s game, nor lessen the importance of doing so.
As the horrific death throes of America That Was—struck down at last by the toxic combination of Enemies, Domestic and the nerveless ennui of beleaguered Normals—advance towards their last stages, the truly Woke among us must nonetheless resist despair, resolving to whatever action we can to forestall the final victory of our Marxist tormentors and opressors for as long as possible. The prospect of defeat looms ever larger, but defeat is even yet not a certainty. As long as the slightest hope remains, we must do all that lies within our power to do.
As the man says, Trump is all we have standing between us and the coming of Mordor On The Potomac’s Great Darkness, at least for the moment. No, he is not any kind of Savior; he is not a Man On A White Horse, riding in to smite our foes and singlehandedly turn the tide at the last moment. He is a tool, ready to hand and still of use in stalling the onslaught of the orcs until we can marshall our forces and perhaps contrive a way to turn the dismal tide ourselves. Since we’re into the LOTR analogies here, Gandalf’s wise words seem appropriate:
Despair is only for those who see the end beyond all doubt. We do not…It is not our part to master all the tides of the world, but to do what is in us for the succour of those years wherein we are set, uprooting the evil in the fields that we know, so that those who live after may have clean earth to till. What weather they shall have is not ours to rule.
The board is set, the pieces are moving. We come to it at last, the great battle of our time. So let’s just buckle down and win the damned thing, shall we?
Should the marxists win the presidency, they will certainly hold the house and most likely take the senate.
They will not waste time with niceties. They will, in very short order, pack SCOTUS to eliminate any pesky legal issues for the deluge of marxism to come.
At age 67 I have never said the next election was the “big one”. This one is. Trump loses and we immediately begin losing everything left of what makes us American. They will come for the guns, and they will do so quickly with law. Then on a case by case basis they will start confiscation.
So, we are headed to serfdom or civil war absent a Trump win. Should Trump win there is no guarantee of peaceful coexistence. No, the current orchestrated violence in the cities will be ratcheted up. But the feds can respond from a position of strength for the next 4 years.
And that’s all we get, 4 more years of holding the marxists at bay. That is better than 0.
They won’t win it honestly.
Concur. Bad wording choice.
To look to one man as a Savior is not the American way.
To look to America and Americans is the Way, and Trump does look to America and Americans to have his back.
Currently I believe President Trump is letting both the Statue Stupid and the Panic Porn to veer off into straight up Insanity (You’ve reached your station BLM, Antifa and Maskers, get off now) and when even enough “Independents” have had enough it will either die out or he’ll drive it out.
I am disappointed that seemingly no one from the Coup has been indicted or turned State’s Evidence yet.
Other than that, there is not much for PDT to do except win in November and for that he needs our Support and Turnout.
And all of the accelerationists in the Dissident Right will cheer. Briefly. Up until they discover that the acceleration doesn’t pay off the dividends for the dissident movement they were hoping for.