We have a 23-year-old man staying with us while he goes to college. He’s not paying rent and I don’t think is mother is giving us anything because she’s a friend of my wife’s. (If she is, I’ve never seen a cent of it, which doesn’t mean much, now that I think about it.)
I’ve been shaking my head at the manliness, or lack thereof, of this young man. And now I’m comparing him to my mid-teens daughter.
(Pasted as an image because I can’t figure out how to get a table working in the current WP editor.)
This paints a pretty bad picture. For that matter, my daughter would probably not be happy to realize that she’s more manly than he.
Those less than men types have always been with us. It’s the ratio of real men to effeminate men that’s the problem as you well know. And that has gotten all backwards in the last 30 years or so.
Sitting to pee. LOL.
problem with them is that they take up the spaces usually allotted for more important functions – and they can never empty their bladder fully which is maybe why they’re always pissy.