Good question from what is an accurate article IMO. At least here in NC I see the tide changing substantially. From a barely reddish state with a commie gov, to a hardcore super majority legislature and supreme court to match. Next up, getting a solid non rino republican governor and the turn around will be nearly complete.
When you’re climbing to the mountaintop the worst moments are just before you arrive.
Of course it will be rigged. The question is how much are they willing to put it in our faces?
Federal Elections will be rigged, as well as any State that doesn’t get out and vote for MAGA. We are.
But for POTUS? What has changed ? Nothing. The only hope we have is that Trump drives so much voters for him that they can’t Steal It, either by Not Enough Fraud or by people not accepting The Fraud.
All the signs are there for an overwhelming Trump win, including panic among the left. They successfully stole 2020, partly because the people wouldn’t accept that it was stolen. Every day more people realize the truth, both about the stolen election and the true nature of the biden cabal.
We know they will cheat and we know they would cheat massively. I think the real question is if they fear the repercussions of a stolen election that the vast majority knows was stolen? I think they are so afraid of a 2nd Trump term that they will risk it all. Will it be enough? Will they just say the dem nominee won regardless of the count? In the states that matter, the “battleground” states, I think they will just steal it and do so in the face of the public.
What happens then determines the future of the republic.
If there is a selection then yes