Great name for a punk band, don’tcha think?
There’s no doubt that the globalists and their national henchmen and henchwomen scattered across the globe are determined to wipe out as many “useless eaters,” as one member of the World Economic Forum (WEF) labeled all of us, as possible.
Actually, the “useless eaters” terminology dates a lot further back than that; it originated back in the 1920s-30s, one of many loathsome products of the truly Satanic eugenics movement.
We are useless eaters. The same useless eaters that built the oil and gas industry that’s done more to save and enrich lives across the planet than all of the green energy projects ever conceived of at present and into the thousands of years to come. This, despite the fact that they know it doesn’t work, can’t work, all of physics are against it. What little benefit there is, is wiped out by the actual environmental damage that it does. But if they save one life, while destroying a billion, they’d still claim victory, because it’s either out of a determined objective to destroy a billion useless eaters, or a level of stupidity uncalculatable by the intelligent mind.
The number of people who will die needlessly and stupidly as a result of starvation or deprivation of heat, water or power this winter due to abandoning reliable energy sources for the witchcraft of “renewables” will bogle the mind. And, it’s underway, all of the underpinnings of disaster are being sewn as we speak by those same henchmen who stood before us and declared that switching to unreliable renewable energy is for the good of humanity. But which humanity? Why, the useful eaters, of course, the ones who intend to reap the benefits of a few billion less humans. Libensraum is what Hitler called it: living space.
The whole scheme is so vast and destructive no sane person would conceive of it, it’s just too big, too many moving parts, unless the only criteria for what should be done is to destroy as much of humanity as possible and to embolden individuals with that mindset already. Just get leaders in all these nations to turn on their people, and they’ll do it for cash. Simple enough, the useful eaters have cash, we gave it to them so we could watch TV and porn on the internet.
It’s disgusting.
So, with all of that in mind is it truly ridiculous to think that Ukraine might be just a huge false flag with the intent to nuke half the world’s population? Assuming that the useful eaters have a survival plan, you know, just tactical nukes, not the big guns, right? So, who’s talking about tactical nukes? All of the leaders who willingly shoved the jab in as many arms as they could, bragging up the benefits, knowing that it was contrived to murder them.
I wish it was all madness, but madness doesn’t explain the pure evil afoot here.
No reason they can’t be both evil and mad, of course. In fact, accepting that, in the world of politics and geostrategy, the two go together like beans and cornbread is the only way to make any sense at all of the situation.
Georgia Guidestone 500 million is what we need. It’s kinda non-offensive because everybody thinks they aren’t useless LOL
I’ve had an inkling for a while now that a lot of this is going down because all the Ernst Blofeld wannabes like Schwab and Soros didn’t manage to create their utopia before they had 1.9 feet in the grave and the funeral procession on standby.
These evil geriatric fuckers would rather destroy everything than die knowing life continues without them with the audacity to not follow their master plans.
I believe the guy they are working for has promised them extended life. But he is a liar