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Bailing on Blue.

MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. — Minneapolis is my home. My happiest memories are here. It’s where I learned to ride a bike, had my first date, received my high school diploma.

But today, I’m too afraid to even walk in my neighborhood by myself.

The ACE Hardware down the street? The one that I used to bike to in the summer? Robbed twice in the past five days.

The Walgreens next to my elementary school? Molotov cocktail thrown into it.

The Lake Harriet Bandshell, where we spent countless Mother’s Days? Homeless encampment popped up next door.

These are the things you don’t read about in the news.

Ten minutes from my house, at 38th and Chicago, there is still an autonomous zone. Police are not allowed to enter. Residents have died because medical authorities couldn’t get through, and carjackers (of which there are MANY) will speed into the zone to escape officer pursuit.

My favorite dinner theater canceled its production of Cinderella because it was “too white.”

My church — my beloved, tiny, Lutheran church — organized social justice marches for our congregation while refusing to reinstate in-person services (they’re still virtual, by the way).

And how about the week of the 2020 riots?

We lived under a curfew for days while looters seemingly roamed freely. Friends fled their home at 3:30 a.m. because the auto parts store behind them was on fire. And then we watched in horror as our City Council members demanded that the city defund the police — as they hired armed security for themselves.

I no longer recognize Minneapolis. I no longer want to live here. We are done, and I am leaving.

Can’t say as I blame ya, kiddo. Sadly, though, what’s been done to Minneapolis is no different than what’s been done to many if not most other formerly-American blue cities and states. And until Americans come to grips with what the Democrat-Socialists truly are and resolve to rise up against them en masse, the Progressivist campaign of destruction and despair will grind on.

37 thoughts on “FLY, YOU FOOLS!

  1. So another locust will leave the devastation it has created, move to a better place, and begin destroying it in exactly the same way it destroyed its former home town. All the blue hell holes need to be sealed off, Escape From New York style. It is probably far too late for this country, but perhaps some small areas could still be preserved.

    1. “…perhaps some small areas could still be preserved.”

      Sure MarkMatis’ neighborhood when he clears out all the Jews.

      1. Shove it uppa Jew ess sideways, Hymie!!!

        Damn Jew for what Je have done to this world!!!

  2. Fourth world culture gonna for world culture. Same now as it ever was.

    But what is worse, you know very well who is FUNDING them!!!

      1. The filthy maggot Jew swill do NOT consider themselves to be White.

          1. So do Soros and Zucker and Zuckerberg and Bloomberg and Schiff and Nadler and Schumer!!!

            1. Pikers. Gates and Buffett together have 40x the amount of mo0ney that Soros has.

              You’re losing the War because you’re off fighting a campaign in Jerusalem instead of the Main Theater of Battle, and the Huns are Blitzgrieging us..

            2. Nadler doesn’t even look human. If it had feathers it might be a duck.

  3. “It’s where I learned to ride a bike, had my first date, received my high school diploma”, and where we voted for every marxist that led to the destruction.

    OK, maybe, just maybe, the author, a young student, was not the cause of the problem. I’ll give her this much, she recognizes the truth, Minneapolis is Somalia, there is no fixing Somalia. So get the hell out. Just please, please do not vote for the same grifters, do not support the same grifters, do not fail to speak out against the same grifters, do not go along to get along, oppose them at every turn. Take off your mask, tell your preacher to stuff it (I used a bit stronger language 30 years ago).

    1. there is no fixing Somalia

      Sure there is. Kill all the Somalis.

      The fact that most people don’t have the stomach for it doesn’t mean that there is no solution.

      1. “Pay the Danegeld, never get rid of the Dane” can be modified here to “Invite in the Somali, never get rid of the Somali”. Unless of course you do what SteveF notes is the only solution.

        Not inviting in the Somali in the first place is a better idea. They can fester in the land they built and fouled themselves as long as they don’t bother US, as in piracy etc

      2. I know we’re not going to do that, so there is no fixing Somalia, and there is no fixing Minneapolis. Nuking them both along with other places would suit me just fine. It will not fix them though.

