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Is “mind your own fucking business” a good enough reason for ya?

Because for me it sure is. Not that there aren’t plenty of others.

The “hesitant” – as people who aren’t interested in trusting the pharmaceutical cartels or the government to “keep them safe” from a sickness that doesn’t meaningfully threaten them are being styled – have more than just that reason to eschew the “vaccine” that’s being hard-sold like a time-share condo.

It is a reason that goes beyond everything being discussed – and yet isn’t being discussed much. Hence the importance of discussing it.

That reason is, simply,: If they can do it this time they can do it the next time. And the time after that, ongoing.

Which you can rest assured are only a little bit further on down this road we’re on. But Eric is after much bigger game here.

It is no longer merely the law that is the violator of natural rights. Corporations are now arguably a much greater threat to them since they aren’t even obliged to pass laws for that purpose. They can postulate policies – and these have the force and effect of laws in a system such as ours, because corporations control practically all employment and the peripheral things that are necessary to employment, such as banks – without which it is rather difficult to get paid by a corporate employer or even do business independently of corporate employment.

If these corporations set forth a policy that everyone who is employed by the corporation or wishes to do business with the corporation must provide proof they have been injected with whatever they say people must be injected with, then it becomes extremely difficult for most people to decline to be injected because most people have to work in order to live.

And they have to work – to the end of their lives – because of the government, which steals a third to half of what they earn and then steals more, endlessly, in the form of such things as what are styled “taxes” applied to their very homes, such that they can only remain in those home so long as they continue paying the “taxes”  – which obliges almost all of them to work until they die. Which applies tremendous economic pressure to submit to whatever the corporations that employ the majority of them require they submit to.

Fait meets accompli.

Some will defend the supposed “right” of “private” corporations to impose whatever policies they wish but this is a suicidally idiotic defense of the primary thing destroying the  concept of private property. Corporations are government property, in the first place. Creations of government, for purposes that benefit the government and the corporations – always at a cost to natural rights. It’s just their policy – and you’re free to work somewhere else! Except everywhere else has the same policies – and they are all protected by the same government.

If most people weren’t so enserfed by a system that keeps them that way by violating their right to property at every turn, the property of their bodies would not be threatened at every turn. They could say no – without repercussions – because their right to say no would be regarded as the natural law, as it once was.

Instead, we have case law – and now a case is being made to compel everyone to roll up their sleeves for this “vaccine.” Which will become the next “vaccine,” once the precedent is established. Which will set the precedent for the literal surrender of control over our very bodies to the government-corporate nexus, for whatever “treatment” they decide we require.

Like animals being taken to the vet.

And that is why principled refusal is so critically important, the hill that must be defended at all costs – else it will cost us everything.

Precisely so. You never yield so much as a single solitary inch to Lefty or his “sacred” government. Because he’ll forever be coming back for more, again and again, until he’s taken absolutely everything. That’s who he is, it’s what he does.

Update!Get in line, get the jab or exit society.

Kathleen Sebelius, former Secretary of Health and Human Services under the Obama administration, has made some stunning remarks in regards to those who refuse to get the (authorized for emergency use only) Covid vaccines.

Talking to CNN, Sebelius said,

“We’re in a situation where we have a wildly effective vaccine, multiple choices, lots available, free of charge, and we have folks who are just saying I won’t do it. I think that it’s time to say to those folks, it’s fine if you don’t choose to get vaccinated. You may not come to work. You may not have access to a situation where you’re going to put my grandchildren in jeopardy. Where you might kill them, or you might put them in a situation where they’re going to carry the virus to someone in a high-risk position.”

If you are skeptical about their effectiveness, too bad!

If you are fearful of their many dangerous side effects including death, get over it!

If knowing you can still get Covid after getting the dangerous jab has turned you off, suck it up!

Looks like “my body, my choice” only applies to abortion, eh? Of course, there’s a much shorter way of saying what Sibelius and the rest of her loathsome ilk really mean: OBEY, OR BE PUNISHED.

11 thoughts on “Is “mind your own fucking business” a good enough reason for ya?

  1. Their game is clear.

    Characterized adeptly here:

    “…the course events are now taking … a course of events that has always been clear, a course that every totalitarian movement needs to take to get where it’s going. You can’t remake entire societies into quasi-totalitarian systems without civil unrest, chaos, rioting, war, or some other form of cataclysm. Brainwashing the masses is all fine and good, but, at some point, you need to goad the people who are resisting your new totalitarian “reality” into getting unruly, so you can crack down on them, and transform them into official enemies, which appears to be what is happening currently.

    GloboCap [aka FedGovCo] is dialing up the totalitarianism, and they are rubbing it in our faces. Here in New Normal Germany, prominent health officials are openly barking out Goebbelsian slogans like “NO FREEDOM FOR THE UNVACCINATED!” and “THE UNVACCINATED ARE A DANGER TO SOCIETY!” All over Europe, including the UK, where “Freedom Day” is fast approaching, pseudo-medical social-segregation systems are being implemented. In France, Greece, and many other countries, people who refuse to be “vaccinated” are being stripped of their jobs and otherwise punished. In the USA, where the Unvaccinated are also being segregated, New Normal goon squads are going door-to-door, bullying “vaccine hesitant” families into conforming to the new official ideology.”

    They believe they’ve identified the issue, & the path, that gives them the moral high ground in this coming conflict, which they appear most intent upon forcing. And they believe they’ve identified a way to force the conflict which will make it appear like our side, the defenders of Liberty, are the aggressors.

