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Amerikan ordeal

Apologies to the author, JB Shurk, for my wanton stomping flat of the very concept of Fair Use. He’s written another of those excellent, Wilder-esque pieces that I just can’t see any way around it.

Several members of the community recently focused my attention on the plight of J6 political prisoner Jonathan Mellis, who has already spent nineteen months in the American Gulag for the “crime” of protesting against his government.

Mellis is one of hundreds who have endured the wrath of a wayward Washington politburo that has thrown Americans’ Bill of Rights and founding principles right out the window. Dennis Prager actually managed to secure a fifteen-minute interview with the incarcerated Mellis on December 22, 2021, and has replayed the disturbing audio for his listeners several times. I encourage anyone who has not already come across it to find a few minutes to concentrate on their conversation. The thirty-five-year-old Mellis, whom Prager identifies as a native Tennessean, although he was arrested in Virginia, sounds remarkably calm and composed, considering that he had already endured nearly a full year in jail (with no end yet in sight) and was obviously communicating with Prager from behind enemy lines.

His story is similar to those of other J6 political prisoners caught up in this abusive, Soviet-style purge, yet his descriptions are unnervingly poignant. Like so many of us who angrily watched as mass mail-in balloting and other pandemic-related voting shenanigans corrupted the 2020 election, Mellis hoped January 6 would stand as a historic day when civic-minded Americans engaging in political protest would successfully convince Congress and the courts to take a hard look at the suspicious irregularities tainting the election. He is undoubtedly a fiercely patriotic American who loves his country and would sacrifice anything for it. He speaks as a man committed to America’s foundations in liberty. He does not sound as if malice has blighted his heart. He arrived in D.C. to defend America’s standing as the “Land of the Free.” He expected to rectify an electoral injustice. He wanted D.C.’s permanent bureaucracy to visually see the resolve of millions of Americans’ moral conviction. He expected triumph. And he has received little but despair.

Instead of delivering historic jubilation, January 6 has marked a hard turning point in his life and the beginning of an unrelenting nightmare. He’s been in and out of solitary confinement, endured an onslaught of racist invective and other verbal abuse, witnessed beatings from guards, spit out contaminated food, been denied hygienic care, and suffered through an unsanitary hellscape of backed up toilets and filthy, fetid cells meant to break his will and coerce him into accepting some kind of plea deal. He describes the agony of surviving alone for days at a time, cut off from reality and forced to seek solace in the refuge of his mind. The last time he saw his father was when he was being dragged away with the kind of force one might expect to be used against a wanted terrorist. When his father, a decorated Vietnam War veteran, died a few months later, Judge Emmet Sullivan (yes, the same Sullivan who hounded General Michael Flynn and insisted on persecuting him long after the government sought to drop its politically-motivated criminal charges) summarily denied his request to attend the funeral, again equating him to a violent terrorist who must be made to suffer. In Mellis’s words, you hear the story of a man who has been psychologically tortured and kept in a constant state of apprehension at what will befall him next. You hear a man whom the federal government wishes to drown in fear.

Yet you also hear a man who refuses to break. “We sing the National Anthem every single night, at nine P.M., with our hands on our hearts,” he tells Prager. Imagine that for one small moment. The U.S. government — with its armies of prosecutors, FBI Gestapo squads, complicit judges, and corrupt news media propagandists who ask no questions while pushing the all-powerful State’s lies — has targeted Jonathan Mellis and nearly a thousand other Americans for being “insurrectionists” and “domestic terrorists” intent on “overthrowing” the United States. Yet it is Mellis and a few dozen other political prisoners who seek to lift each other’s spirits by singing “The Star-Spangled Banner” each night. You know — the poetic anthem that stirred in the mind and soul of Francis Scott Key as he watched a large American flag flying triumphantly over Fort McHenry while it sustained bombardment from Britain’s Royal Navy during the Battle of Baltimore in the War of 1812.

So committed to “insurrection” and “overthrowing” the government of the United States are the federal government’s “dangerous” political prisoners that they gather their strength when they’re able and sing tribute to the very nation that inflicts upon them such grievous harm. These are the American patriots the D.C. Despots have decided to torment, torture, and betray. These are the lost Americans who have been mostly forgotten for now but who will one day serve as living testament to Washington’s venality and as a breathing reminder of the horrendously ignoble American Gulag. These are the Americans the federal government wishes to break before all our eyes, so that no citizen anywhere will ever again consider electing an unapproved outsider candidate for president, calling out government corruption, or demanding justice from those who pretend to dispense it. How many denizens of D.C. could even accurately recite America’s National Anthem? I wonder. It’s as Prager said to Mellis upon hearing about the patriotic revelry: “That, my friend, is considered an extremist.”  Damn right.