  4. Gee, I wonder. Whatever will Grace do when the place that she flees to turns into Somalia as well? Or into the Congo?

    And the next place. And the next place after that…

  5. Did any of you guys bother to actually, you know, READ the article?  There’s no indication whatsoever that the author is a lefty.  Jesus Fucking Christ – even the most blue places have red voters; 200,000 people in Hennepin County voted for Trump.  Based on the following phrases, I’d say she was one of them:

    “Let me be clear: this city’s demise wasn’t just violent protests and burning buildings, or crime skyrocketing and businesses fleeing. It was also political indoctrination, hypocritical leadership, and the suppression of oppositional thought.”

    “And all of this happened against the backdrop of our illogical, inconsistent, overly oppressive COVID-19 restrictions.”

    My favorite dinner theater canceled its production of Cinderella because it was “too white.”

    My church — my beloved, tiny, Lutheran church — organized social justice marches for our congregation while refusing to reinstate in-person services (they’re still virtual, by the way).”

    THINK, guys.  THINK.  She’s one of ours.  Young or old, I’d say she probably even leans dissident right without knowing it.

    I have visited Minneapolis many times over the last 25 years.  Up until the last seven or eight, it was a beautiful city despite being Democrat run.  It did not become a Third World hellscape until the last couple of years.  I’d been away for about eight years and then had occasion to visit two years ago.  As per usual I stayed downtown because it was a clean, walkable, safe downtown with lots of fun restaurants and nightspots.  What greeted me when I left my hotel was sobering – black thugs everywhere (Somali or not, I neither know nor care), more boarded windows than I’d ever seen, and an overall shabbiness that is typical of declining cities.

    Despite being Democrat run, Minnesota was a nice state until the last decade.  And conservatives like this woman were able to peacefully coexist with Dems. No more – and each of us should welcome her to our hometown, should she desire to move there.

    Use some brains.  Some of you guys are as one-track as Matis; it’s just a different track.

    1. I read it, and thus said the following:
      “OK, maybe, just maybe, the author, a young student, was not the cause of the problem.”
      I’ve read enough supposed conservatives that are really lefty’s to know none of what I read is dispositive. Did she vote for Trump?

      I take your point as there are plenty of well meaning and decent people in Minneapolis. They should all get the hell out.

      1. At some point the retreat does have to stop and “stand your ground” needs to be the solution.

        Unfortunately for MPLS I think that point has long passed.

        Places like OK, SD, FL etc do.seem to have understood that here is the place to make a stand. Soft secession.

    2. Eleven or twelve years ago, Minneapolis was turning into a shithole. Either that or I have an amazing talent for finding shithole areas of a still-good city. Every time I walked there at night, I ran into groups of muggers. I don’t know if they were Somalis, but some of the groups weren’t speaking English.

      1. Either that or I have an amazing talent for finding shithole areas of a still-good city.

        That’s possible. I think I have the same talent.

    3. I know of many a liberty minded NYer. So I hear what you’re saying.

      They’re replacing US with socialist loving foreigners.

      I fled NY and would never return. It’s too far gone, even in my Republican suburb that is painfully succumbing neighborhood by neighborhood to Leftism.

      But my family remains wedded to the soil. It’s a tough decision.

      I do think that the time for retreating any further is here for many but the most hopeless places. MPLS is one of those places. I welcome the conservatives fleeing there. They help make other places more conservative.

      Did you know that Republicans routinely get more votes in California than in any other State other than FL and TX?
      Check it out and realize that CA has millions of Fraud Votes for Dems in the Blue Cities to boot.

      1. The problem in a place like Minneapolis is how would you fight back? The marxists have total control of the city and the population supports them. They will simply kill or arrest you. Even a police officer, hired by democrats, the boss is a democrat, the union leaders are all democrats, will get put into jail because he was doing the job they hired and trained him to do.
        Nope, the shithole is gone. Get out. Every city has to be judged on its on. Not all are un-salvageable. Many are.

      2. Did you know that Republicans routinely get more votes in California than in any other State other than FL and TX?
        Check it out and realize that CA has millions of Fraud Votes for Dems in the Blue Cities to boot.

