What a story.
Disfigured Kitten Rescued From The Trash By A 7-Year-Old Girl
Sometimes, we are so busy with life we don’t notice the things that are happening right around us. Maybe we are running late for the next meeting or appointment, or trying to make the subway on time. Either way, I urge you to slow down and enjoy this life; it already goes by so fast. There is no need to make it go by any faster. Unfortunately that is the case in Istanbul. Day in and day out people passed a trash can and avoided the crying coming from inside. Nobody is sure about the amount of time this creature was left in there, it could have been days or even weeks. Thousands of people passed by it though and not one curious person stopped to find out what the horrific cries were. Except for one 7-year-old girl who decided to stop and see what was making all of that noise.This is a story of love and dedication. Without the will power of that 7-year-old girl, this abandoned cat would be dead. So many of us have passed by tragedy, hurt, and pain every single day and don’t even think twice to stop and help. Our lives are passing by us quickly and I challenge you, myself included, to stop and take in this amazing world we live in.
Amazing is indeed the mot juste. I advise you to grab the full box of Kleenex before you click over; you’ll find it’s awfully dusty in there, whether you’re a cat person or not. Do stick with it till the end, though; the initial photos of the poor little critter are so gruesome as to be quite painful to look at, but the transformation shown in the last shot is nothing short of…well, miraculous. And just like that, the story goes from heartbreaking and tragic to the happiest of happy endings, and will surely warm your heart and lift your spirits—something we could all use more of nowadays, every bit of it we can possibly get our hands on.
(Via MisHum)