Down Under blogosphere phenom David Thompson is another from the John Wilder school of bloggery: a gifted writer with plenty of worthwhile things to say and excellent points to make who is damned near impossible to excerpt effectively without doing real violence to the post it came from. Theirs is a long-form style which is densely packed, taut as a snare-drum head, with a punch like a George Foreman haymaker. As Salieri said of Mozart in Amadeus, omit a single note and the entire work would be diminished; omit a single measure and the entire structure must fall. So if you find it puzzling that I don’t excerpt Thompson very often, well, now you understand.
After all, what could possibly go wrong when housing with women a mentally ill man who likes to hold knives to women’s throats before stealing their footwear, and hoarding said footwear for sexual purposes? A man who delights in stalking women, assaulting them, and waving his tallywhacker at mothers with their young daughters.
A man who is referred to in the German media, somewhat surreally, as a woman, a she-person, despite being identified via the very male genetic material left at the scenes of his crimes.
Oh, and should you be concerned about the whereabouts of all those stolen items, fear not:
The defendant now hoards hundreds of boots and handbags in a large number of boxes; she had even taken her treasures with her to prison, where they were stored.
Her treasures, obligingly stored.
See what I mean, gang? Both Thompson and Wilder are longtime standbys of Ye Aulde CF Blogrolle, and we’re fortunate indeed to have ‘em therein. If you aren’t reading them on the regular, you’re missing out on something mighty good.
“See what I mean, gang?”
Why yes, I do. I wish I had such skill.
Well,,, and Bosch is getting ready to layoff 7,000 so they got that going for them.
Pales in comparison to VW with plans to close at least three factories and cut 10’s of thousand jobs…
VW Closures