Running the (military) numbers.
Calculating a country’s military might can be very difficult (the secret is the soul of the business) but there is one factor that can be counted: the number of soldiers. Even with the best resources in the world, an army needs people.
Annually, the Global Fire Power (GFP) ranking rate every countries’ military capacities in the globe and also assign a Power Index Number (PIN) based on these following listed criteria:
- The number of serving military members.
- Fuel availability for military operations.
- The number of jet fighters.
- The defence budget.
- Logistics flexibility.
- Largest military budgets in the world.
Before we proceed to the listing of the strongest military in the world, I will like to give you a simple definition of War and also we check on the reasons for war, the reason for civil war, reasons for world war and so on all packed under the reasons for fighting wars.
Pretty interesting stuff, some of which may surprise you.
Via WRSA, from whence I also swiped this bit of meme-ological wisdom:
‘Nuff said.
From the article:
“As the country with the most people in the world, it is natural that China has the largest army in the world and as you can see China has the largest military budgets in the world which is around $ 224,000,000,000 annually.”
#1 The military budget of China falls far short of the USA, which is nearly three times that of China. If you get that wrong why would I believe anything else you opine about. The USA numbers are just a bit down the page.
#2 No, troop numbers mean very little. China doesn’t have an Army, it has a police force. The massive Army is used to keep their own citizens in line, a requirement of every communist society. If you believe NK has a formidable Army because of troop numbers, I’ll take up using your drugs.
“India has an army that commands respect!”
Well, a statement of little connection to reality. The Indian Army is as much a social welfare system as feared Army. But they do have my respect in many area’s. OTOH, I’ve been on a couple of their bases. The living conditions are substandard in any sense. They have nukes and the means to deliver. That is their ace.
Oh, I do like the picture at the bottom. Very true.
Note that the order in the list is purely by size. The ranking by power is in the raw text, where they have China as 3rd.
How accurate that number is, well that’s harder to say. But we’re unfortunately all too likely to find out in the not too distant.
The “ranking” is by size but the comment says China has the largest military budget which is pure propaganda and a lie.
China isn’t about to tangle with anyone on that list that has nukes, and cannot tangle with anyone with a functioning military except at great cost. So, no, we are not going to find out.