Because Mellis refuses to break, he will remain a target in the crosshairs of an immoral government dedicated to persecution, not principle. He is of particular focus because he was involved directly in the mêlée that resulted in Rosanne Boyland’s death. She “died right in front of me,” Mellis said on a recorded phone call from jail.  “I still hear the blood curdling screams for help at night.” Boyland’s death was originally blamed on a drug overdose, but video footage shows her being repeatedly beaten by a D.C. police officer. Mellis is seen pushing back against police, while trying to defend Boyland from further injury. As further evidence of good character, Mellis is recorded earlier in the day assisting an officer who had fallen into the crowd. Normally, we would recognize that kind of pattern-or-practice evidence as demonstrating moral courage. The federal criminal justice system sees it as proof why Mellis should be held in jail without bail, trial, or prospect of release.

None of this is right. We have gone so far beyond what is good and right or fair that the damage the Washington Establishment class continues to inflict will fester like an unhealed wound upon the nation’s body politic, striking even the most complacent among us with its putrid stench. The Occupant of the White House, Joe Biden, insists that when Americans have the temerity to question election results or the sacred honor of their government bureaucrats, they threaten the U.S. Constitution itself. As with most utterances from Biden, his words are un-American and preposterous. We seek a renewal of the Constitution and a rejection of the Washington Deep State’s casual disregard for its meaning and the intentional malice its bureaucratic servants dedicate to its degradation. Just as with Mellis and other J6 political prisoners, we stand with America.

As the horrific plight of Mellis and his fellow dissidents in the New Amerikan Gulag incontrovertibly confirms, America is but a fond memory. The title of the post is apt, blunt, and in a way, unfortunate: Enough Already: Release the J6 Political Prisoners. Until those Shurk calls “the most complacent among us” rouse themselves to effective action, the J6 Patriots will remain in durance vile—because the title’s explicit demand falls on the deaf ears of tyrants, who have no intention whatsoever of releasing anybody. If anything, the cells of the New Gulag will be filling up with many more of us as time rolls on, while we continue to do nothing in support of our unjustly-persecuted countrymen.

As of  9/6, there have been over 900 Americans arrested and charged for the “crime” of exercising their Constitutionally-guaranteed right to protest—to petition for redress of grievances. Around 65 or so of them are in prison, almost all of them convicted on bullshit charges of “parading,” not insurrection or treason. Of those, many have been denied any semblance of due process, and are incarcerated in squalid, inhumane conditions like poor Jon Mellis, as described above. If the soulless Swamp monsters and their willing dupes who prattle endlessly and insufferably on in turgid condemnation of the “destruction” and “damage” of the J6 “riots”; the “defiling” of “the citadel of our sacred democracy”; the “violence” of the J6 “insurrectionists”; and the “treason” committed by those dastardly “revolutionaries” really want to avert an encore, perhaps they could consider not doing things that make insurrection seem needful to MAGA Americans.


6 thoughts on “Amerikan ordeal

  1. It’s an unbearable read.

    I’ll say it again, the republican party is behind this. That party should have the entire political system held at a standstill until those locked up in the DC gulag are either released or bonded out. Washington DC should be brought to a standstill until the unjust jailing of Americans is brought to an end.

    There should be a hundred republicans, senators and representatives standing at the gates to that gulag every day.

    It is Trumps greatest failure IMO. Even though he has pledged to pardon each of them, he needs to be out front here, demanding their rights to a speedy trial, their rights to face the accused, the right to bail. There is no excuse for this, for Trump and especially not for the republican marxist party.

    1. Could not agree more Barry. “our” guys are OUR worst enemy. They need to be dealt with first.

          1. We already back him. Trump has the resources ($$$ and attorneys) to fight without a great deal of concern.

            His real concern should be assassination. The only reason they haven’t taken that course is their fear of what we will do.

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Charles Bukowski

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Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
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GK Chesterton

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Joseph Goebbels

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Ronald Reagan

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NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

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