TL says he’s all done with being nice about it, and I’m with him a thousand and one percent on that.
As they reinstate mask mandates at colleges and at TSA, one really must recognize that everything they told us before has been proven a lie. Everything you were told about masks, about vaccines, about safety, about mandates were all BS, all of it. Some of us knew that immediately, could smell the rat. A lot didn’t, many fell for some part of it, others for all of it and some just did it to get along without making waves. Well, this is the result of being afraid to rock the boat. Without any evidence, without any medical advice from anyone, they’re back at it. Why? Because you did it the first time.
No matter what your reasons might have been, you complied your way right into this utter, utter stupidity and I’m not going to be as nice about it the second time around as I was the first. I knew people needed time to digest the truth, to see it, to understand that all of their supposed learned institutions were a bunch of Marxist bastards willing to dispense medical information without an inkling of medical training or expertise, because if they had even a modicum of it, they would have understood that Fauci wrote a paper himself that proved that the greater majority of Spanish Flu deaths in the early 20th Century were from bacterial pneumonia caused by wearing masks; inhaling the trapped bacteria from their own mouths. Any idiot who’s seen the film Apollo 11 could understand that inhaling CO2 is dangerous and at certain concentrations, deadly, but it took a study by Harvard, or some such institution, to show that in the first five minutes of wearing a mask, a person’s intake of CO2 is greater than that allowed by Naval submarines before they’re forced to surface.
I didn’t need that level of institutional knowledge for me to reject the very concept of wearing a mask, the porosity of which is larger than a miniscule virus, to understand that they were pulling a fast one. Perhaps, it’s just my strident resistance to any authoritative voice telling me to do something common sense tells me is stupid that causes my resistance to take over my decision-making, but having been proven right, I’m not about to back down now.
This goes back to childhood, if you want to know the truth. The very idea of a Bandaid, after using one a few times and seeing that the the skin couldn’t get any air and was puckered and white and that delayed the healing process told me that they were not only useless, but worked counter to my body’s healing method, which required air.
No, I recognize this for what it is. They’re planning the big Marxist push, the Stalinist treatment to institute their total control. Part of it might be to derail the 2024 election they now know they’re going to lose, or it might just be to complete the takeover before the 2024 election. They tried indictments against their political opponent and it just made him stronger, which is why I suggested not long ago to continue to support Trump, even if you hate him, because he is their measure of us, the measure of resistance and now they know that they can’t win by that method.
What does a communist always do? They always double-down. They never understand that their message is a loser, or that they were wrong, or that the people they claim to represent think they’re a bunch of totalitarian pigs. Control is their game, their only resort and so they’ve rolled out the masks again, then lockdowns. If you can’t see it coming, yet, I’m of no use to you, stop reading.
I can tell you that fighting these mask mandates now is the same as fighting for your very lives, but if you don’t understand that yet, you never will. The world is not taken over by the big bomb or the great battle anymore, right now, in the 21st Century, it’s won or lost in the smallest of things, because they’re signals, signposts that direct the tyrants to impose worse and more and heavier restrictions on a daily basis.
A-yup, nothing more to add from here.
I will not comply. Simple as that.
I can hardly wait,,,
From Instapundit commentor AndyMcgill
And from Boolean Bonehead –
And Vince Vega –