Slowly but surely getting things reorganized around here, folks. Haven’t re-established the old posts yet, because the WP Import tool’s file size limit is less than half what the size of the export file actually is. It’s gonna require editing a certain file on the server side to get that adjusted, so I just ain’t gonna bother myself too much about it right now. Lord knows there’s plenty of other things needing done at this point.
Curiously, the Export archive only includes posts up to mid-December, then stops for some reason. Don’t know why that is; doesn’t really matter, I suppose, since I have pretty much everything archived locally in Ecto, the 3rd-party posting software I’ve been using since it came out. So worse comes to worst, I can just go back and repost the oldies but goodies via Ecto, then adjust the times and dates in the WP admin panel by hand. A pain in the ass, sure, but what about this whole ordeal hasn’t been?
Ye Olde Blogrolle links present another conundrum. Apparently, the WP Export file didn’t include those at all, which near as I can figger means they’re gone for good. In a way that might be considered a good thing, since it’s been a minute since I had time for properly policing them to ward off the link-rot. Looks like I’m just gonna have to start from scratch with those.
I installed a few new plugins for use hereabouts, most of them affecting the comments section: editing, like/dislike, subscribe to, etc. As always, let me know what works for ya, and especially what doesn’t. The right sidebar is going to require updating, since the only backup I had for it was from 2017 or so. Why yes, I HAVE been taught a valuable if painful lesson about doing regular backups of everydamnedthing, why do you ask?
One more thing: with the site having been hacked down for damned near a month during the holidays, donations and subs are running pretty anemic. The site doesn’t bring in a whole lot of cash anyway, but what it does garner me can be make-or-break sometimes, most especially when it comes to covering the perennially-late hosting-service bills. All of which means that if you’ve ever considered tossing a few simoleons over this way to express appreciation for my snarling and snapping here, well, now would be a most excellent time for it. has the front page from 7th September last as its most recent snapshot. You could scrape that for the blogroll and other such furniture, rather than totally build from scratch.
DUDE, what a great idea! Don’t know why I didn’t think of that myself, honestly. But I’m glad you did. Thanks.