Happy Thanksgiving to all CF Lifers: old hands, newbie shavetails, lurkers, skulkers, stalkers, creepers, peepers, fanatics, and freaks. As of right now, I’m declaring the official opening of the Christmas season, my favorite time of year for my whole life long. So how’s about a little music to celebrate the occasion, then?
Rest assured there’ll be lots more Christmas music to come over the next month around here. I absolutely love it, from the beloved old carols in every Christian’s hymnbook, to the classic pop/secular hits which everybody’s heard a blue million times, to the 60’s Christmas TV-special soundtracks. Rock instrumental combos, full orchestras, mass choirs, swing bands, brass choir, men’s-chorus outfits like Chanticleer and Cantus: you name it, I still adore ‘em all, and I always will. And if you’re one of those grumpy professional misanthropes for whom there’s nothing more enjoyable than kvetching and cavilling to all within earshot about how sick and damned tired you are of Christmas music—well, I feel sorry for your miserable ass, and I hope someday you find a palliative for your wretched disgruntlement.
Update! WRSA finds more positive proof that Leftists ruin everything.
Mmm-mmm-GOOD. Dig in, everybody!