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MOAR persecution

The man literally saved NYC—I know, I was there, I watched him do it—and they’re never gonna forgive him for it.

Rudy Giuliani found in contempt of court — again — for defaming Georgia election workers
For the second time this week, a judge has found Rudy Giuliani in contempt of court in a case involving two Georgia election workers he baselessly claimed committed election fraud in 2020.

Washington, DC, federal Judge Beryl Howell sided with lawyers for Shaye Moss and Ruby Freeman, finding that Giuliani violated the judge’s “unambiguous” prior ruling barring the former New York City Mayor from continuing to defame the two women, according to reporting by The Hill.

On Monday, a Manhattan federal judge similarly held Giuliani in contempt of court, on the grounds that he was trying to “run out the clock” to avoid paying Freeman and Moss a $148 million defamation verdict they won in 2023.

Howell chided Giuliani – President-elect Donald Trump’s one-time personal lawyer who was once regarded as “America’s Mayor” – for using his fame to tarnish the duo with “fabricated lies.”

“You’re the most famous person in this courtroom right now, you’ve got a bigger audience, you’ve got a bigger public following than anyone in this courtroom,” the judge said.

“I really hoped we were done,” the judge said.

Earlier, Michael Gottlieb, a lawyer for Moss and Freeman, told Howell they didn’t want to be back in court but said his clients just want “Mr. Giuliani to stop defaming them,” according to a report by NBC News.

He requested that Giuliani be fined $20,000 for every time he continued to defame the women even after Howell ordered an agreement promising he wouldn’t do so anymore. 

Gottlieb specifically requested that the fines come from money that has been deemed off-limits — including an IRA account.

Giuliani’s lawyer, Eden Quainton, claimed a $20,000 fine per violation would be “excessive.”

“Defamed” the two corpulent nigger “election” thieves? Told the God’s honest truth about ’em, more like. Something is rotten in the American “justice” system, and it stinks to high, high heaven.

Ted Goodman, Giuliani’s political advisor, claimed Giuliani wasn’t able to sufficiently defend himself in the original defamation suit.

“This contempt ruling is designed to prevent Mayor Giuliani from exercising his constitutional rights,” Goodman said.

Annnnd BINGO, nailed it in one.

Update! Meant to mention it before and let it get by me, but I have to say the endless, droning repetition of this “baseless” propaganda is really beginning to work my nerves. Good as they frequently are, as iconoclastic and against-the-grain as they’ve long prided themselves on being, one might expect the NY Post to do better than the wearisome, manifestly dishonest “baseless” canard. And yet.

“Baseless,” is it? CLUE TO THE CLUELESS: the evidence that the 2020 “election” was fraudulent stem to stern is voluminous, credible, and overwhelming. Anybody who claims not to know that at this late stage of the game is either 1) a fully-paid-up member of Team Steal; 2) not paying attention; 3) a hopeless imbecile; or 4) shouldn’t be allowed access to sharp objects, power tools, and/or heavy machinery unless under the close supervision of a competent, responsible adult.

9 thoughts on “MOAR persecution

  1. Giuliani didn’t save NYC. Bill Bratton did. Giuliani just took the credit. He’s good at that.

    Giuliani’s a scumbag politician, and any good he ever did was a side-effect of his self-serving. Between election 2020 and January 6, Giuliani literally used his moment in the spotlight to hawk cigars. In the face of near-certain election skullduggery, both Giuliani and Sidney Powell just made shit up that they couldn’t prove. They not only failed to expose any election fraud, they permanently poisoned the well for anybody else who might try to expose it. Sidney Powell brought so much discredit on Team Right, that I sometimes wonder if she was in on the election op from the start.

    Giuliani’s busted now, the same way Michael Mann was busted by Mark Steyn: Giuliani won’t comply with discovery, so he’s in contempt.

    “Defend your claim.”


    “You’re in contempt.”

    “Hey! Did everyone see that? They won’t let me defend my claim!”

