Another step along the long, tortuous road to dumping PayPal: you can now arrange a recurring monthly donation, at the low, low bargain-basement (do they still have those?) price of only a paltry 7 simoleons per month, through Stripe.
I began rasslin’ with Stripe a while back, eventually giving up when I couldn’t find the verification-code text messages they had allegedly sent to my phone. Turns out, the third-party texting app I use had automagically dumped ’em into the “blacklist” bin, unbeknownst to me. I changed the blacklist settings and tried again just now, and lo, what to my wondering eyes did appear but the eleventy-hundredth verification message from Stripe. So that little problem is now behind me.
For those who might be feeling particularly generous, I set things up so’s a body can do up to 5 (five) iterations of that $7 payment should one so desire, seeing as how several of you told me back when I set up the PayPal “Subscribe” link that I had set that particular bar WAY lower than I should have. Everything should be working as of now, I think. I THINK. As always, do let me know if/when you run into any issues.
Update! Okay, I have now removed all the PayPal links from the sidebar, although if you’re already a subscriber your subscription will still be active. I haven’t dumped my own PP account as of yet, and ain’t gonna until I get a few Stripe subs in the pipeline to replace the old PP ones. When that happens, I’ll definitely let y’all know out here on the main page.
I also installed a new “Recent Posts” widget in the left sidebar, and tweaked the “Recent Comments” one to show excerpts as well, and just make things more interesting generally. Sure wish they’d update that great old blogroll plugin that included excerpts there, but far as I can discern it just ain’t happening, which is a damned shame.
I noticed this evening that Instapundit now has a Stripe account. I’ll check it out.