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Mike @Substack
New Eyrie posts go up on Mondays and Fridays, although the time of day may (and usually does) vary. Mike’s latest Eyrie offering is available for perusal here: Viva Vivek!
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First! 🤪
You think you’re number one, but the word I hear is you’re … number two.
The Good, The Bad and the Trunalimunumaprzure:
Russian should never go up to the 2nd story and higher. It’s unhealthy.
I do hope Trump is watching. Not as easy here, perhaps, but worth the effort:
There is literally nothing the state will not try to control. I mean, after all, the state is so good at everything it does, what could go wrong*.
*they are good at one thing, mass murder, to the tune of a couple hundred million in the last century.