This. This. Right. Here.
Then the People’s House damned well better pass the thing, and may the D卐M☭CRATs all die screaming of apoplexy from it. Tonight, preferably. Via WRSA.
Update! Tyler Durden posts an extremely chilling map.
As jarring as it’s been to witness the anti-democratic, one-two punch in which a court in Colorado and an unelected bureaucrat in Maine decided Donald Trump cannot appear on primary election ballots, there are many more states where litigation is underway to ban the candidate who’s currently leading the national race.
In addition to Colorado and Maine, there are currently active lawsuits challenging Trump’s eligibility in Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Louisiana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, South Carolina, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming, according to a New York Times survey of the situation.
Together, the states where Trump’s status is under active challenge account for 269 electoral votes—in a game where you need 270 to win.
Bad enough, to be sure—very bad indeed, actually. But it gets even worse.
While there’s a lot of red on that map, it understates the scope of the phenomenon. These are only the states where either officials have decided Trump can’t appear on a ballot, or where litigation is currently underway.
Expect other states to turn “red” in a bad way. Some of them are states like Michigan and Minnesota, where challenges to Trump’s appearance on primary ballots have been dismissed. Those rulings didn’t cover the general election, so look for those plaintiffs to crawl out of their litigation graves after the GOP primaries.
Also via WRSA, a timely reminder.
As if all the above weren’t plenty of upper-case BAD to do us already.
There are always a whole lotta people “Just following orders” in any Marxist dystopia.
Denying Trump ballot access is a last-ditch ploy. It means the Democrats have realized that they can’t beat him electorally with a deniable amount of cheating. Keeping him off the ballot in as many states as possible is their only remaining recourse…barring assassination, that is.
You think they care about a “deniable” amount of cheating? They’ll cheat, “win”, seat the “winners”, and then double down on the criminal charges against “deniers”.
I’m not sure you are right about that*. The 2020 election was stolen, clearly, but they were able to cover that up from their own “normal” supporters. There are a lot of people that vote for democrats because they believe them to be the honest caring party. In other words, the ones that pay so little attention they don’t know what’s going on.
The last election, long planned to be stolen, still required middle of the night antics/thievery that exposed them (to anyone paying attention). This election will be worse for them. They cannot steal it without everyone knowing IMO. “They” are not sure what that outcome will be, and that frightens them.
*Another way to say that is “you may be right” 🙂 I tend to think they no longer care what we know, but then I remember we are just one incident from unleashing the weapons** of which we have many. To start, stop sending money to the federal government.
**It’s not just 2nd amendment weapons we have. The states can create havoc with the feds if they decide the elections are a farce.
This kind of tactic is nothing new, it was used by the Federalists in 1800, when they imprisoned their opposition under the Alien and Sedition Acts (which in part made it a crime to criticize the government and government officials), and in 1920, when Woodrow Wilson had the opponent with the best chance of defeating him, Eugene Debs, thrown into prison for ten years for opposing US participation in World War I – and Debs still got millions of votes. And Putin is pulling the same thing in Russia, now, having put Navalny in prison and having kept Duntsova off the ballot. It’s easy to win elections in a one party state, in fact there’s no need for the election in the first place other than to keep up appearances…
“And Putin is pulling the same thing in Russia, now…”
Ironic, innit, that we didn’t so much defeat the USSR in the Cold War as we became them ourselves. Last September, Putin said:
I can’t remember the last time I heard a US politician, either Republicrat or Demican, even utter the word “freedom” at all, in any context. Long ago we’d have thought that pretty odd, but knowing them as we now do, it no longer is.
“I can’t remember the last time I heard…”
It’s pretty damn rare for them to discuss the most fundamental reason we have wealth and that is freedom and liberty. Freedom creates prosperity and they do not want anyone to have that, except for them. I’d have to say that it is more important to the left to have you under their boot then to have wealth theirselves. They’re sick twisted people just like they always have been.
Look at the platform of the Communist Party of the United States of America from any year in the 1920s or early 30s. Note how many of their objectives have been met.
… Mostly by Democratic administrations, but we don’t talk about that.
I’d have provided a link to a sample but I couldn’t find any. It’s possible they’ve been pulled down and it’s possible that the search engines are suppressing them, but most likely I’m doing something dumb in my queries.
“Mostly by Democratic administrations…”
With a hand given by the republican party since at least the early 70’s. There has been no actual opposition to the communist party, AKA democrats, for most of my life.