Let’s just call it what it really is, shall we?
Forgive the grim opening to this, but children are now taught about masturbation at school aged 3-6. And parents are being told these lessons are compulsory.
Not “grooming”. Not “sexualising children”. Not “insanely creepy & inappropriate”. Compulsory.
Call it a conspiracy all you want, there is a very dark, heavy agenda at play & this is part of it…
So is the gender confusion indoctrination…
And the virus fear indoctrination & misplaced sense of responsibility…
And the climate fear indoctrination, manipulation & guilt-bashing…
And the ‘need’ for a ‘convenient’ cashless society indoctrination…
And the ‘be kind’ at all costs indoctrination…
And the ‘fear to stand against the norm, however fucked up it is because the herd will leap on you like an angry pack of pre-programmed hyenas & you’ll deserve everything that’s coming to you’ indoctrination…
And the war propaganda indoctrination…
And all the rest of the horsecrap we’re being bombarded with from all directions.
It’s all coming into schools for a reason. More & more. It’s not even covert or insidious anymore.
They have drag queens looking like plastic sex dolls reading stories to 4-year-olds & parents who are too ‘kind & liberal’ to say get the fuck away from my child.
They have people injecting children with experimental drugs created by known criminals to ‘save’ the elderly who’ve already had 5 of the bloody things.
They have teachers regurgitating government fear-porn to children because ‘it’s just what’s on the curriculum.’
Kids being dressed up in whatever colours are in keeping with the latest propaganda push. Doesn’t matter what you or they think, as long as it’s in keeping with ‘the done thing’.
Has ‘the done thing’ ever been louder?
Has going against it ever been less popular?
Have we ever been more mindlessly obedient & afraid to question authority?
And if so, where did we learn that?
I often wonder what it will take for this to end. To cause the snap.
Oh, I think we all know well enough by now: shitlib corpses stacked like cordwood. Nothing more nor less. Bayou Peter, after appending a blast of righteous fury from a self-confessed Leftist education to his own post on the matter, notes:
Propaganda is not only being force-fed to our children to make them conform; the force-feeding is being done by those who actively prey on our children for their own warped, sick, criminal purposes. As just one example, Fox News reports:”At least 181 K-12 educators charged with child sex crimes in first half of 2022″. Note that’s only educators who’ve been charged. The number still under investigation, and the number who’ve not (yet) been detected, must be many times larger.
Indubitably so, yes. Is there any light to be seen at the end of this deep, dark tunnel? Indubitably so, yes.
There’s something very concrete all of us can do: get behind the increasing efforts, local, state and nationwide, to take back our education system from the politically correct and restore it to what it should be. We’re seeing that in more and more school systems, where right-thinking candidates are being elected to school boards and are cracking down on much of the “woke” nonsense they’re finding there. Good for them, say I, and the more the merrier!
Indeed. As I’ve maintained for many years now, the roots of most of our problems are not by any means hard to find: they’re in the propagandizing and brainwashing mills our schools have been turned into, purposefully and with malicious intent. Unless and until Real Americans reclaim their schools and clear the Commie rats from the nest entirely, our woes will remain intractable.
Satan runs the NEA and SEIU
The death penalty should not be reserved for those guilty of murder.