A look at the practical realities.
It would be quite a task to launch and maintain a Revolutionary Army today.
I give any attempt, save in sparsely populated areas, a 72 hours survival window before the powers that be, Trump or no Trump, fall on them like the wrath of God and obliterate all those not willing to surrender.
So the only way to move forward with this would be to act like a surreptitious force of irregulars like any insurgence operating with limited resources in occupied (by the government) terrain.
Like the IRA or pisslim terrorists or any similar force.
In the late 1940s future Israelis convinced the British to leave Palestine by these methods.
And most of those that would be willing to participate have zero experience in this kind of life and operations and have never been on the opposite side of the forces of law and order and quite to the contrary.I’m not saying it can’t be done. But I wonder about (a) our disposition and (b) basic ability for it.
From the standpoint of theory or of dreams, a true, honest to goodness, all out, civil war is the best thing that could happen for us IF we were to give one now.
From the standpoint of practicality the probability of it being successful is very small.
We waited too long.
And we didn’t prepare enough when the preparing was good.
Mind you, the notion is “a true, honest to goodness, all-out, civil war.” My fear is that the best we can hope for is a series of limited, very confused, and short skirmishes that would resolve nothing, waste good, decent lives and only prove to all those pusillanimous and comfortable “I’m not gonna fight you no matter what you do to me” types that they were right in not getting involved.
Look, I’m not against it.
In fact, I’m very much in favor of civil war because I don’t see any other way for our country to survive as something decent and not the commie-fagoty thing the demonKKKrats want to “fundamentally change” us into that flies would fly away from because it would be too much, even for their maggots.
But I’m a realist, a practical individual, and a modest student of systems and trying to keep a clear head about this.
The Constitutional Republic (July 4th, 1776 – November 6th, 2020) is dead of a deadly disease: leftism plus corruption.
We could put it on suspended animation while we give a civil war (emergency surgery) and try to bring it back to life.
The problem is that as the surgeons we know the chances of a successful surgery and reanimation in the present circumstances are…small for lack of resources and time and patient condition.
Since the alternative is unthinkable I’m in favor of the surgery.
The alternative is we don’t have a country, anymore.
But let us not go into it thinking it will be a remake of 1776.
It would be…quite different.
Ohh, I’d say that’s about as safe a bet as bets can get. Lots more here, all worth careful thought.
(Via WRSA)
I don’t know what he has in mind but he’s not quitting yet.
I just hope he has the fallback plan and will implement it. I no longer care if it is “legal”. There is no legal anymore. The law is now a farce.
It’s going to require mass civil disobedience if we are to avoid lead poisoning. Individual action by skilled operators might be useful, but the vast majority do not have the needed skills, and the state now has methods to track people that didn’t exist 20 years ago. In order to carry out guerilla warfare one must act, act is exposure, exposure will get you stomped.
Same as it ever was.
And yet…
3rd World militia in the ME have been fighting the premier military power of the world to a standstill for nearly 15 years with fewer numbers than the total armed civilians in the US, and less of our strategic advantages.
Comes to that, George_Banner is right in that it wouldn’t be a cakewalk.
Comes to that, and George_Banner is also yet another keyboard strategist counseling from their own fears that, oh well: might as well give it up becuz they have the military and LEOs and all the tech and geeze, guys, you just can’t win against all that.
*nod* I’m convinced. Might as well roll over.
Yep. Plus the left, being the left, will have token diversity hires everywhere in their operations. Screw ups and corruption will be everywhere, providing lots of opportunities.
3rd world Middle easterners have one advantage over us, they are unknown to governments. We can’t ID most of them.
OTOH, we have long trails of identifying data that make it much easier for a hostile government to track us down. Even most of the ex military guys would have a difficult time hiding. Sure there are a few that can do it, I know a couple guys fully capable of it. But they will not because it will leave their families exposed.
I may be wrong but I don’t see a guerilla action working as more than an irritant in this country unless it is supported by a massive citizen action.
I’m of the opinion that the only success possible in the short term requires financial ruin for the elites and the typical democrat voter. That can be accomplished if enough people buy in. Do I think enough will? It will need a trigger event.
In any event we’ll have to let it all play out, perhaps there will be an action in court to come and if not, perhaps Trump crosses the Rubicon. I simply don’t know.
One of the problems in the Middle East is the same problem we had in Vietnam. The Ho Chi Minh Trail and the NV supplying of the Vietcong. Nixon shut the trail by sending troops into Cambodia and Laos and then bombed NV. The Left went nuts but Nixon won.
Trump did the same to ISIS AND Iranian proxies like Al-Bakr
Worked on ending their supply lines and hitting their suppliers hard. They soon collapsed.
The Dems were supporting the VC and the NV back then and ISIS and Iran in 2017.
Some things really don’t change much.