It’s just too good not to share. Some mighty fine writing in this piece.
“There you have it, folks: The proper emergency treatment for a harpoon to the head is, of course, a cigarette. (Those must be some really good cigarettes.)
It’s fortunate that the intrepid angler, following the attack, was able to get to a good sturgeon. He was evaluated, the harpoon removed, and reportedly no serious damage was done. Mr. Klingtalay therefore avoided turtle disaster. On the other hand, it’s unclear as to whether Mr. Klintalay’s unnamed friend will face any charges, as the Thai press seems to be pretty koi about revealing that information. Presumably, they don’t want to mussel in on the authorities in determining what charges might be appropriate.”
Hat Tip: Liberty Daily
Was it chili 🌶️ at the time?
Talent I do not possess….
Hint: contrary to expectations Thai Green Curry dishes are the hottest and the Red the mildest.