    Of course science & reality are not on their side in any way whatsoever, hence the mountains of propaganda. The coof spoof, the vaccine, the lock downs, the masks, the endless variants, the list of horseshit is too long to detail completely & seems to grow nearly by the day.

    But they don’t care nor worry about that little part, because in their estimation, they’ll be the victors that write the history.

    So, the cliff notes takeaway for those on the side of Liberty?

    Same as always.


  2. And that is why principled refusal is so critically important, the hill that must be defended at all costs – else it will cost us everything.

    It isn’t just this “hill”, at this point, there’s so much in play it’s a whole mountain. It’s the entire mountain range. A near across the board assault that must be defended against.

  3. Your Right to swing your fist around ends where my nose begins. Accepting that Corporations are voluntary contractual agreements between individuals and government merely recognizes that agreement does not in any way confer some sort of exemption from the Fist/Nose concept of Natural Rights.

    Corporations should only have one criteria for discriminating in Employment. That is, can the person do the job better than any other person applying. Therefore whether you’re Black or White, Male or Female, Roman Catholic or Presbyterian etc by themselves can’t be cause for discrimination, if the person can meet the job requirements better than other applicants.

    A Corporation can’t violate my Civil Rights by discriminating in Employment for an irrelevant to job performance criteria like Vaxxed or Unvaxxed. They shouldn’t even be able to inquire about it.

    1. Shouldn’t of course does not mean they won’t. (kennycan is well aware of this, of course, but it is worth emphasizing.) And leftists make everything political, so stuff that should be irrelevant to doing the job gets defined as “required” so they can avoid hiring based on merit. You aren’t going to find very many straight white male diversity coordinators, for example. Those types of make work positions are intended for the diversity hires who can’t do real productive work.

      1. My main concern here is finding a Liberty Based Rationale for opposing this rather than finding that Corporations exist at the Pleasure of the Government. If it does, it can be penalized at the Displeasure of the Government.

        Government does not create Corporations. A voluntary association of individuals forming a Partnership can exist without a Government at all. What Government does do is regulate how a Partnership can incorporate so as to attain Limited Liability. As a Society we have determined that the Public Good that is received from allowing organizing as a Limited Liability Partnership was a greater Net Benefit to Society than it’s drawbacks. We decided that giving Government the task of overseeing this was a Power we wanted to vest in them, the same way we vested the Right to Self Defense in the Government when it came to National Defense. It is a desired function of Government to oversee the contract law that governs this Limited Liability Company. A Corporation is merely a different type of Limited Liability Partnership. The differences are technical and not really worth going through here because they don’t make a difference in my thesis.

        Recall also the Limited Liability recognized by Society acting through Government merely limits the losses to individual Owners to their Capital Invested and covers only normal business operations and losses from same. It confers no exemption from Liability for any criminal acts on the part of the Corporation, it’s Owners if they were complicit in ordering it, or the Management if they acted with or without the Owner’s knowledge. Corporations can be sued and management and owners held liable for many actions outside of normal legal business operations.

        My main concern here was in the following sentence:

        Corporations are government property, in the first place. Creations of government, for purposes that benefit the government and the corporations

        Corporations exist to benefit Society as a whole as well.

        There is as well the concept that if a private company is engaging in acts at the behest of government, directly or indirectly, that the government is prohibited from doing directly, it is deemed that the government is doing it directly.

        I am adding a third idea. That Individuals can’t infringe other’s Natural Rights and so neither can a Corporation. So even if acting without government prodding, if they are violating my Civil Rights, then like other instances, they can be stopped in their actions and potentially penalized for their actions.

        Another example: Businesses are supposed to protect your Right to Privacy so a doctor is not supposed to release your medical records, a banker shouldn’t divulge your financial position and the IRS shouldn’t release your tax returns. Of course there are legal reasons when that does not apply, but that would require getting a warrant or an equivalence.

        Given all that, HazHap is right. I know how this is SUPPOSED to work, and I realize that this is not how it does work.
        I just worry that in looking to stop the evils of Big Tech we aren’t inadvertently granting Big Government some Power they really don’t have.

  4. You know, it occurs to me that if they really wanted to push this, they’d have the CDC and AMA put pressure on all of the local health care professionals (or “professionals” if you’d prefer) to push the not-a-Vaccine at every opportunity.

    And I haven’t heard word one about the vaxx from my PCP or any of my other health care types when I’ve gone in in the last couple of months. Nor in the entire last year or so, other than my doc and I joking around about “what if they make the vaxx mandatory” way back when they were first working on trying to create the damned things.

    The VA has been pushing it, according to my housemate, but not the regular health care types down here.

    Maybe that’s why they’re going in on the door-to-door voluntolds? They can’t get the regular pros to fall in line on it?

    1. You live in a Red Area. Blue and Purple areas the docs are pushing the vaxx like it was better than the invention of the wheel.

      1. Yeah, I know, that’s probably it.

        When the subject of the vaxx first came up back in the dim dark prehistory of mid-2020, my PCP laughed his ass off at my response to the question of, “What if they make it mandatory?”

        Of course, at our first meeting, he’s the same one that when I asked what he advised healthwise, said, “Buy lots and lots of ammo – most males our age have an ammunition deficiency.”

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Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
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Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
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David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
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"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

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Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

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Bill Whittle

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