Joe Bai-Deng’s Deep State handlers sure are some petty, spiteful little bitches, ain’t they?
The U.S. Department of Defense has denied a parking permit to the American Veterans or AmVets to stage a rallying point at the Pentagon ending a 32-year-old tradition on Memorial Day weekend for Rolling To Remember.
Now AmVets will try and secure RFK Stadium as an alternative staging area.
AmVets Executive Director Joe Chenelly tells the 7 News I-Team he received a call from the Pentagon Friday afternoon saying “A gentleman at the Pentagon told me that after careful consideration, our permit application was denied. He said considerations involved the continued spread of COVID-19 in the region and the nature of our event being that we are proposing a large gathering for an extended period of time.”
The Pentagon released a statement Friday night that read:
“Unfortunately, the department has disapproved AMVETS permit request. The department took into careful consideration all aspects of AMVETS request, to include the current Health Protection Condition status on the Pentagon Reservation; substantial community transmission of COVID-19 in Arlington County, Virginia; number of Americans fully vaccinated across the nation; nature of this event with its decreased ability to maintain physical distance; and large crowds in one location for an extended period of time. This event draws national attention and participation; therefore the risk of exposure from participants from other communities extends well beyond the National Capital Region.”
Yeh, yeh, yeh. Sundance puts paid to all that happy horseshit.
American flags, veterans, patriotism, pride in America, courage, pride, honor, strength…all the things represented by the motorcycle group known as “Rolling Thunder” who have traditionally rallied on Memorial Day in Washington DC. Unfortunately, all those adjectives are also things the intolerant leftists hate…So the Biden administration denies the group a parking permit.
And there’s the REAL reason. Toss in the fact that a large percentage of old-school scooter trash types are armed-forces vets themselves—genuine American fighting men, not the mincing transvestites of today—and that the Rally was originally conceived as a way for bikers to pay tribute to their fellow veterans as well as call attention to the POW/MIA cause, and it can’t be any real mystery why the illegitimate ruling junta would want to thumb the official nose at the annual rally.
Some years back in this space, I recall spitroasting a whiny column by some candypants shitlib whose name I don’t consider worth dredging up from faltering memory, complaining piteously about how badly his twee self had been frightened by the noise, crowds, and traffic caused by all those big, badass bikers motoring by. Evidently, Bai-Deng’s DoD femmes feel the exact same way about it.
Let me just check the ol’ Wayback Machine and see if I can maybe find…
And whaddya know. It was actually one of my Leatherballs columns for OB, not a regular old CF post. The AiQ (Asswipe in Question), unsurprisingly enough, turns out to have been the execrable Garrison Fucking Keillor, and here the piece t’is. If you don’t know just who and what Keillor is, you can learn all you’ll ever need to know about that, and probably more than you ever wanted to, at the link.
Isn’t Keillor the Prairie Home Companion twerp?
If you’ve ever seen a photo of Keillor, you know why he was terrified by all that toxic masculinity on display: he’s the very image of a pussified little toad.
yea, spittin image.
“AiQ (Asswipe in Question)”
🙂 I do like that. AiQ.
Mommy Mommy STOP the Thunder. It’s scawy!