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A peek behind the curtain

It’s all old news now, of course—a dead issue, completely moot. The only aspect of the stolen 2020 election that’s of even slight interest to me at this point is that there are still scattered pockets of True Believers remaining here and there, pitifully clinging to the fantasy that somehow, some way, the miracle of The Trump Plan will undo the fraudulent election, unseat the Usurper, and restore the White House to its rightful occupant. ANY DAY NOW.

So all the stories about recounts, expert testimony confirming election fraud, more court cases and lawsuits, etc etc are no longer on my radar these days. Even so, though, I did check out the final installment (Part 1 here, Part 2 here) of Patrick Byrne’s first-hand recounting of the infamous White House meetings in mid-December with Trump, Sidney Powell, Mike Flynn, and others, and was kinda surprised to find myself completely spellbound. The series is a copiously detailed, no-punches-pulled account describing, according to its title anyway: How DJT Lost The White House.

Naturally, being one person’s view of a quite intricate sequence of events whose cast of characters is a long ‘un, it may well be open to honest dispute. Could be Byrne is too biased for his telling of the tale to be trusted overmuch. I can’t say, and I doubt there’s anybody out there who can. Questions of reliability or veracity aside, though, it makes for absolutely compelling reading. Each of the three parts is also quite long, which turns out to be no bad thing and shouldn’t deter anybody. If nothing else, the intimate glimpses into personalities, deportment, and the general Oval Office atmosphere as these historic, nation-shattering events took place make it worth a look. Exhibit A:

We launched for Camp 3. And sure enough, when we got there, as Mike Flynn stood talking to his former colleague, Sidney and I had a 20 foot line of site down into the empty Oval Office…… After a few minutes, through a private door on the far side, Donald Trump walked into the Oval Office. He was dressed in a sharply creased blue suit and tie, still, at 7:30 PM. He came through and glanced out the doorway to where Sidney Powell and I were already walking towards him, greeting him like he should be expecting us. President Trump’s eyebrows knitted in puzzlement but his face showed he recognized us, and after a moment he beckoned us in. Within seconds General Flynn, Sydney Powell, and I were all sitting in the Oval Office with President Donald J. Trump, with the door shut behind us.

So that happened. Really.

The President sat across the Resolute desk and made small chat with Mike, asked him how he’d been. It had been almost four years since they had seen each other (when Flynn had left the White House, weeks into Trump’s first term). He asked after Sidney as well. I gave and received no more than a nod, letting Mike and Sidney take the lead. As I have noted publicly, the first thing I noticed about him was how measured, gracious, and even soft-spoken Trump seemed to be, so unlike the character that has beamed at us for years through the media.

Eventually he glanced at me again, raised an eyebrow, and gave a small chuckle. Apparently he knew about me, as I thought my be the case. He said something quietly, civil and kind.  I said, “Thank you Mr. President…” He cocked his head quizzically and said something softly about knowing that I had not voted for him, and had said a number of critical things of him. I let him know the truth, that I had said some harsh things before the 2016 election, but while he was President my estimation of him had grown, and that in any case none of it was relevant, that I was there because I was confident the election had been hacked.  I told him, “We think there is a much shorter route through all of this than your team is pursuing,” I closed saying, “But Sir, entrepreneur to entrepreneur, I feel I must mention something. As you may know, I have been swimming around the outside of your administration for a couple months now, and I must tell you, I do not think you are being well-served by many people in the White House. I can bring in young staffers who will tell you that some of your senior leadership don’t want you to win. They want you to concede.”

The President raised his eyebrows at my frankness.  Then, like a man who knew the answer, he asked quietly, “Why?”

“I’m not sure,” I said, “but I hear people are getting signals that if they’re good boys and get you out the door, there will be jobs waiting for them. But if they don’t, they won’t be getting offers from the right law firms, they won’t be getting invitations from the right country clubs, they won’t be getting invited to the socialite parties on Manhattan…” Trump grimaced, and we moved on.

