Also: PWNED. And a few other choice things, too. Remember Nazimerican Cindy Bronson, a staff sergeant in the late, lamented US Army? Well, Aesop certainly does, and he has a few things he’d like to say to her. Strong message follows:
Dear disloyal fascist peawit: You are a No-Go at the stations marked Oath Of Service, ROE, and Basic Common Fucking Sense, and are Too Fucking Stoopid to wear any stripes, except the prison variety. Your recruiter should be crotch-kicked for about 3 days straight, by a conga line of prior service former drill sergeants, just to make the point. How you ever got past basic training highlights the sad lack of any standards for military service in this country, and getting all the way to staff NCO rank shows that the Army gives out promotions to fucktards like they couldn’t find such unredeemed shitheads fast enough. You are the poster child for abolishing a standing army, and throwing the lot of you into prison until your initial enlistments are up, or for a term commensurate with your time in-service for people like you. If they drummed you out afterwards, and marched you at bayonet-point across the Bridge Of No Return at Panmunjon into North Korea at the DMZ, and tore up your American citizenship papers behind you, it would be too good for you, and far too light a sentence.
But be advised, if martial law is ever declared in America, Motor Transport Operators (that would truck drivers) like you should be informed that under such likely unconstitutional eventuality, the range will (be) hot in both directions, and you won’t get your weapon out of its holster before you get popped right between the running lights. They won’t name any bridges after you, but you can bet your body parts will be used to decorate one. And what’ll go on any grave of yours, if anyone bothers to shoo away the pigs feeding on whatever’s left, won’t pass for flowers.
But after recent events, you’ll understand why precisely no one in the entire nation is quaking in its collective boots at the fear of what you, or even the entire Army, think you’ll do. You won’t get what you like, and you won’t like what you’ll get. (cf. Lord Cornwallis) {Yet another strike against Common Core grads like SSGT Bulldyke, is that she probably couldn’t come up with the significance of the reference, even with a cellphone, three lifelines, and a shout-out.}
So put away your finger gun, and stick your thumb back into your cockholster, you would-be-Nazi stormtrooper cunt, before you beclown the entire U.S. Army more thoroughly than the events of the last two weeks have already done.
Dude, I mean, just…OUCH. Plenty more raucous bitch-slappery where that come from, all of it equally well-said. I also would like to commend Aesop, a former Marine his own bad self, for a most righteous response to the other night’s post wherein I lauded LTC Stuart Scheller, USMC—a Dogface’s Dogface and bona fide American hero of the old-school variety. Which we don’t seem to making too many of anymore, to our national shame and great loss.
LtCol Scheller, relieved of command of his battalion of Marines, and soon to be court-martialed, and dismissed from the service, started out as a grass-green 2dLt in 2004. He’s thus been fighting this war his entire adult life.
He is now olive green, and hard as crocodile dicks.
And he’s the only active duty Marine officer from 2d Lt to 4-star Commandant Hamhead Berger who can ever walk around with his head held high and his honor clean, no matter what aspersions are cast at him, nor what shenanigans are pulled on him by the chain of command.
He just embarrassed the living hell out of every officer in the Marine Corps, and for that matter, every other service, from full colonel on up, for them ALL being too chickenshit to do what he just did: call out the rent-seeking, ass-licking bullshit they’ve all participated in for any amount of time you’d care to name.
The Marines haven’t seen heroism like this since Capt. Jordan climbed onto an Israeli tank in Lebanon in 1983, and suggested to the colonel commanding that tank that trying to pass his Marine checkpoint without authorization would be career-ending, in a brains-all-over-the-turret sort of way. The tank commander rethought his plan, and departed intact.
LtCol Scheller just did the same thing to Commandant Berger and the entire Marine Corps and DoD chain of command, all the way to Gropey Dopey, and they unhesitatingly chose the path of dishonor. They might as well go full retard, and kill themselves. they can never get the yellow stains out of their pants, and they’ll never get the yellow stripe off their backs.
And for icing on the cake: the bomb that killed a dozen Marines was made with explosives left behind without being blown in place, by the Air Force etc. @$$holes who chickenshitted out of Bagram Airbase in the dead of night.
That right there is Dereliction Of Duty, and 12 counts of Manslaughter under the UCMJ.
UCMJ Article 92: Failure to Obey Order or Regulation ( UCMJ Article 119 Manslaughter – Court Martial Defense Attorney ( me when the worthless sons of bitches responsible for that colossal homicidal fuckup, from multi-star generals on down, are rightfully prosecuted and justly imprisoned in Leavenworth for the blood of heroic Marines now on their hands.
I ain’t holding my breath.
And no matter what happens to him henceforth for speaking the inconvenient truth, Scheller has a backbone of pure titanium, and balls the size of church bells.
Anyone asked ought to be honored to follow him, even through the gates of hell.
Semper Fi, Leatherneck!
Well said again, and seconded heartily—for whatever that might be worth, coming as it does from a cake-eating civilian like myself.
The LTC has announced that he is resigning his commission so that he can devote his life to pulling the whole rotten thing down.
He shall be needing assistance, and he shall have it in spades.
Thirded! (If that’s a thing)