Annnnd it’s official: we have now reached the absolute nadir of liberal/SJW absurd stupidity.
OAKLAND, Calif. (AP) — Oakland’s mayor said five ropes found hanging from trees in a city park are nooses and racially-charged symbols of terror but a resident said they are merely exercise equipment that he put up there months ago.
Mayor Libby Schaaf said Wedesday that a hate crime investigation was under way after a social media post identified a noose at the city’s popular Lake Merritt. Police said they searched the area on Tuesday and found five ropes attached to trees.
The Police Department provided five photographs of trees, some of which showed knotted ropes and one that appeared to have a piece of plastic pipe attached to a rope, hanging from tree limbs.
They have been removed by city officials.
“A piece of plastic pipe attached to a rope” will, of course, be entirely familiar to anyone who has ever spent a single moment inside a gym, who will immediately recognize that it bears NO FUCKING RESEMBLANCE WHATSOEVER to a noose of any sort. With this embarrassent, which will of course embarrass them not one whit, the SJW/Race-Warrior Left has beclowned itself so spectacularly as to have become the Evel Knievel of shark-jumping. Congrats on that sterling “achievement” there, guys. Ace gets jiggy with it:
Artist’s Depiction: White supremacists performing Alt-Right Exercises with TRX suspension nooses in a Boogaloo Brigade training facility
Ahh, but the guy who hung these “nooses” would just about have to be some kind of super-Nazi, Aryan Nation-type RAYCISS, wouldn’t you say?
Victor Sengbe,
WHO IS BLACK, told KGO-TV that the ropes were part of a rigging that he and his friends used as part of a larger swing system. He also shared video of the swing in use. “Out of the dozen and hundreds and thousands of people that walked by, no one has thought that it looked anywhere close to a noose. Folks have used it for exercise. It was really a fun addition to the park that we tried to create,” Sengbe said.
“It’s unfortunate that a genuine gesture of just wanting to have a good time got misinterpreted into something so heinous,” he told the station.
Ooooops. Emphasis mine, natch. But of course, even in the face of such a numbingly preposterous overreaction from Oakland Leftard city authority, AP can’t help but get in a little sermonizing regardless. It’s who they are, it’s what they do.
Nooses have been associated with the lynching of black people and used as symbols to taunt or terrorize African Americans.
Oh yesyesyes indubitably, in literally dozens of fake “hate-crime incidents” artifically contrived by mentally-disordered, attention-seeking Negroes all across the nation, none of which I will bother looking up links for because I no longer give a shit.
But then we come to the truly dangerous part. Emphasis, again, mine:
Schaaf said officials must “start with the assumption that these are hate crimes.” However, the mayor and Nicholas Williams, the city’s director of parks recreation, also said it didn’t matter whether the ropes were meant to send a racist message.
“Intentions don’t matter when it comes to terrorizing the public,” Schaaf said. “It is incumbent on all of us to know the actual history of racial violence, of terrorism, that a noose represents and that we as a city must remove these terrorizing symbols from the public view.”
“The symbolism of the rope hanging in the tree is malicious regardless of intent. It’s evil, and it symbolizes hatred,” Williams said.
Even when, as in this case, it actually doesn’t.
That we even have officially-designated and defined “hate crimes” in the first place is a crime, as un-American a notion as I can think of. That we have “people” in positions of authority who think like the excrescence Schaaf is downright terrifying. That we continue to meekly tolerate humbug as patently offensive and degrading as this—and take the panty-soaking hysterics who pimp it against all rationality, decency, and common sense seriously—is a national disgrace.
ZOMGRUFKM update! A lot of it going around these days.
The NYPD Hate Crime Task Force investigated this incident thoroughly. According to the park director, it was left over from a construction scaffold that was removed in the fall. The rope was used to hoist construction materials. @NYPDDetectives @NYPDShea
— NYPD Hate Crimes (@NYPDHateCrimes) June 16, 2020
Time to ban rope entirely, I suppose. Sounds ridiculous, I know—right up until you recall how ban-happy shitlibs are anyway, just as a matter of reflex. IF EVEN ONE LIFE IS SAVED…!!!
I wish I could say I was surprised, but I’m not. These people are evil, there every thought is evil. I see a rope, they see a noose designed to hang a black man. Now, how many black folks have you ever known to be hung with a noose?
If your answer is zero you’re probably close enough to win the cigar.
We’re just cooked and waiting for the shooting to begin.
“their” every thought is evil
Funny, I knew something was wrong but didn’t see it until I come back to make another comment.
“came” back.
And we don’t care a whit either time. Because we know 8>D
LOL, damn, hell, and a string of other adjectives…
Oh, well. I think it passes for Southern.
I just walked out in my garage a few minutes ago and noticed some evil stuff. Yep there is some noose making material out there. Guess I’m going to have to turn myself in to the inner city progtards.
“We must start with the assumption that these are hate crimes” — yeah, these people are totally acting in good faith, and not just looking for an excuse to stir up more hatred. Sure they are.
The perpetually offended must have their daily two minute hate. Their brains are hooked on that particular rush, just like a drug addict is hooked on their chemical of choice. So they will always find something to get offended about, no matter how idiotic.
Man. That’s the blackest White Supremacist I ever saw.
Clint Eastwood.
Hang ‘Em High.