Sidney and Mike began walking the President through things from our perspective. In brief: there was a quick way to resolve this national crisis because he had power to act in ways he was not understanding. Under an Executive Order that he had signed in 2018, and another Executive Order that President Obama had signed in 2015, he could “find” that there was adequate evidence of foreign interference with the election, and while doing so would give him authority to do a number of big things, all he had to do was one small thing: direct a federal force (we suggested US Marshall Service + National Guard) to go to the six counties in question (the Problematic 6), and re-count (on livestream TV) the paper ballots that were held as fail-safe back-up. It would only take a few days. Even more conclusive would be if they imaged the hard-drives and those images could be examined forensically (which would make the project last no more than a week, as we had already cracked the Antrim County machines and knew precisely what to do going forward). In either case, if there was no mischief found, then President Trump would concede the election. But if (as we suspected) evidence of hundreds of thousands of improper votes was found in each of the six counties in question, then he would have a wide variety of options. He might have those six states re-counted. Or he might have 50 states recounted on livestream TV by federal forces, and America would finally have its answer to, “How much election fraud does our nation suffer?” Or he might skip that and have the National Guard re-run the elections in those six states. We pointed out that, it being December 18, if he signed the paperwork we had brought with us, we could have the first stage (recounting the Problematic 6 counties) finished before Christmas. And even if the result was hinky enough it demanded a rerun of the election in those states, it could be done before January 20, so that the January 20 Constitutional deadline would not be disrupted. The more time that he let slide by, the more compressed things would become. If he waited to see what the January 6 outcome was, however, and then decided to follow a plan such as ours, it would engender accusations of “sore-loserism”, so he had to act quickly. The alternative was an election that 47% of Americans doubted, which would not go down peacefully.

“You know Pat,” he said to me (the only people who call me “Pat” are either friends from childhood, or men from a background like my own family’s), “you know…” He caught my eye and gave a little snort of humor. “You know, I could leave here and my life would be really …. fine. I could be with my family, my friends, I could be playing golf …” We looked at each other and shared a moment as may occur only with CEO’s and other “leaders”: people think our lives are glamorous, but in many ways they are unpleasant.

Fascinating stuff, no? The drama continues from there, with no letup in the tension or anticipation despite the fact that the reader already knows how the story ends. It’s a real page-turner, this one; once I started, there was no stopping until the end. I haven’t read the first two parts yet, but I’m looking forward to them. Trust me, folks, this is one seriously good read that you really don’t want to miss.

5 thoughts on “A peek behind the curtain

  1. Frankly, I think Byrne is a fiction writer. If you read what he says, he is in effect calling Trump an idiot and I know that is not the case. This is the guy that claimed Trump appointed Sydney as a special prosecutor. That was a lie. Tell one, you’ll tell others.

  2. When he first started popping up in this drama, Bryne was one of those “new celebrities” that instantly got the “Who?” reaction from me.

    The only aspect of the stolen 2020 election that’s of even slight interest to me at this point, Mike, is the question of when or if we’re going to do something about it. I know the election was stolen and Biden is the Pretender in Chief – I believe my own lying eyes. I don’t need the media, Congress, or the Supreme Court to validate that for me.

    Otherwise, I keep following this saga just out of train wreck fascination. The fact that the Dems and the Biden administration aren’t acting like someone who legitimately won an election, and the media keeps tying itself in knots is like watching Arnie having the woman suit malfunction in Total Recall. You know it’s not going to end well, but you can’t look away.

  3. I read Part 3 he just put out.

    He makes himself sound too cool for school.

    When I read this his comment when he entered the oval office of “this is really happening” sounded like someone who had never been in the end zone before. Then his ” as one entrepreneur to another” remark and his “he nodded and I nodded” and then his “Trump said ‘I can just leave etc etc…” quote rang hollow. He doesn’t know you except to nod and laugh some when someone explains but then starts ‘confiding’ in you in the Oval Office privately, just sounds like a letter to Penthouse.

    “I’m just some rich guy who ended up in the Oval Office with the President and his legal team and you’ll never believe what happened next…”

  4. Yeah, he came off as something of a flake to me too, guys. On the other hand, he did have some interesting things to relate in that article, which was pretty well-written if not exactly concise; his account of how they more or less sneaked into the WH without an official appointment was amusing, and the way the soldiery snapped to in their respect and admiration for Gen Flynn was encouraging. I also have little doubt that his assessment of Cippolone and his team of Deep State White House lawyers and their machinations was, if perhaps embellished, accurate in the main.

    1. Oh yeah. Amusing as all hell.

      I just found it interesting and odd that he apparently popped up out of nowhere – I mean, I honestly never heard of the guy before recently, so he’s not exactly been high profile – and suddenly he’s the darling of the conservative media and punditry and he’s everywhere.

      It just smells to me of a manufactured personality and celebrity, yanno?

      Heh. I like Kenny’s comment above in his third paragraph: It really does sound like a “No shit, this really happened!” sea story. 🙂 You almost expect him to start off with, “And there I was, sycophants to the left of me, assholes to the right… “

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Daniel Webster

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Charles Bukowski

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Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
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John Adams

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Bertrand de Jouvenel

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GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
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David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

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Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

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Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

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Bill Whittle

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