It’s a simple, easy binary choice, strictly a One From Column A, One From Column B Type of deal. No others available, sorry.
Trans activism is sexist and delusional (By Jordan Peterson)
By denying science, the medical profession is committing some of the worst moral crimes in modern times. It must end.What is a woman?
A defining question of our times, and the title of a now infamous documentary indicating the breadth of the political chasm dividing us here in the West.
Here is an answer, summarising current scientific understanding and coming from a research psychologist and clinician.
Let’s start with the basics. Sexual differentiation, on the biological front – where the whole woman/man dichotomy originates, after all – happened two billion years in the past, long before nervous systems developed a mere 600 million years ago. The brute fact of sexual dichotomy was already a constant before even the basics of our perceptual, motivational, emotional and cognitive systems made their appearance on the cosmic stage. Thus, it could be argued that sexual differentiation is more ‘real’ than even ‘up’ or ‘down’, ‘forward’ or ‘back’– more so than pain or pleasure – and, as well, that its perception (given the necessity of that perception to successful reproduction) is key to the successful propagation of life itself.
The fact that such perception and sex-linked action was possible even before nervous systems themselves evolved should provide proof to anyone willing to think that the sexual binary is both fundamental objective fact and primary psychological axiom.
There’s more: sexual differentiation is observable at every level of biological function. Sperm and egg are sexually differentiated; the 40 trillion cells that make up the human body each have a nucleus containing 23 paired chromosomes. Every single cell (with some minor exceptions) in a woman is female, and every single cell in a man male.
Physiological differences between the sexes, in addition to those that obtain at the cellular level, are manifold. Human males and females differ, on average, in hormonal function, brain organisation, height, weight, strength, endurance, facial features and patterns of bodily hair, to take some obvious examples. But the differences are not limited to the physical. Men and women differ enough in temperament so that they can be distinguished with about 75% accuracy on that basis alone. If differences in interest are taken into account, that distinction becomes even more accurate. Such temperamental and interest differences are also larger, not smaller, in more gender-neutral societies, a strong indication of their biological basis.
The claim of the so-called “progressives”, however, is that feelings alone are sufficient to define personhood. This claim is simultaneously ignorant, preposterous and malevolent. Even if biology was ignored entirely, identity is not and cannot be deemed merely subjective – not least because the environment to which each individual must adapt is social, as well as natural, and not solipsistic. This means that every person must, by the very nature of being human, adopt a way of being that he or she cannot entirely choose. The blatant fact of the existence of others and the brute realities of the objective natural world require careful adaptation: the careful negotiation of identity.
…Enough truly is enough – and there has already been plenty more than enough.
There’s a lot between my ellipses—by which I mean, a LOT—but it’s important stuff. Which is truly sad, that we’ve allowed ourselves to sink so low, or more correctly to be dragged, that obvious reality has now become the stuff of debate and discord. The cost? We are now on the fourth (4th) murder of innocent schoolkids by some deranged, murderous “transgender” lunatic. How many more such will be tolerated before saner sorts will finally rise up and say, pace Peterson, ENOUGH ALREADY?!? Bayou Pete says:
I think we owe Dr. Peterson a debt of thanks for daring to speak out against the politically correct perspectives surrounding “trans activism”, and laying out the factual, biological, medical truth of the matter. I strongly suggest that you pass on the link to this article, and/or the link to the full version (provided above), to your friends and relatives. We need to make sure that the truth is heard.
Dittos from here. But honestly, how sad is it that we’ve slid so far down this slipperiest of all slopes to land at a nadir of declination and depravity wherein even the most fundamental, perspicuous, and patently incontrovertible of truths must now be carefully disseminated instead of just openly acknowledged right from the git-go? At long last, how much of this utter shitwit imbecility will finally prove to be too much?
Or is this pit truly bottomless?
I feel like a number!
Great old Bob Seger song.