    1. The evidence Giuliani and Powell had was overwhelming. The Corrupt Courts refused to look at it.

      They also had thousands of sworn affidavits given under oath so they faced possible perjury.

      How many legitimate votes do you think Not The President Obergröperdrüler Biteme the Taterhead really got? JoeEightyOneMillionLOLZ is a meme for a reason.

    2. Actually, fuck Bill Bratton, if only for this:

      Police Commissioner William Bratton fired back at Republican critics of President Barack Obama and Mayor Bill de Blasio.

      Bratton rejected Donald Trump’s charge that Obama’s anti-terror policies and refusal to use the phrase “radical Islam” are leading America to ruin.

      “Actions count, speak louder than words,” Bratton said. “This president, I think, has made it quite clear through his very aggressive actions in terms of use of missiles, etc. He’s been doing one hell of a job basically trying to kill those bastards before they kill us.”

      Bratton also took issue with his one-time boss, former Mayor Rudy Giuliani, after Giuliani sharply criticized the dismantling of the secretive NYPD program that conducted surveillance of Muslim neighborhoods.

      “It is like lining the ducks up in the shooting gallery. Pop them up. I knocked it down with Cruz, I will knock it down with Trump and I will knock it down with the former mayor,” Bratton said. “The loss of that unit has had no impact whatsoever.”

      Defend stone Commies like Ogabe and DeBallsio while braggadociously attacking Trump, Cruz, and Giuliani? Yeh, yeh, whatthehellever, Chief. Meanwhile, Giuliana blasted back:

      On Fox News Tuesday morning, Giuliani said it made no sense for de Blasio to end the surveillance.

      “How stupid is it to pull police officers out of the mosques? Absolutely stupid,” Giuliani said.

      “The reality is, I put police officers undercover in mosques, and then Ray Kelly and Mayor Michael Bloomberg increased it substantially after September 11 as they should have. And the present mayor has taken them out.”

      Not to go too easy on Rudi, mind; among other things, Hizzoner seems in recent years to have become as bad a lush as Kummala, perhaps even worse. Which, y’know, is saying something.

      1. I dunno, man. The article you linked could either refute or support my earlier post, depending how you look at it. I will admit, I didn’t know Bratton ever worked for de Blasio.

        I never paid a lot of attention to Giuliani before 2020, and maybe I’m being too hard on him. Thing is, when I wasn’t paying attention I thought he was a great guy, and the second he got my attention I was like, WTF?!

        Giuliani went on YouTube in December 2020, when the nation was hanging by a thread and seemingly the only hope was some kind of challenge to the election result. Giuliani was the guy who was supposed to do it. In the videos, he was sitting behind a teak desk, in front of a huge mahogany bookshelf full of leather-bound volumes. I watched him for 2-something hours as he talked about Hunter’s laptop and whatnot.

        He stopped four times, to do paid advertising for cigars and some personal data-protection product. It was like if Horatio Nelson took time out to read a toothpaste ad at Trafalgar: just a really, really bad look. And he has repeatedly lived down to my worst suspicions since. He’s not serious, not dedicated, not principled, and not a winner. I notice Trump doesn’t have time for him.

        As for Sidney Powell, well, I believed her when she said she was going to “release the Kraken”. Then she got in big trouble for running her mouth, and tried to pull the I was joking defense.

        She let me down on the election thing, and she made me feel like a chump. I’m not going to forget that.

    3. Oh, horseshit. Pure 100% horseshit.

      Kenny and Mike already stated what I would say, except to add:

      I’ll take a drunk Giuliani over anyone serving in the state of NY since he finished his term as mayor, and 99% of any serving in the last hundred years or so.
      Bratton’s just another commie dick sucking jackass.

  2. What they did to Giuliani should get them tarred and feathered and then drawn and quartered.

    An American Tradition brought over from Jolly Old.


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Frederick Douglass

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Joseph Goebbels

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Ronald Reagan

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NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

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