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Tucker on Twitter

Episode 5 is another real sockdolager, to appropriate the colorfully descriptive words of renowned linguist Huckleberry Finn.

I think it safe to say that being dumped by Faux News is probably the best thing that ever could have happened to Tucker Carlson; the gloves are now officially off, and it’s a delight to watch it as it happens.

Update! Just in case you weren’t aware of it yet, here’s a backgrounder on what Tucker is talking about.

So what is the much-vaunted Department of Justice doing, anyway? The DOJ wrote in a Tuesday letter to a Wilmington court that Hunter Biden agreed to plead guilty to two tax offenses, and “has agreed to enter a Pretrial Diversion Agreement” for lying on a gun application and possessing an illegal firearm.

To summarize, Hunter Biden is accused of foreign influence peddling and taking (and coordinating) bribes for himself, his uncle, and his powerful father to the tune of millions of dollars. He (and his father, who was then vice president) are accused of working to shut down an investigation into a Ukrainian oligarch’s oil company by getting the prosecutor fired. And today, the DOJ accepted a guilty plea on what The Washington Post calls “two minor tax crimes,” and admitted to the basic facts around the gun case, agreeing to enter “diversion programs” and serve two years probation.

At long last, Hunter Biden is in the clear. He has answered for his crimes, and his father has shown his commitment to the rule of law and the principle that no man is above the law. It’s all over.

At least that’s what Hunter’s legal team reportedly thinks, according to CBS. And it fits with congressional Democrats’ long-running claims that there’s nothing to see here, and even if there is it’s already been investigated and it’s fine, so let’s move on.

Tuesday’s plea deal is the equivalent of taking a watering can to a house fire and calling yourself a firefighter. They will do that anyway, of course. Far from a sign of justice to come, expect today’s ruling to serve as a cudgel for Biden partisans across the DOJ and the corporate media to hit outraged (and out-of-power) Republicans with. Justice served, indeed.

Stuff and nonsense. The Repukes won’t require any cudgeling, since they’ll be perfectly happy to follow their D卐M☭CRAT caporegimes’ lead here, as always—maybe puff and blow a little bit for the Enemedia cameras on how this whitewash proves that IMPARTIAL JUSTICE!!!™ is still alive, well, and functional in Amerika v2.0, just to keep up appearances—right before they quietly help their partners in crime sweep the whole sordid mess under the rug, never to be mentioned publicly again.


4 thoughts on “Tucker on Twitter

  1. sockdolager

    Haven’t seen the term used in a long time, thanks for the reminder of it. And you are correct, TC is putting out a sockdolager with every episode it seems.

  2. I gave Carlson a lot of shit for the restraint and refusal to touch certain topics (election theft and coup, 2020), always noting that he did work for the faux news organization which has the final say.

    I also noted that TC had the money to walk away from the muzzle unharmed financially.

    It’s fair to say that TC has done that, probably by his own refusal to completely cooperate with the women* running faux news.

    He is unique in his ability to expose, sometimes satiric and entertaining, the worst of the marxist left, be they democrat or republican flavor of marxists.

    The twitter episodes are destroying faux news and exposing the lies of all the media. Tucker is now the #1 source for commentary on the evil and corrupt cabal currently in power.

    Fox news did us all great favor, unintentionally of course.

    *From TC himself

  3. Karine Jean-Potatohead is a historic figure. She’s the first actually retarded White House Press Secretary. There’ve been some doozies in the past but she handily beats them all.

    1. Heh, this is true. She also has the distinction of being the first mentally ill idiot to serve as press secretary to the first mentally ill idiot president.

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