It’s a non-negotiable requirement…provided you’re white.
The Ugliest Front In The Race Wars
If you search for “Dating apps for whites,” you might find one or two – I did – but you’re guaranteed to find articles denouncing them as well. I searched for “dating apps for blacks” and “dating apps for Asians,” and failed to find any such articles. The distinction could hardly be clearer.
But Quartz wants you to know that you don’t need a dating app for whites:
The creator of the online dating website WhereWhitePeopleMeet has been getting some questions about why he and his wife would build such a site. The answer, according to the website’s “About Us” page, is “why not?”
But despite criticisms that the website is inherently racist, Sam Russell, the 53-year-old Utah man who founded the website with his wife Tami, told the Washington Post that the site is not racially motivated in any way. He insisted that it was born of the idea that singletons of “every origin, race, religion and lifestyle” can find someone for them, even white people.
“It’s about equal opportunity,” Russell said. “The last thing in the world I am is racist.”
He compared WhereWhitePeopleMeet to Christian Mingle and Farmers Only as examples of preference-based dating websites. In addition, there’s also Tinder, for mobile-first millennials, and Hinge, for anyone who’s afraid of Tinder, and Grouper, for those who prefer to bring two friends along to blind dates. The League caters to a crop of Ivy League graduates and high-earning young professionals. Grindr is a popular option for gay men; Her bills itself as a dating app for lesbians built by lesbians.
But what seems to have escaped Russell is that white people can already find each other with ease on these apps—and in real life, especially in Russell’s state of Utah, which is 91% white. The country as a whole is 77% white. ”Where White People Meet” could pretty much describe almost every online dating website.
Got that? It’s all in your head! The constant hectoring about “white supremacy,” the barrage of “anti-racism” ploys and pitches, the demands for “reparations,” the barrage of entertainment that always contains an interracial couple, and the instant, savage condemnations of any mechanism by which white people can find one another for any reason or none. You’re imagining it all! It’s just one more artifact of your “white privilege” and your “systemic racism.”
As I said, I have some experience in this matter, though it was pre-Internet and conducted through a dating service. Today, as singles strive to connect with someone to love through the Web, the tech giants are doing their best to “debias our desire.” What’s that you say? You don’t find black or Asian woman attractive? You prefer to be with your own kind? You want your children to look like you? YOU RACIST MONSTER!
Many years ago, when I first confronted the thesis that there’s a sotto voce genocide in progress against the white race, I was skeptical, to say the least. No longer, though I have no idea how to counteract it. I hope someone is working on it.
They’d better damned well not be. Not unless they can find some way to sidestep the vituperous condemnation they’ll receive for it to so much as go out for groceries without being chased down the street by a shrieking, pitchfork-and-torch-wielding mob of rage-maddened shitlibs.
His mistake was in immediately cucking with the “I’m not racist” bullshit.
It’s entertaining to watch them play with numbers. When they’re telling White people that our concerns are ridiculous, “the country is 77% White”. But when they’re complaining that Whites are too rich, it’s “Whites are only 53% of the population but control 80% of the wealth”.
The Hispanics can be White or Not White as needed.