Intro from Mike: I’m pleased and proud to announce the addition of another able co-blogger to the CF roster: my old friend and colleague Tom Perry. More years ago than either of us might care to remember, Tom was the purveyor of the reliably excellent Isntapundit blog under the nom de blogge “dipnut”, and was linked and excerpted by me on the regular. Tom’s well-known penchant in the dipnut era for stinging satire and sarcasm might not suit more reserved, genteel tastes; seeing as how such qualities can easily be lost in the translation into bytes and bits on a computer screen, they’re subject to much mistake and/or misinterpretation. Refinement and gentility being mighty thin on the ground around these parts, though, I expect he’s gonna work out just fine amongst CF’s agglomeration of rogues, bounders, and unrepentant scalawags. I consider it honor indeed to host him here. Welcome aboard, Tom!
People bitch and moan all the time about murder, rape and torture, especially when these things are perpetrated by illegal aliens. In fact, illegal aliens have yet to commit the majority of murders, rapes and tortures in majority-white America.
They’ll get there someday. In the meantime, it is pointless to complain. American society is swamped with the dregs of every prison and undesirable population on the planet, with more swarming in by the hour. This is bad for America, but it’s not the worst that could happen.
What if they sent their best? We’d be fucked. Listen to this:
Awww…that’s sweet. Thanks Bro!
Excess deaths caused by the clot shots bad.
Excess deaths caused by alien invaders, hey, that’s just the way it goes.
Never mind my dumb writing, Henry. I just wanted to share the music.
Yeah, you schmucked around and found out.
“In fact, illegal aliens have yet to commit the majority of murders, rapes and tortures in majority-white America.”
In Fact? Prove it.
“A 2021 Department of Justice report revealed that 64% of federal arrests in 2018 involved noncitizens, despite them comprising only 7% of the population at that time.”
For a decade or two, blacks have committed the majority of violent crime in the US and I believe almost half of the homicides. I don’t recall that racial breakdown being divided into citizens and non. And anyway, the FBI uniform crime statistics report suffers from left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing-itis.
No argument. The assertion made is unprovable, not factual, IMO.
Eh, fuck ’em. I’m not ready to go full Hanns Johst (“When I hear the word culture, I reach for my gun.”) but I can’t bring myself to give much of a damn for the reserved and genteel.
“…I can’t bring myself to give much of a damn for the reserved and genteel.”
I’m shocked.
For Dems (and GOPe Dems in Republican Skinsuits) this is a Feature, not a Bug.
An Endorsement.
Sad truth.