Friday’s Substack post is now live: Enough Ghey, Inc to go around, featuring an examination of and commentary on Tal Bachman’s latest piece. Excerpt:
Like racial bigotry and religion-based squabbling, anti-gay sentiment is a universal constant—always been with us, always will be, just one of the less-appealing aspects of what they call the human condition. Yes, it’s only true of a small minority of us, but it’s there nonetheless, and the least trace of bigotry or intolerance will always be plenty enough to provoke paroxysms of frothing hatred among Loony-Left hysterics.
That being so, Leftard cultists have pushed Normals well beyond the bounds of mere tolerance and acceptance as part of an ongoing campaign of destruction and subjugation, now insisting that we all must actively celebrate Teh Ghey. As their mantra has it, “the personal is political.” Which covers one hell of a lot of ground. Or, as the sardonic Righty counter-slogan translates, You Will Be MADE To Care.
Go ye and read of it, for It. Is. Good.