FederalGovCo: murdering politically-inconvenient prisoners in their cells and absurdly claiming their deaths were actually “suicides” since 1995.
Last January, Tucker Carlson featured a segment that challenged the theory that Jeffrey Epstein committed suicide. He was not alone. Many doubt the official narrative. What the doubters don’t realize is how the press used the cover-up of a 1995 brutal prison homicide to facilitate the cover-up of Epstein’s (very likely) homicide.
On August 21, 1995, Kenneth Michael Trentadue was found dead in his allegedly suicide-proof cell at the Federal Transfer Center in Oklahoma City. Pieces of his skull were missing in three different places. There were deep bruises underneath his arms, including bruises shaped like a person’s fingertips running along his biceps. His knuckles were deeply bruised and swollen.
According to the government, Trentadue’s appalling injuries resulted from his hanging himself in that “suicide-proof” cell during a 24-minute interval between bed checks. The FBI and the DOJ successfully made their suicide fantasy the accepted narrative about Trentadue’s death.
The only person who wasn’t fooled was Kenneth Trentadue’s brother, Jessie Trentadue, a trial lawyer in Salt Lake City who kept challenging the government’s lies. What he could not figure out was what triggered the violent assault. That issue was addressed in the Rohrabacher Report, which examined the many controversies surrounding the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing. It turns out it may have been a case of mistaken identity:
Bank robber Richard Guthrie claimed that he would soon be revealing information that would blow the lid off the Oklahoma City bombing case. The next day, he was found dead, hanging in his cell, purportedly a suicide. This suspicious “suicide” mirrored the similar death of Kenneth Trentadue, another prisoner, who may have been tangentially and incorrectly linked to the Oklahoma City bombing. The death of these two prisoners, who happened to be very similar in appearance, is more than disturbing. (Emphasis added.)
According to the FBI, Richard Guthrie was a member of the Midwest Bank robbers gang that reportedly shared stolen monies with Timothy McVeigh to help fund the Oklahoma City bombing. Trentadue may have been beaten to death by prison guards because they mistook him for Guthrie.
There’s more to this gruesome story, all of it revolting, appalling, and just scary as all hell. Even more sobering is that, in all likelihood, such atrocities possibly date back to well before 1995; in fact, knowing the kind of government we have long had and the nature of the monsters working within it—particularly in the ludicrously-misnomered Department of “Justice”—I think it a dead certainty that they do.
The most sobering aspect of all? Another dead cert: the longer we sit on our fat, comfy asses and just docilely put up with it, the worse it will get—and the more extreme the measures taken to correct it will have to be, until “Kill ‘em all, let God sort ‘em out” is not merely an amusing slogan and/or CF post category, but becomes something more along the lines of a mandate, even a way of life.
Speaking of post categories, I think it’s high time I updated the “Life in the O!gulag” category with a new name: “Life (and/or death) in the Amerikan gulag.”
Anyone who knows anything at all about the Oklahoma City bombing knows that the official story is nonsense.* The question is, who’s benefitting from the lies? Who is being protected and what is being covered up? We can speculate, but the details have been obfuscated thoroughly and many of the people who knew anything have been killed.
* I mean that literally. I know jack shit about explosives or building demolition but as soon as I heard the details of the story I was thinking that somethin ain’t right here.
Agreed, no way in hell the official narrative is anything but a lie, beginning to end. File it along with the mass shooting in Vegas, among all the other lies and atrocities.
“…the more extreme the measures taken to correct it will have to be…”
I think this is the norm throughout history. At some point it goes snap, and then all hell breaks loose.
I don’t think we’re there, or even that close just yet. OTOH, no one can predict when the snap occurs.