        That’s something that Sarah Hoyt keeps saying. She’s convinced that in a lot of those urban hives, like in her Denver, the Dems don’t actually get voted in, they’re all frauded into office and have been for a long time. She may be onto something.

        The numbers in the 2020 election sure do indicate that there’s a lot fewer of them than they’d like for us to believe.

        1. I’ve been saying that for awhile too. We have the tendency to say, “well, they voted for it.” After the ‘election’ last year, my response is, “are you sure about that?”

        2. I’m guessing sure that every “popular vote victory” the marxists ever had was due to vote fraud in Californicate.

    4. “And conservatives like this woman were able to peacefully coexist with Dems. No more – and each of us should welcome her to our hometown, should she desire to move there.”

      And that–THAT RIGHT THERE–are the operative words, the key to the whole sorry mess. I’ve been pondering this mess for years now, and try as I might I haven’t yet been able to come up with a palatable way out that doesn’t involve killing the bastards in job lots. I doubt the fact that it’s THEIR damned fault will grant us any kind of absolution. But what we face now, or very soon for the overly optimistic among us, is a literal us-or-them situation. No, we didn’t create it. No, we didn’t want it. Nonetheless, here we all are. Absolution or no absolution, I consider that choice an easy one.

      1. I’m not so sure we were able to peacefully coexist with the Dems, Mike. In my experience and observation, it was more like we generally ignored them and did our own thing as long as they kept out of our faces.

        In hindsight, that was probably a mistake: it only emboldened them.

        They’re no longer letting us ignore them.

    5. No more – and each of us should welcome her to our hometown, should she desire to move there.

      She’s more than welcome to move to my hometown. I no longer live there.

      She can have the damn’ place.

    6. She’s a ZOGtarded Locust all right . . .

      If you look at her profile page under Authors you see that she is no conservative. Gustavus Adolphus is a private college that costs a lot in St. Cloud and it is a very gliberal skrule. She is majoring in communications and political “science” which means that she is the very definition of gliberal whiggress. She’s a ZOGtard wanting to becum a ZOGbot locust, no doubt.

      Hail Victory !!!

      Pastor Martin Lindstedt
      Church of Jesus Christ Christian / Aryan Nations of Missouri

  6. Doc 93: Corrupt federal judge dismisses Lake County Ohio Judge Patrick Condon for holding a kangaroo kort sans jurisdiction against Southwest Missouri Aryan Nations Church & Pastor
    The Aryan Nations 16 Words: We must chernobylize the North Perry Nuclear Power Plant and exterminate and sterlize North East Ohio.
    03/29/2021 Doc 93 Opinion and Order. The Court adopts the 56 Magistrate Judge’s Report & Recommendationand grants the 35 Motion of Counter−Defendants Judge Patrick Condon and Lake County Court of Common Pleas to Dismiss. See Order for details.
    Judge Christopher A. Boyko on 3/29/21. (S,HR) (Entered: 03/29/2021)

    Doc 93: Corrupt federal judge dismisses Lake County Ohio Judge Patrick Condon for holding a kangaroo kort sans jurisdiction against Southwest Missouri Aryan Nations Church & Pastor

    Just suggesting here as well in federal court documents that since Aryan Nations pastors and churches are being dragged up 900 miles away that it does no good to “run away” without destroying the ZOG nests of ZOGbot/ZOGtard locusts as well.

    Hail Victory !!!

    Pastor Martin Lindstedt

    Church of Jesus Christ Christian / Aryan Nations of Missouri

    1. A troll, not a very good one, but yea.
      “Aryan Nations of Missouri”

    2. You are at liberty to click on the link to the above federal Court case in Bryan Reo v. Martin Lindstedt 19-cv-08589 and read for jewrself.

      No one is making ZOGtards do anything especially when they are good for nothing anyways.

      Hail Victory !!!

      Pastor Martin Lindstedt
      Church of Jesus Christ Christian / Aryan Nations of Missouri

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Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

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Daniel Webster

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Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

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John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

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"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

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David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

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Bill Whittle

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