Your tax dollars at “work.”
Feds Were Buying Cats from Chinese Wet Markets, Fed Them to American Cats for Research: Report
Wait, what?!?
Do you find your stomach turning when you think of the treatment and handling of domestic animals, and the apparent disregard for sanitation, at China’s now-infamous wet markets?
According to one report, you may have been providing those markets financial assistance for many years.
A March 2019 report from the White Coat Waste Project — a watchdog group that wants to “drain the swamp” by ending federal spending on projects that use dogs, monkeys, cats and other animals as guinea pigs — revealed that U.S. taxpayer funding went to these repulsive centers for death and disease.
And it gets worse.
According to the the report, U.S. government researchers had been conducting “kitten cannibalism” experiments — spending taxpayer dollars to buy cats and other animals from Chinese wet markets and then feeding their tissue to kittens in the U.S.
Well hey, it’s right there in the Constitution, you know.
The practice had apparently gone on for some time, too.
“Since 1982, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Agricultural Research Service (ARS) has conducted, and continues to perform, toxoplasmosis experiments on cats,” the report said.
“The currently approved protocol for this project calls for up to 100 kittens to be bred each year at ARS’s Animal Parasitic Disease Laboratory (APDL) in Beltsville, Maryland. At eight weeks old, the kittens are fed raw meat infected with the Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii) parasite, and their feces is collected for up to 3 weeks so experimenters can harvest oocysts (eggs) for use in food safety experiments. These healthy kittens — who briefly pass the parasite’s eggs and become immune within weeks — are then killed and incinerated by USDA because they are no longer useful.”
That’s where the wet markets come in.
Now, I am not a scientist, a doctor, or a veterinarian, and can lay no claim to expertise about such things. Nonetheless, I have to ask: dude, what the fucking actual fuck???
38 years on and they’re still doing this? If they haven’t learned by now they are either the dumbest scientists ever or just True Sadists.
I’ll take Door #2 Monty.
Tar, feathers, and rope just ain’t going to be enough. I’m not a cat person, but I’d sorta like about 5 minutes alone with the person(s) that put 100 kittens to death.